Chemist Needed - Androgel/Testim obsorbtion help


For all you chemist and people who understand test. blood work and that biology crap i am looking for answers

For whatever reason my body does not obsorb transdermals. Note I do take synthroid and read that people with thyroid problems dont respond well to topicals.

My urologist had me on 10g of Androgel for about a year and my levels actually dropped. He then tried testim, think 5g. Nothing so dr. put me on test e 50mg every 3rd day so life is getting better.

My 2 questions are this

1. Is there a way/trick to get my body to obsorb the Androgel/Testim into my system

2. If so......and lets just say I descide to do the topicals along with my injections how would that effect my other levels. i.e. e2, free t and so on?

I know this is limited info and most of you are going to ask about my blood test results but thought i would try and make this a quick question.


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For all you chemist and people who understand test. blood work and that biology crap i am looking for answers

For whatever reason my body does not obsorb transdermals. Note I do take synthroid and read that people with thyroid problems dont respond well to topicals.

My urologist had me on 10g of Androgel for about a year and my levels actually dropped. He then tried testim, think 5g. Nothing so dr. put me on test e 50mg every 3rd day so life is getting better.

My 2 questions are this

1. Is there a way/trick to get my body to obsorb the Androgel/Testim into my system

2. If so......and lets just say I descide to do the topicals along with my injections how would that effect my other levels. i.e. e2, free t and so on?

I know this is limited info and most of you are going to ask about my blood test results but thought i would try and make this a quick question.
Just making it quick;
Good that you have learned your lesson (after over a year on transdermals) and get on
testosterone Enanthate

How much time do you plan investing in trying Synthroid, rather than Armour.

Your (temporary) 50mg/E3D T dose may be good or too small, depending on your SHBG level.

Ultimately your goal is to be on top of range of
To address your question, the only time that I see need for transdermal T on top of T injections is if you are low on DHT, otherwise it is unnecessary complication.


It was such a pain to get Dr. to listen and actually give a f@ck about things such as low test. Hell I asked my family dr for 2 years to do a complete thyroid panel but she also only did TSH.

My urologist who switched me over to test e is cool but still dont think most of this is a major concern. I am getting my 2nd blood test results today so interested in seeing my numbers. my test in may was so f-ed up my dr called himself on made me get a mri cause he thought i might have a pit tumor because of my labs.

I didnt so he just rolls with the test e and thats it. no HCG, no clomid or anything else. sorry to go on over nothing, your question, i cant get my dr. to listen much about my sysnthroid but i am going to try and ask her. i didnt know there was such a difference. maybe thats why im so fing tired even though my levels are in the norm

sorry again for long response but thatks for you comments


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It was such a pain to get Dr. to listen and actually give a f@ck about things such as low test. Hell I asked my family dr for 2 years to do a complete thyroid panel but she also only did TSH.

My urologist who switched me over to test e is cool but still dont think most of this is a major concern. I am getting my 2nd blood test results today so interested in seeing my numbers. my test in may was so f-ed up my dr called himself on made me get a mri cause he thought i might have a pit tumor because of my labs.

I didnt so he just rolls with the test e and thats it. no HCG, no clomid or anything else. sorry to go on over nothing, your question, i cant get my dr. to listen much about my sysnthroid but i am going to try and ask her. i didnt know there was such a difference. maybe thats why im so fing tired even though my levels are in the norm

sorry again for long response but thatks for you comments
Do not be sorry for anything, it is about your health.
Pretty soon you will not be even able to function.
She is f---g you for over two years already, consider another doctor.

Consider my long blood test.
It cost $3500, I had it done in April, fully paid by insurance.
After that blood test you may have inteligent discussion otherwise just jerking around as usual.

Print it out, go from doctor to another dcotor, until you find somebody who will write script for that test.
If you find somebody willing, double/tripple check what they actually put on the script.
The Quest or Labcorp forms are full of so call shortcuts that make it real hard to write that script even if you really want to do that. Make copy of the script for future reference. Also after first attempt you will see that you are still missing some items, ask for second script.


Thanks JanSz - I went and picked up a copy of my lab results from July 3rd. Still not as complex as probably needed but read my post Round 2-DR. J & CHEMIST NEEDED. It in the HRT section.

As you will read in that post my urologist (not my family Dr.) but my new so called specialist who put me on the Test e nurse called me with the results and said the Dr. said everything looks fine keep up the the injections.

