New member
So I was at my yearly check up through my workplace.
And the doktor says my blood pressure is a bit to high.
It was 166/80
And my Daily morning BP measure reads somewhere around 150/80 each morning.
Im 38. Been working out all my life.
Started anabolics about 1 year ago.
But the high blood pressure been with me all my life.
And it runs in my family.
Living healthy, no drugs or alcohol.
Proper food, sleeping And cardio training.
So im thinking blood pressure medication might be a good idea for me.
Here the problem. Im not sure if I can be honest with the doktor about my steroid use.
He told me after our first meeting that he wanted to put me on low dose beta blockers.
But after my own research this kind of medication dont seem to be very good if I want to keep building muscles and doing cycles.
It seems ARB or ACE might be the best option.
Im going in a couple of days to leave urine and blood for some tests he wanted to run.
Then im getting some kind of monitor device for 24 Hours in 3 weeks time to measure my blood pressure.
I dont know alot about these medications but maybe the blood and urine tests will tell more about what kind of medication i can take.
I want to be honest with the doktor but you see its illegal here in my country.
Does anyone here have more knowledge and experience about these kind of medications mixed with anobolics?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
And by the way, i know im very stupid doing steroids.
But I lived a mostly destructive life up until a couple of years ago.
I always loved the gym. And working out is one of the biggest things giving me some kind of meaning in life
So I was at my yearly check up through my workplace.
And the doktor says my blood pressure is a bit to high.
It was 166/80
And my Daily morning BP measure reads somewhere around 150/80 each morning.
Im 38. Been working out all my life.
Started anabolics about 1 year ago.
But the high blood pressure been with me all my life.
And it runs in my family.
Living healthy, no drugs or alcohol.
Proper food, sleeping And cardio training.
So im thinking blood pressure medication might be a good idea for me.
Here the problem. Im not sure if I can be honest with the doktor about my steroid use.
He told me after our first meeting that he wanted to put me on low dose beta blockers.
But after my own research this kind of medication dont seem to be very good if I want to keep building muscles and doing cycles.
It seems ARB or ACE might be the best option.
Im going in a couple of days to leave urine and blood for some tests he wanted to run.
Then im getting some kind of monitor device for 24 Hours in 3 weeks time to measure my blood pressure.
I dont know alot about these medications but maybe the blood and urine tests will tell more about what kind of medication i can take.
I want to be honest with the doktor but you see its illegal here in my country.
Does anyone here have more knowledge and experience about these kind of medications mixed with anobolics?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
And by the way, i know im very stupid doing steroids.
But I lived a mostly destructive life up until a couple of years ago.
I always loved the gym. And working out is one of the biggest things giving me some kind of meaning in life