Can acne be cured by any herbal treatments?


New member
Hello, I am 25 years old female and facing problems of acne. I have done lots and lots of things to make it cure but always get failure in that. I also tried many allopathic treatments but the major problem remained as it is and side effects also joined it. I want to ask that if acne can be cured by any herbs or any kind of herbal treatments. Please give your suggestions. This acne is really making me irritating and frustrating. My bad looks are the result of this acne. Help me out.



  • Established
hey there have you tried vitamin b5? a couple of grams a day might be a good place to start combined with an every day acne face wash or cream. if this doesn't work maybe a visit to the doctor will help they might be able to assess your situation and presrcibe relavant drugs or anti biotics ect. hope this helps
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