Funniest thing, looking over the 4 pages I have 8 or 9 blood levels that are out of norm. Either listed as high or abnormal.

LH .21 (RANGE 1.5-9.3) .21 thats not a misprint, .21
FSH .20 (RANGE 1.27-19.26) holy fing moses. Im at approx. 20% of the low limit, bare min. but lables look good.

Sorry for all that I am just so fing tire and sick of dealing and worring about this.

Thanks again.


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Thanks JanSz - I went and picked up a copy of my lab results from July 3rd. Still not as complex as probably needed but read my post Round 2-DR. J & CHEMIST NEEDED. It in the HRT section.

As you will read in that post my urologist (not my family Dr.) but my new so called specialist who put me on the Test e nurse called me with the results and said the Dr. said everything looks fine keep up the the injections.

Funniest thing, looking over the 4 pages I have 8 or 9 blood levels that are out of norm. Either listed as high or abnormal.

LH .21 (RANGE 1.5-9.3) .21 thats not a misprint, .21
FSH .20 (RANGE 1.27-19.26) holy fing moses. Im at approx. 20% of the low limit, bare min. but lables look good.

Sorry for all that I am just so fing tire and sick of dealing and worring about this.

Thanks again.
Have they ran an MRI on you yet to check for pituitary problems?


Yes, I was away on business when the Dr called and said I need to come home and have a MRI. My insurance covered it but the cost was $13000.00. It was negative so push on


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I did both for a long time and all it did was drive up my E2 and DHT. My Dr. had me on Testim 10 grams and a 200mg shot of depo T every 2 weeks. I can tell you my levels were not high enough and my joints and muscles were killing me my back hurt so bad I would hardly walk. After reading Dr. John's TRT I droped the gels and went on shots starting at 100 mgs a week. Then upped it to 150 mgs a week this only had my levels at 600 so we added in HCG I was doing 500IU's 3x's a week and my Total T levels doubled.

Today I do 70 mgs every 3 days and the 2 days each in between I do 350 IU's of HCG this is keeping my E2 less of a problem and my Total and Free T levels up dam good.
For all you chemist and people who understand test. blood work and that biology crap i am looking for answers

For whatever reason my body does not obsorb transdermals. Note I do take synthroid and read that people with thyroid problems dont respond well to topicals.

My urologist had me on 10g of Androgel for about a year and my levels actually dropped. He then tried testim, think 5g. Nothing so dr. put me on test e 50mg every 3rd day so life is getting better.

My 2 questions are this

1. Is there a way/trick to get my body to obsorb the Androgel/Testim into my system

2. If so......and lets just say I descide to do the topicals along with my injections how would that effect my other levels. i.e. e2, free t and so on?

I know this is limited info and most of you are going to ask about my blood test results but thought i would try and make this a quick question.


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I did both for a long time and all it did was drive up my E2 and DHT. My Dr. had me on Testim 10 grams and a 200mg shot of depo T every 2 weeks. I can tell you my levels were not high enough and my joints and muscles were killing me my back hurt so bad I would hardly walk. After reading Dr. John's TRT I droped the gels and went on shots starting at 100 mgs a week. Then upped it to 150 mgs a week this only had my levels at 600 so we added in HCG I was doing 500IU's 3x's a week and my Total T levels doubled.

Today I do 70 mgs every 3 days and the 2 days each in between I do 350 IU's of HCG this is keeping my E2 less of a problem and my Total and Free T levels up dam good.
Ok, you are doing (T+hcg) shots and they keep your test level on proper desirable level.
That is given.
Hovewer your dose is wery large plus you have proof that your testis are working, so the T dose is that much more significant.
plus supporting study as in posted links.

The fact that you are eating thru so much testosterone must indicate something.

What is it?

Finding good answer may help you in other areas.
After all in supporting study all participants were responding in predictable ways and with much less deviation from average.
You case is gross outlier.


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Ok, you are doing (T+hcg) shots and they keep your test level on proper desirable level.
That is given.
Hovewer your dose is wery large plus you have proof that your testis are working, so the T dose is that much more significant.
plus supporting study as in posted links.

The fact that you are eating thru so much testosterone must indicate something.

What is it?
Finding good answer may help you in other areas.
After all in supporting study all participants were responding in predictable ways and with much less deviation from average.
You case is gross outlier.
I have no Idea my Dr. use to say it was stress I am not stressed anymore so it must me Type A I am a Type AAAAAAAAAAAAAA:icon_lol:

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