Blood pressure supplement



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Which of the two would be the better option for controlling blood pressure?

cardiovascular support XT or Blood pressure Support XT?

Anyone have any first hand experience on change in their BP using either one?



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Probably the one that says blood pressure on the label. Whats your bp look like on a daily basis, and Whats your morning reading look like


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Probably the one that says blood pressure on the label. Whats your bp look like on a daily basis, and Whats your morning reading look like
Haha, figured but wasn’t sure if it was worth the extra cardiovascular support the other one offers. Reading like 127-129 over 70s-80s. I’ll check it periodically through out the day and it’ll be in the 140s. I’m not used to having elevated BP because I always had around 120s over 70s.


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Which of the two would be the better option for controlling blood pressure?

cardiovascular support XT or Blood pressure Support XT?

Anyone have any first hand experience on change in their BP using either one?

Blood Pressure Support XT is great for blood pressure and has other overall cardiovascular health benefits, but would be the choice if blood pressure is the primary concern.

Cardiovascular Support XT is also good for blood pressure, but not as potent for it as Blood Pressure Support XT; but it does have a lot of other great overall cardiovascular health benefits like blood flow, circulation, cholesterol, endothelial health, etc.

We do offer a discounted stack price on them and its 20% off of that for the Memorial Day sale right now, which would make it be 59.99 for both.

If you do decide to try both, I would suggest starting at a half dose of each or spacing the dosages away from each other bc they are both strong products.

Here's the link to the stack for anyone that's interested:



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Haha, figured but wasn’t sure if it was worth the extra cardiovascular support the other one offers. Reading like 127-129 over 70s-80s. I’ll check it periodically through out the day and it’ll be in the 140s. I’m not used to having elevated BP because I always had around 120s over 70s.
Only take it in am after a water ,b4 coffee, and be stationary for 5 min b4 taking.


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Blood Pressure Support XT is great for blood pressure and has other overall cardiovascular health benefits, but would be the choice if blood pressure is the primary concern.
Definitely would recommend this to anyone looking to ensure blood pressure is in check. As you age your bp trends upward so really this is a good supp for anyone to take imo.


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I know dumb question 😅 just wasn’t sure if it was worth just grabbing the cardiovascular support XT since it did a little of everything.
lol all good ive done that in the past as well

i remember when i started taking cel-cycle assist(non cycle) just for overall health .. along with ofcourse bp/liver/cholestrol levels being great .. i noticed my cardiovascualar was amazing .. i think i even told mike(og SNS) i can see how cardiovascualar supplements can increase on other levels as well.

i havent done it but i do know pple half dosing BPxt along w/ cardiovascualarXT loved the stack and benefits from it.


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I know dumb question 😅 just wasn’t sure if it was worth just grabbing the cardiovascular support XT since it did a little of everything.
It wasn't a dumb question. We get asked that a lot. (Funny sequence and interaction with Smont, but not a dumb question haha)

A lot of people want to focus on overall cardiovascular health and need some help with blood pressure, so they wonder if Cardiovascular Support XT will be enough help for blood pressure or if they need to go with Blood Pressure Support XT.

Cardiovascular Support XT is excellent for overall cardiovascular health and does help with blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Support XT is excellent for blood pressure and does help with other aspects of cardiovascular health.

Cholesterol Support XT will finally be out within the next 2 months, but has taken longer than originally planned. But the original plan was to have Blood Pressure Support XT, Cardiovascular Support XT, and Cholesterol Support XT.

That way, there would be one overall support product and then 2 specialized ones for people that need to focus more on one or the other, or both.


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It wasn't a dumb question. We get asked that a lot. (Funny sequence and interaction with Smont, but not a dumb question haha)

A lot of people want to focus on overall cardiovascular health and need some help with blood pressure, so they wonder if Cardiovascular Support XT will be enough help for blood pressure or if they need to go with Blood Pressure Support XT.

Cardiovascular Support XT is excellent for overall cardiovascular health and does help with blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Support XT is excellent for blood pressure and does help with other aspects of cardiovascular health.

Cholesterol Support XT will finally be out within the next 2 months, but has taken longer than originally planned. But the original plan was to have Blood Pressure Support XT, Cardiovascular Support XT, and Cholesterol Support XT.

That way, there would be one overall support product and then 2 specialized ones for people that need to focus more on one or the other, or both.
Appreciate your response and looking forward to trying the BP support!


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I don't have any BP issues but Cardiovascular Support XT is something that I stay on year round and will probably always take. I'm a supplement junkie and if I had to give it all up and pick one vitamin/supplement/ etc. to take it would be the Cardiovascular Support XT!


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I don't have any BP issues but Cardiovascular Support XT is something that I stay on year round and will probably always take. I'm a supplement junkie and if I had to give it all up and pick one vitamin/supplement/ etc. to take it would be the Cardiovascular Support XT!
I'm 4 bottles in, and plan on doing the same. It covers MANY bases, and I'm trying to beat time, so I'll take all the help I can get!


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I haven’t been
It wasn't a dumb question. We get asked that a lot. (Funny sequence and interaction with Smont, but not a dumb question haha)

A lot of people want to focus on overall cardiovascular health and need some help with blood pressure, so they wonder if Cardiovascular Support XT will be enough help for blood pressure or if they need to go with Blood Pressure Support XT.

