Androgel Prescription Question


New member
Seekin some advice please...Im 20 years old and it has been almost 6 months since a prohormone cycle and before that a year. I had a question about androgel and the effects it may have on having children, im not sure about what my doctor has prescribed, and ive decided to come here for help.

I was prescribed to arimidex about a year ago to combat some gyno issues everything cleared up and seemed to be going alright except i had some feeling of shutdown so i called my endo and he upped my dosages to .5mg every other day. This combatted the gyno and maybe raised my test a little bit. Its been a while now and i returned to my regular doctor to seek some help with the raising my test levels and helping the shutdown. He suggested a few blood tests. My free test came back really low and my FH and pituitarity gland were found to be working perfectly fine. Today i returned from the doctor with a prescription for AndroGel to raise my test levels and get me back up. I am aware of what it does but i just feel that replacement therapy at my age should not be in question.

Any Advice would be helpful thank you.


New member
i did offcycle properly with each prohormone

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