Book Review: Building the Perfect Beast Naturally



Registered User
Book supplied by RoadBlock- thanks again.

Book Length: 229+ pages. (multiple blank pgs at the end of the book- perfect for notes)

Reviewer past knowledge of subject: Former certified personal trainer turned law school student. 7+ years fitness experience. 12 yrs practicing various forms of the martial arts.

Overall impression:
Finally, a no nonsense exploration of the principles of body building. Readers with a hatred for science (such as myself) are saved by the detailed and down to earth explanation of the science behind body building and supplementation.
The multiple workout plans outlined within the book are explained in detail so that the reader can understand why the recommended rep/set breakdown works and can utilize this understanding when he/she creates a plan of their own in the future.
The supplementation sections are wonderful additions to this book as they shed light on the many fundamental supplements needed for bodybuilding as well as those supplements that can be effectively utilized by the different body types.

As with many other books of the same topic a large percentage of the pages are used to advertise the products of the author's company, however, a straight forward explanation for the advertisements at the opening of the section is given. Thanks for the honesty.

Without going into to much detail about the contents of this book- Its great. I recommend it to everyone. If you like a no-nonsense and often humorous look at what WILL work for your body as well as innovative training ideas, this book is for you.


  • Established
I've thought about looking into this book, but wasn't quite sure if it'd be something I'd really be interested in buying and having. But, because of your review, I shall check it out.

By the way, I notice that you're in Law School. What kind of attorney are you planning on being? I just recently got done dealing with criminal issues in city court (currently on probation, have been since November 9th) and will be going to family court within the next couple of months.


  • Legend!
  • Established
I bought it... I liked the approach to covering the material. Often it tried too hard to be in touch with the 'common' man but more often than not, it hit the mark.
I believe worth the money.


Registered User
By the way, I notice that you're in Law School. What kind of attorney are you planning on being? I just recently got done dealing with criminal issues in city court (currently on probation, have been since November 9th) and will be going to family court within the next couple of months.
hmm. good question. I'm not sure yet.


Well-known member
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Glad you liked the book, I was happy to provide it to you. For those interested in buying it, I enjoyed it, and I say that even if you only get one new piece of knowledge from it, it will be worth the price. Although I expect that you will get more from it, and there are definitely some interesting theorys in the book, and it really is written in an understandable language and not bogged down with confusion scientific jargon. Well worth the read.


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hmm. good question. I'm not sure yet.
Just intern in as many different places as possible to get a better idea of what really sparks your interest. I went to school to work in immigration and after working at a firm for one summer realized that the job is a total bore. Next I interned at the public defenders office and fell in love with criminal law. The following year I worked at the District Attorney's Office and discovered that I enjoyed defense much more than prosecution. Now I am in private practice as a defense attorney and am pretty satisfied with my job, while most attorneys I know are pretty miserable. Get as much diverse experience as possible.

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