Cardiovascular Support XT is excellent for overall cardiovascular health and does help with blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Support XT is excellent for blood pressure and does help with other aspects of cardiovascular health.

Cholesterol Support XT will finally be out within the next 2 months, but has taken longer than originally planned. But the original plan was to have Blood Pressure Support XT, Cardiovascular Support XT, and Cholesterol Support XT.

That way, there would be one overall support product and then 2 specialized ones for people that need to focus more on one or the other, or both.
I haven’t been able to find cycle assist in stock many places, is it on back order due to being tough to get ingredients sourced?


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I haven’t been

I haven’t been able to find cycle assist in stock many places, is it on back order due to being tough to get ingredients sourced?
If anywhere is out of stock of Cycle Assist, its because they haven't ordered it from us.

DPS sold out over the weekend, but they had it in stock up until yesterday and will likely order more tomorrow.

We've sold a lot of it during the Memorial Day Sale but its still in stock.

If the retailer you normally buy from is showing OOS on it, request it from them bc we have it to ship, or let me know and I'll be glad to email them. We are getting low on it, but we do have it as of now.


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If anywhere is out of stock of Cycle Assist, its because they haven't ordered it from us.

DPS sold out over the weekend, but they had it in stock up until yesterday and will likely order more tomorrow.

We've sold a lot of it during the Memorial Day Sale but its still in stock.

If the retailer you normally buy from is showing OOS on it, request it from them bc we have it to ship, or let me know and I'll be glad to email them. We are getting low on it, but we do have it as of now.
Thanks, meant to stock up during some Memorial Day sale.


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I haven’t been

I haven’t been able to find cycle assist in stock many places, is it on back order due to being tough to get ingredients sourced?

We have some in stock at Strong Supplement Shop if still needed


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Hypertension is a matter of life and death. DO NOT seek advice from supplement salesmen. GO TO A PHYSICIAN AND GET ON HYPERTENSION MEDS.
I think you missed the part about this being a supplement forum, right?

Or maybe you missed the part where he just posted that it's helped him and his morning bp was 120/70?

Or maybe you missed the fact that many people like to try to do their best to improve various health issues, including blood pressure, through lifestyle changes and supplements before using medications that can have a lot of harmful side effects?

Oh wait, its actually bc you're a troll and get off on giving out false and idiotic information on the forum to try to ruin this place for everyone else, which is quite pathetic.

I normally don't reply to you or any of your threads that you've done under any of your accounts, but you should stick to spamming your stupid prehistoric workout programs and silly stuff like your last thread under this account and not give out dangerous advice like telling people to go get on prescription medication before doing safe, natural, and simple things to try to improve it.


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Blood Pressure Support XT has lowered my BP roughly 15pts. I would MUCH RATHER exhaust any holistic/natural method BEFORE taking a script for BP meds. Look Ma, I used CAPS too


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Name calling…I remember my first beer
It's funny because the stuff he posts under his troll accounts most of the time are old school throwback type things that would lead you to think that he's an older person but then when someone calls him out on anything, his tone changes to that of a child throwing a temper tantrum.

Edit - for context, @PolishHamm3r77 and me were replying to a troll that came into the thread. He got himself banned and deleted and I deleted some of my own posts replying to the person's comments bc its better to not even acknowledge people like that.
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It's funny because the stuff he posts under his troll accounts most of the time are old school throwback type things that would lead you to think that he's an older person but then when someone calls him out on anything, his tone changes to that of a child throwing a temper tantrum.
I got that vibe also. That’s why I posted a Cybergenics throwback ad on a diff thread started by the banned user. lol. We’ll have to keep an eye out for new members promoting CELLTECH “10lbs in 7 Days”!!! Or AST-SS VP2 Protein. 🤣🤣🤪🤪

Steve, have a phenomenal Fathers Day Brother!!!


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I got that vibe also. That’s why I posted a Cybergenics throwback ad on a diff thread started by the banned user. lol. We’ll have to keep an eye out for new members promoting CELLTECH “10lbs in 7 Days”!!! Or AST-SS VP2 Protein. 🤣🤣🤪🤪

Steve, have a phenomenal Fathers Day Brother!!!
Thank you. I hope that you have a wonderful Father's Day as well.


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It's funny because the stuff he posts under his troll accounts most of the time are old school throwback type things that would lead you to think that he's an older person but then when someone calls him out on anything, his tone changes to that of a child throwing a temper tantrum.

Edit - for context, @PolishHamm3r77 and me were replying to a troll that came into the thread. He got himself banned and deleted and I deleted some of my own posts replying to the person's comments bc its better to not even acknowledge people like that.
You handled it well Steve!!

Happy Father’s Day!


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You handled it well Steve!!

Happy Father’s Day!
Thanks. It's really a shame that so many people in this world would rather be rude, negative, mean spirited, and post nonsense rather than put that same amount of energy into being helping people.

Happy Father's Day to you as well.


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Blood Pressure Support XT has lowered my BP roughly 15pts. I would MUCH RATHER exhaust any holistic/natural method BEFORE taking a script for BP meds. Look Ma, I used CAPS too
Same here! A lot of other bad side effectives from having to take prescription BP meds.

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