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It isn’t quite 1984 – it’s worse! If you don’t get my George Orwell reference, 1984 was a book written about a future where Big Brother saw everything. Big Brother was code for cameras and some sort of machine keeping tabs on the rest of society. but never would Orwell have imagined what life would be like in the here and now.
There are cameras absolutely everywhere. There are alleged traffic cameras that only monitor traffic but I always wonder if they’re secretly recording. There’s cameras in pretty much every store you walk into for loss prevention purposes. There are cameras at courthouses, airports, I mean the list is pretty much endless. And of course we can’t forget about gyms.
Look at what happened to Wes Watson here recently when he had the novel idea of facing off against a man who wanted a one-on-one fight using the help of weapons and co-defendants. Now maybe Wes Watson isn’t the brightest bulb in the pack, but his flimsy self-defense story didn’t hold water for very much more than a couple of days. As soon as the real video surfaced, and as soon as a real reporter like Jon Bravo got involved, it was only a question of time until the real story got out. The real video footage, the real police report, etc. The reality of the matter is Mr Watson and his soon-to-be co-defendants will be implicated criminally and more than likely civilly as well.
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by Christian Duque It isn’t quite 1984 - it’s worse! If you don't get my George Orwell reference, 1984 was a book written about a future where Big Brother saw everything. Big Brother was code for cameras and some sort of machine keeping tabs on the rest of society. but never would Orwell have...