I have no information about these products.But I'd like to know what you're getting out of it. Mind explaining your feelings on this? Ive done very little research on noops Despite them always being very interesting to meThe brand is called Infinis. I bought their Brain product last month that I am pretty impressed with.
The dosages look good in general but I'm not a fan of the "everything but the kitchen sink" approach to creating expensive nootropics.
So true about high choline products may cause side effects I too have experienced that and it’s not fun! That is the only thing in their nootropic product that has me hesitant to try the full dose. I think I will try it at 3/4 the serving size to start.You have a point there - that was my first thought when I saw the formula for the nootropic one that it was super high doses for the sake of it looking good on a label, but the reality is with nootropics is that more is often not better.
The key with nootropics is NOT to use the highest dose - its to use the lowest effective dose.
The amount Alpha GPC and Citicoline together would give me incapacitating brain fog &/or a migraine - I've tried it, so I'm speaking from experience. Not meaning I've tried their product, I'm saying I've tried those dosages of Alpha GPC and Citicoline together and it messed my mental state up for days afterwards. Actually one of the only things that ever has like that.
I'm not meaning that badly about the brand. I have nothing against them and not saying anything negative towards them - I'm just speaking specifically about my thoughts in agreement with you on the kitchen sink approach to creating expensive nootropics.
Oh, I will add that you mentioned Anandamide - you'll see that in an SNS product in less than 2 weeks.
Well from their Brain product I noticed a calm mental energy. Clear quicker thinking and improved memory recall. I just feel a bit sharper. It’s pretty nice with a cup of coffee in the morning before work. It’s not strong effects that smack you in the face, but more slight cognitive improvements noted. My vision even feels improved and colors seem brighter. I know that part sounds a little crazy, but I do noticed that when I take it.I have no information about these products.But I'd like to know what you're getting out of it. Mind explaining your feelings on this? Ive done very little research on noops Despite them always being very interesting to me
Oh, I will add that you mentioned Anandamide - you'll see that in an SNS product in less than 2 weeks.
Something included in the soon to be released mood support formula?Oh, I will add that you mentioned Anandamide - you'll see that in an SNS product in less than 2 weeks.
Looking forward to that. Steve, that same product contains an ingredient called Yes-10. Do you have any info regarding it? Couldn't find much online.
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Some of their formulas look interesting, but I’m not really fan of the current trend that seems to be that formulating a product just involves taking every popular branded ingredient and shoving it all in full dose on a product. A lot of them don’t seem to have much reasoning for the laundry list of inclusions. Makes it feel like most of these products are the same as several other brands since they all just do the same thing.
The Brain one does have a few ingredients I like and some that do look interesting though. Glad you have had a good experience.
Something included in the soon to be released mood support formula?
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Seconding this. This product, dosed fully, has a HUGE dose of choline.You have a point there - that was my first thought when I saw the formula for the nootropic one that it was super high doses for the sake of it looking good on a label, but the reality is with nootropics is that more is often not better.
The key with nootropics is NOT to use the highest dose - its to use the lowest effective dose.
The amount Alpha GPC and Citicoline together would give me incapacitating brain fog &/or a migraine - I've tried it, so I'm speaking from experience. Not meaning I've tried their product, I'm saying I've tried those dosages of Alpha GPC and Citicoline together and it messed my mental state up for days afterwards. Actually one of the only things that ever has like that.
I'm not meaning that badly about the brand. I have nothing against them and not saying anything negative towards them - I'm just speaking specifically about my thoughts in agreement with you on the kitchen sink approach to creating expensive nootropics.
Oh, I will add that you mentioned Anandamide - you'll see that in an SNS product in less than 2 weeks.
It is really nice for me at half scoop and just slightly over half scoop like 0.6 scoop.Seconding this. This product, dosed fully, has a HUGE dose of choline.
You have 500mg of CDP-Choline (the minimum effective dose of which alone is 250mg).
Then you also have 450mg of Alpha-GPC (which also has a minimum effective dose of around 250mg).
And then you have 400mcg Huperzine A (which has a minimum effective dose of 100mcg), an AChE-I that will also functionally increase acetylcholine levels by preventing its breakdown.
So you're not only looking at high doses of 1 choline-related ingredient, but 3. IME pairing 250mg of CDP or GPC with 100mcg of Hup-A is plenty sufficient on that front. The lowest effective dose of each, and 2 sources/ingredients, not 3. But I suppose YMMV.
Anecdotally, I have seen/heard uses for higher-dosed choline supplementation when paired with a full/high dose of racetam(s) or Noopept, but seeing as those are getting harder and harder to find (and not included in this product) I think the choline dose(s) may well be a limiting factor for some people as you mentioned.
250mg CDP, 100mcg Hup-A, and 20mg Noopept (or 2.4g Piracetam) was the sweet spot for me.
Even half a serving of this may be on the high side for some people (250mg CDP, 225mg GPC, and 200mcg Hup-A), but seems much more reasonable, and you can still get some decent to good doses of other ingredients (like 1500mg tyrosine), but a bit low on others (500mg ALCAR), etc.
Seconding this. This product, dosed fully, has a HUGE dose of choline.
