Can Anyone Recommend a Good Online Power Lifting Coach?

max d

Tons of people out there offering online coaching but any good recommendation? No powerlifting gyms I know of in my area. I have been powerlifting for years but feel like I need some help getting to the next level and want to start competing soon.
Geared? Raw? Who do you want to compete with?

Maybe it doesn't totally matter, but some of those can help determine. I think if you already follow a certain "style" finding a coach similar may be beneficial so that it isn't totally different (not that different is wrong or bad but someone similar to how you already kind of do things can "smooth" over the transition easier).

If you don't care I can't think of anyone better than: Invalid Link Removed

Mike is super thorough and is pretty much always improving on things.

I've also enjoyed working with Max Aita in the past (more for WL than PL, but he is a great coach regardless), so you could check out Invalid Link Removed

Both also have kind of "tiered" options from guided coaching (cheaper, less hands on) all the way up to more premiere 1-1 services.