Apex-Alchemy's Mid-August Meltdown Site-Wide, Mix and Match BOGO FREE Sale Is NOW LIVE!!!


Jan 8, 2017
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Alright Guys and Gals ... It is Hot!!!
And so is Apex-Alchemy's Mid-August Meltdown Site-Wide, Mix and Match BOGO FREE Sale!!!
.... And it is Now LIVE!!!


Take advantage of this BOGO FREE while you can!
... It is on FIRE!!!


Sale ends Monday 8/21/23 at 11:59pm ET.

Question, 5 pump of epichaos is 100 ml of epi is that equivalent to 200 mg taken orally?
Question, 5 pump of epichaos is 100 ml of epi is that equivalent to 200 mg taken orally?
I've always went with the 40% rule myself.

you should get similar or better results with 40% of your oral dose. so if you want to meet or beat 200 mgs oral, you could effectively acheive this with 4 pumps. (roughly 40%)
Same for all Apex transdermal or it differ by product?
LOL I missed bogo by two days. I just got notification in my emails that my Triton, Epichaos, and Ursa Major have been delivered today 😅
Question, 5 pump of epichaos is 100 ml of epi is that equivalent to 200 mg taken orally?

There isn't an exact "conversion rate" so to speak. It likely varies from person to person.
Whoa .... Looks like somebody's having a Meltdown!!!
... I just want to emphasize that No wire hangers are utilized in the production of Any Apex products!!!

Thanks. Just was wondering because I am leaving for vacation next Thursday but if it ships Monday I should be fine!

When did you order (day and time)?
Mid-August Meltdown.
Uhhhmm..... BOGO FREE.

both of my orders arrived in like 2 days I think. 🤘

IME Apex-Alchemy has the fastest overall shipping of any Supplement company that I've used in over 10 years.
There was one near me, 11 years ago, that has since closed down.
I ordered Mass shift awhile ago and had it stored for future use. I am having a difficult time with the pump. Anyone have any suggestions?
I ordered Mass shift awhile ago and had it stored for future use. I am having a difficult time with the pump. Anyone have any suggestions?

You could unscrew the pump, and run it under, or submerge it in hot water.
If it is pumping at all ... You could pump some hot water through it.
Quick question...what is the best way to dose mass shift? Before workout, before a meal etc