You have 500mg of CDP-Choline (the minimum effective dose of which alone is 250mg).
Then you also have 450mg of Alpha-GPC (which also has a minimum effective dose of around 250mg).
And then you have 400mcg Huperzine A (which has a minimum effective dose of 100mcg), an AChE-I that will also functionally increase acetylcholine levels by preventing its breakdown.
So you're not only looking at high doses of 1 choline-related ingredient, but 3. IME pairing 250mg of CDP or GPC with 100mcg of Hup-A is plenty sufficient on that front. The lowest effective dose of each, and 2 sources/ingredients, not 3. But I suppose YMMV.
Anecdotally, I have seen/heard uses for higher-dosed choline supplementation when paired with a full/high dose of racetam(s) or Noopept, but seeing as those are getting harder and harder to find (and not included in this product) I think the choline dose(s) may well be a limiting factor for some people as you mentioned.
250mg CDP, 100mcg Hup-A, and 20mg Noopept (or 2.4g Piracetam) was the sweet spot for me.
Even half a serving of this may be on the high side for some people (250mg CDP, 225mg GPC, and 200mcg Hup-A), but seems much more reasonable, and you can still get some decent to good doses of other ingredients (like 1500mg tyrosine), but a bit low on others (500mg ALCAR), etc.
Great post and great breakdown.
I love branded ingredients and we use more branded ingredients than any company that I'm aware of, but I hate the new trend of companies throwing together a ton of branded ingredients from a marketing standpoint with little to no regard of how they may work together and effect one another and the dosage requirements.
More is definitely not always better with nootropics.
For me personally, the ratio of Alpha GPC to Citicoline that I like the best is 175 mg. to 125 mg. I could see doubling it on some days, but going any higher than that gives me a headache, brain fog, and makes me feel like crap. Not saying it will for everyone, but its something for people to be aware of in general bc a lot of nootropics can have a reverse effect or make things worse if dosed too highly.
I had to learn that lesson the hard way, myself. I never used to pay attention to it, but once I stacked a Huperzine A cap with a pre workout that already had it, I lost what should have been a fun vacation day to brain fog and confusion.
Noopept is at least 10x worse for me. Unifiram was also pretty awful. I’m not sure what the mechanics are there, but I’ve also seen these ingredients still floating around occasionally
I haven't tried them but after just looking at the profiles, have to agree with you. Their calm product looks great and while I don't normally buy hydration products, may have to give theirs a try. Maybe I can talk my wife into buying theirs next time (instead of her usual brand) and try it that way...This company, Infinis has been releasing some really nice loaded profiles! I already use Brain and their Nootropic product. I am looking to try out their Calm product and their Energy product. They also have me interested in their Hydration product and their Greens product even though I don’t usually buy products in those categories. Anyone tried any of these yet?
Absolutely! And the Sleep product looks great except I am not really a fan of melatonin. I am good with a very small dose of melatonin, but usually will just stay away from it all together.I haven't tried them but after just looking at the profiles, have to agree with you. Their calm product looks great and while I don't normally buy hydration products, may have to give theirs a try. Maybe I can talk my wife into buying theirs next time (instead of her usual brand) and try it that way...
I have no information about these products.But I'd like to know what you're getting out of it. Mind explaining your feelings on this? Ive done very little research on noops Despite them always being very interesting to me
Absolutely! And the Sleep product looks great except I am not really a fan of melatonin. I am good with a very small dose of melatonin, but usually will just stay away from it all together.
their pre workout product looks good also.
Still intrigued but not interested. They just throw the kitchen sink at a formula and hope all those brands on a label equates a quality product. Most of their formulas are overkill imo. You are paying for ingredients that overlap, etc...it's a clever brand whoever runs it. Marketing company? I've love to learn more about them.
Brain XL and Mood Support XT are what I rely on for nootropics. I think companies and some consumers see nootropics as stims and more is better. So far from reality. There is a point where laser focus turns to confusion.
Definitely. There is way too much going on in a lot of them for me, I prefer a bit more targeted rather than kitchen sink. Too many different noots and then I don't know what to remove when it feels too much (and I'm finding lately I need less choline for whatever reason and so many places are putting full doses of multiple forms of choline, which immediately means I need to pass).
The intra just intrigued me since the small dose of protein/hydrolyzed protein + EAAs was always a combo I enjoyed with Intrabolic/Strive. Wasn't sure I was feeling the nitrates in the formula though so just stocked up on more Innovapharm EAA instead.![]()
The intra is clever, I had similar thoughts. Personally myproteins clear or apollons 50/50 clear is what I use for intra. When I saw that formula I thought they see what I've seen...clear eating into the EAA market. Big reason I think companies took awhile to add it in their inventory.
Haven’t tried their nootropic but their Ultra pump is top tier, every single supplement is maxed out on doses and almost all are trademarked ingredients, pretty solid new brand, excited to see what their future looks likeI just bought a tub of the new nootropic supplement from a new brand. The ingredient profile on it looks great. I am excited to try it out. Anyone have any feedback on it? Sorry I can’t post pics to this site anymore and not sure why?!?