Andropen 275 with decca

Ricci Gladwel

Ricci Gladwel

New member

I'd like to run an andropen 275/decca cycle.
I'm not sure on dosages yet.

I would just like some advise on PCT. I will be taking arimidex and forma stanzol. Do I need clomid and nolva? Or 1 or the other. I'm not 100% on this and would really appreciate some feedback

Thanks in advance.


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Why wouldn't you need a SERM? Decca is notorious for hard shutdowns (you'd know this with some pretty simple basic research).

Ricci Gladwel

Ricci Gladwel

New member
I know I need a SERM, but I don't know which 1. Just wanted some advise on which SERM to take? I know decca can shut you down hard, that's why I want all your advise so I can plan accordingly.


Well-known member
You'll need to run clomid for your pct since your using deca. At what doses r u running this?


New member
Deca shut me down harder than I liked. 8 weeks and I haven't been right since. Plan your PCT!!
Ricci Gladwel

Ricci Gladwel

New member
I was going to run 550mg a week of andropen. Not sure on dosage of decca? Probably low as its my first time. What do people recommend for a low dosage of decca?


I was going to run 550mg a week of andropen. Not sure on dosage of decca? Probably low as its my first time. What do people recommend for a low dosage of decca?
First of all drop the andropen man, just get a straight ester, grab some cyp or E. Youre clearly not ready to run anything yet. Have you even run anything yet anyway? Because it seems like you havent.
You obviously need the standard PCT for anything 20/20/20/10 nolva +100/50/50/50 clomid.
You may need a little AI on cycle for the test, run .25mg-.5mg adex EOD or E3D, or Asin 25mg (Yes 25mg, if you are going to run asin you should run it @ 25mg otherwise if you cant afford that just run adex)
Now you need to get some caber since deca is a 19-nor steroid.
Test should be run above the deca, so 500-600 test and 300 deca would be good for your first run of deca.

But in all honesty you arent ready to run any of this ****.
And imo you shouldnt really run deca unless youll be crusing/on for a while or dont mind your dick not working because of its metabolites that stay in body for a while even after PCT.


Well-known member
First of all drop the andropen man, just get a straight ester, grab some cyp or E. Youre clearly not ready to run anything yet. Have you even run anything yet anyway? Because it seems like you havent.
You obviously need the standard PCT for anything 20/20/20/10 nolva +100/50/50/50 clomid.
You may need a little AI on cycle for the test, run .25mg-.5mg adex EOD or E3D, or Asin 25mg (Yes 25mg, if you are going to run asin you should run it @ 25mg otherwise if you cant afford that just run adex)
Now you need to get some caber since deca is a 19-nor steroid.
Test should be run above the deca, so 500-600 test and 300 deca would be good for your first run of deca.

But in all honesty you arent ready to run any of this ****.
And imo you shouldnt really run deca unless youll be crusing/on for a while or dont mind your dick not working because of its metabolites that stay in body for a while even after PCT.
Good advice bro. Took the words right out of my mouth. He needs to do a lot more research.
Ricci Gladwel

Ricci Gladwel

New member
I have run andropen before for 10 weeks. I gained around a stone. I didn't run pct. so I made a mistake there. But I wasn't shut down. So I got lucky I guess. Why wouldn't u recomend andropen?? I thought it was great.

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