CEL SNS XPG Gel Evomuse review



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So here is my honest review on the fatloss Muscle strength stack whatever you wanna call it I’m about 4 weeks in now. I’ll be truthful I was very anti supplements for the longest. I always just stuck with basics like Beef Aminos, protein powder , EAAs & Creatine and some basic vitamins etc. my main source has always been food first always. But I have decided to run a natural cycle I am training to cut , I meal prep every weekend appx 20-22 meals, I have a home gym that I have invested over 15k$ into and I train 5 days a week. I am currently on TRT as well going on 5Th month

Here is what I am currently taking


CEL- API EPI Plex ( 2 months ) ( API I wanna a every day year round supplement)
SNS - MCC (3 months ) ( I bought 4 tubs to just have on hand incase it sells out , I do cycle Creatine and always have)
XPG Gels- 7oxo, Supress C & L Carnitine ( Appx 2 months) ( Supress C wanna an every day year round gel)
Evomuse - Slintensity ( make an every training reg year round supp)
Other random supplements :

Evomuse - Nerve Restore ( Sciatica )( 2 months)
NutraBio - Upsorb
Universal -Beef Aminos
Natures way- Megazyme
Life extension - 5 LoX Inhib.
Now foods - Omega 3,6,9
Now Foods - DIM & Calcium D Glucarate


Pre workout —-

SNS - Agmatine , CIT Mala,
Now Foods - Beta Alanine
Prime force - L Arginine complex
EFX - Karbolyn ( only use coupe times maybe 3 x’s a week )

So far I have to admit I am impressed with SNS CEL Evomuse and XPG stack. I am leaning out more than I expected while I am cutting I still I have carbs with 3 meals a day. But every meal consists of veggies and proteins as wel 1-2 meals include fruits also and moderate good fats. My strength has certainly gone up I’ll contribute that mainly to the MCC, but the API and Epi is certainly content can tell the difference. It’s not often I cut that I usually stay strong or get stronger but it’s happening. I been at this almost 20 years and know my body. End of the day supplements are only as good as your diet and training. If I was to take these supplements stand alone hardly train and eat like sht they would most likely do absolutely nothing. Point is consistency is key. 100% Training 100% diet 100% mental do all 3 take these supplements and I couldn’t see any body not making extra gains in fat loss and strength and lean muscle. It’s no miracle. It ain’t anabolics. These are natural supplements so make sure you understand how they work and what to expect when taking them.
I think I’m done. Idk what else to really say.


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I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying them.

Magnesium Creatine Chelate is a great form of creatine. I can't take regular creatine monohydrate myself because it makes me hold a lot of fluid weight and I really like Magnesium Creatine Chelate.

Api-Plex is a great product. Apigenin, especially high dosed Apigenin like in Api-Plex, has so many general health benefits on top of the athletic performance benefits. I use at least 1 capsule per day year round myself.

Epi-Plex is the best thing I've ever used for muscular endurance. I can definitely see how that would help with strength during a cut, especially strength later in the workouts. Both of the ingredients in Epi-Plex, the Epicatechin and the VasoFlo+ have a lot of great overall health benefits too - cardiovascular health, endothelial health, etc.

Great choice on the selection of the gels. I think they'll really help with the cut and also with just in general feeling better.


New member
I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying them.

Magnesium Creatine Chelate is a great form of creatine. I can't take regular creatine monohydrate myself because it makes me hold a lot of fluid weight and I really like Magnesium Creatine Chelate.

Api-Plex is a great product. Apigenin, especially high dosed Apigenin like in Api-Plex, has so many general health benefits on top of the athletic performance benefits. I use at least 1 capsule per day year round myself.

Epi-Plex is the best thing I've ever used for muscular endurance. I can definitely see how that would help with strength during a cut, especially strength later in the workouts. Both of the ingredients in Epi-Plex, the Epicatechin and the VasoFlo+ have a lot of great overall health benefits too - cardiovascular health, endothelial health, etc.

Great choice on the selection of the gels. I think they'll really help with the cut and also with just in general feeling better.
I can’t take regular creatine either same with my wife she has had an OAB her whole life . It makes me pee non stop. Never had this issues to a few years ago long story haha but anyway I saw the MCC and was like ok not attached to a water molecule so I tried it amazing I love it and she actually been using it lately as well
