Can Anabeta elite+Erase Pro cause gyno?


New member
Ive taken it before but it always crosses my mind mid cycle. Right now I have a fat deposit type thing under right nipple. I went to doctor before(idk how long it was here) he said it was nothing but I am still skeptical about what he said. I swore it was a little smaller a bit ago now its a bit bigger. It could be in my head or not idk. But yeah can these supplements cause gyno? I am taking erase pro first month I ordered a second bottle and it was erase pro +? Im starting that tomorrow It has slightly different ingredients. Is that so bad? I had a new bottle for erase pro and finished it and now I only have an older bottle (red caps instead of half red half white) same thing slightly different ingredients. Is that ok? Thanks
I think you sound paranoid. I've had gyno and you will know if you have it. Unless they are spiked with superdrol(which is extremely doubtful here), you're chances of getting gyno are virtually zero. Erase Pro would prevent gyno if anything.
There is no mechanism possible for any product by PEScience to cause gyno. My advice would have been to see a doctor, but you already have and they said it was nothing.