Apex-Alchemy's "St. Patrick's Day Starts Early" BOGO FREE Sale is Live!!!


This Sale is Live!!!

Don't miss out on your "Pot O' Gold"!!!



Take Advantage of this Site-Wide Mix and Match BOGO FREE Sale to grab your Favorite Liquid Gold!!


This Sale is good through March 20th, @ 11:59pm ET

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Started Vasoclen today. Going to blast this Ursa at 4ml per day for the next 5 weeks. Did this last year but only did 2 to 3ml of Ursa. Had pretty good results.
Epichaos 60 ml sold out! That messed up my order luckily I still have half a bottle.

Hey brother, we'll get it back on the shelves ASAP and we'll have another sale before the end of the month for you, and anyone else who missed out.

Thanks again for mentioning this!
