another epi log


New member
Today I started an epi cycle. Going for a nice little bulk, primarily to develop my upper pectorals and some of my weak points (calves hamstrings) obviously I'm not gonna go soft on everything else, just some goals i hope to achieve. Ive used m1t, sust, epi, trenavar, msten and can honestly say that epi provides the best gains for me personally with the least side effects and least gains lost post cycle. So naturally i stocked up on epi after the ban.

Starting weight: 196, got sick at the start of the semester and havnt trained in 2ish months was 210 prior ( blame it on the academia )
going 8 weeks of epi. 40mg the whole way through and potentially bumping up to 50mg after week 5 to test the waters there. I had very high bp issues on my first epi run, 165/80 so i dont know if i will go up to 50.


Tag Eins

Felt good today, nice little placebo felt rock hard. chest and back day. 6 sets 185 on incline, 4 sets 185 pin press, 6 sets 50 incline flies yum. 6 sets 200 lat pulldwons (the one where you hold it like a hammer curl sort of if you catch ma drift) 6 sets 195 bent over rows, and 4 sets 200 on seated row.

Stay tuned for tomorrows episode ( arms )

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