Anti-gyno cycle stacking advice


New member
So as some of you may have read my epi cycle ended disasterously with a small gyno flare in November after just one week of use.

Now I am planning a cycle with Olympus labs the one, Iron legion XI-KT and Androtest from fusion supplements. I've 2 bottles of each. I'm getting Nolva and natural supps for pct and bromo and letro for on cycle estro and prolactin control ( not sure if I'll just use the bromo for weight loss later, I'll have it on hand anyways)

The methyl-dht in the one along with Nolva will probably be my best bet for gyno tissue apoptosis. I was thinking of starting the PCT with Nolva 2 weeks prior to ending the one, so I'd have 2 weeks of high androgens and no estrogens binding to breast tissue.

Not sure yet how to incorporate androtest and XI-KT to this cycle. I'll probably run the one for 5 weeks with XI-KT and I'm not sure if the androtest is necessary. Then again I really have no clue what else to do with it so I might as well throw that it. People keep saiying it's mild and won't do much. It would at least provide me with some test, but then again test can aromatize to estrogen, though I could minimize that with letro. Another option would be to use a low dose of nolva throughout the cycle increasing it for pct.

I'll be starting this in a month, getting some bloodwork before the cycle making sure everything's alright.

Please comment, critique the stack and perhaps provide a suggestion for the outline and the dosing. I'll probably run everything at a low/recommended doses if no better ideas are represented.
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Check out this thread man. It might help.
Thanks, but no, not really. I'm looking for a way to run this cycle effectively while diminishing my gyno, not for just an anti-gyno regimen. of course, one of my options is to try letro+tamox on their own and do the cycle afterwards, but as the methyl-dht would make the gyno combat more effective it seems like a better choise to combine these.

Why do you want to use all this PH stuff then use real AAS to combat sides from the PH? Don't make sense to me...

Fair enough.

The thread linked gave me no additional information, just another way of running AI's and SERMS for gyno reduction, hence the reply.

I was just real psyched to do the epi cycle and disappointed when I had to cut it short (I just took it for a week at 10-30mg) and I'm ready for another, better planned out round. Certainly I could go the route of taking tamox+letro for the gyno and then cycling the one. But then there's a chance that plain tamoxifen isn't enough to clear up the gyno. Why not use DHT (methyl-dht) alongside with it to really make sure it disappears, since that will be my next cycle anyways? What are the major drawbacks in my approach really? Especially if I used JUST the one + tamox?
Yes, clear it up FIRST, then cycle with the proper tools to keep it from comin back.

I had mine cut out about 2 years ago. It was very hard to manage, unless you have 8gs to throw away on a surgery fix it before it gets out hand.
Trying to run a cycle AND combat gyno screams you are misinformed about how the body works and how AAS work. Either do more research, or listen to some of the good advice you're getting: do one or the other. Either run a cycle and stay heavy on AIs. Or clear up the gyno as much as possible with letro/nolva/xxx.
Trying to run a cycle AND combat gyno screams you are misinformed about how the body works and how AAS work. Either do more research, or listen to some of the good advice you're getting: do one or the other. Either run a cycle and stay heavy on AIs. Or clear up the gyno as much as possible with letro/nolva/xxx.

I guess you're right.

methyl-dht+tamox+letro still seems like a workable option. But I'll be sure to do some more research before deciding the best approach. It'll be a few weeks before I get the nolva and letro anyways.