Andro/Tren/Msten log - Cutting cycle


Hey everyone,

I decided to log my cycle to keep myself motivated. I somehow ended up with a lot of compounds but I am hoping the final result will be good.

Stats: 25 years old, 19% bodyfat @ 225ibs, 6ft tall.

Push pull legs 6x week either squat deadlift or bench everyday.

Third cycle. Eating a balanced diet as per nutritionist. Nothing special but I will be in a 500 cal deficit. This will be done in 2 parts for a total of 8 weeks. Starting Oct 22 and ending Dec 21.

List of anabolic compounds:
Methaquad Extreme

Note: I will have Androtest 4AD on hand in case I need a wet test base. I was unable to determine if it would be best to have it on a cutting cycle so I will have it just in case. Open to comments on this & the high DHT I will be exposing myself to.

List of natural supplements:
Fish oils
Multi vitamins
Gear support
Milk Thistle
Trojan Horse
Pure D'or DHT shampoo

Daily dosages for week 1-4
500mg EPI
60mg 3AD
420mg Androsterone
360mg 1-Andro
100mg 4-Andro
375mg 4ad
Gear support

Daily doses for week 5-8
500mg EPI
60mg 3AD
420mg Androsterone
360mg 1andr375mg 4ad
100mg 4andro
1 ML topical trendione (75mg)
40mg oral trendione
1.5 ML Msten (22.5mg)
Ar1macare Pro
Milk Thistle

PCT: 40/40/20/20 Nolva, ApexMale & PCTv.

Goals: Lose 10-15ibs of bodyfat (Current total hovers around 44ibs) and possibly gain 5ibs muscle if the Msten treats me right. Keep my hair.

I will update every week or two and may post pictures at the end if decent results occur. I dont foresee anything worth reporting the first 2 weeks.
I have been at maintenance for a month and then 200cal deficit for the month right before this cycle so I am hoping to break the plateau I have been running into for years now.

Edit. Started cycle with the androtest and lower epi since androsterone and epiandrosterone practically convert to the same thing. 3ad as well. Heart nearly popped from 200mg caffeine and 500mg epi for back day.
What were your previous two cycles bro?

That’s a cnut load of stuff to run in the same 8 weeks.....just my immediate thought would be you have at least 2 really good cycles there.....
Hey Whisky,

1/4/Androsterone and 19nor at proper doses.

Honestly, this is why I have posted this 1 week early. I would like to hear opinions on if I may have too many compounds(Most being DHT) and it may affect me negatively and I am open to suggestions.
Out of that lot I personally think

Chosen 1, nanodrol and epi would be a great cycle. I’d want 4-ad in as a base but you could try without and hope the epi is enough.

Definitely a step up from your previous cycles. The body can only physically gain so much muscle in an 8 week timeframe so there becomes a point where just throwing more at it won’t get you any more results.....
Out of that lot I personally think

Chosen 1, nanodrol and epi would be a great cycle. I’d want 4-ad in as a base but you could try without and hope the epi is enough.

Definitely a step up from your previous cycles. The body can only physically gain so much muscle in an 8 week timeframe so there becomes a point where just throwing more at it won’t get you any more results.....

Ive been doing extra thinking and research.

Since Androsterone 3ad and epi all convert to dht i am way too high up. I think i am going to cut down to 500mg epi preworkout only and keep my Androsterone at 420 for 8 weeks. Chosen1 for the last 4 weeks as well.

I also think you are right on the 4ad. I will add 375mg daily of 4ad. Keep it basic with test. Knowing my luck this cycle would of fried my hair... good thing i have a gigantic stash of extra products.

I think i got a little carried away with all products promoting fat loss when in reality its the calorie deficit that will do the work regardless of how much water retention i have.
1 week in. Ended up getting a little drunk for halloween weekend. Interesting thing would be that i took 25mg clomid EOD all week. Balls and libido were fine. Enough to perform drunk until 10am on saturday with two gorgeous ladies dressed as Venom and Wonder Woman. Sidnt even nees the emergency cialis i keep for these types of events. Skintight deadpool bodysuit was a hit. Even cutting my upper body and quads looked really full. Vacation weeks over next updates should be more serious.
Day 17. visible gains and weights going up. Alpha mentality and aggresive towards the weight. Squatted my bulking reps @ 275 8x 7x 6x... Immortal state of mind finally kicked in. Now it gets fun.

Balls and sex drive still good. Still early to call but i think ive become a fan of clomid on cycle.
Into week 4. Workrouts are great. No longer sore and super aggresive. The pain feels good at the gym and it puts a psycho smile pn my face. Arms are as big as when i was bulking and im as strong as my peak.

Ex fat guy is seeing chest and shoulder striations.... forearms veiny.

Balls andd libido slightly down but alot less than normal. Loving the clomid on cycle eod.

Been taking aromasin eod qnd its good.... tried e4d and i got bloated af. Seems e3d at 25mg works for me

Cant wait for tren and msten.
Started nanodrol and liquitren today.

Tren smells like vodka anf nano doesnt taste like anything which is kinda nice. Kinda smells like candle wax.

Pretty sure its the tren but im rowing 230ibs for 10 reps instead of 200 for 6.

Sweaty and hot af. Hearts going strong.

Edit: honestly im amazed that my sex drive hasnt tanked yet. Big fan of serm on cycle now.
Went for a bodyscan with the nutritionist. No noticeable changes after the first 4 weeks. Pretty dissappointed tbh. Ive been in a deficit since mid august. She recommends switching to bulking and i think thats what ill be doing.
Went for a bodyscan with the nutritionist. No noticeable changes after the first 4 weeks. Pretty dissappointed tbh. Ive been in a deficit since mid august. She recommends switching to bulking and i think thats what ill be doing.

No changes in weight or no changes in bf%
Woke up with a pump and arms looking swollen for no reason whatsoever as i held my 4 pound chihuahua. Looking noticeably bigger after switching to calorie surplus.

This is my first time using methyls and they are NOTHING like andros. Andros are basically bcaas compared to this.

Added 50ibs to bench 275 6x with ease. Kinda just been doing 225 x8 to x10 while cutting.

Very impressed. May give more credit to the forum guys who cant post without mentioning how much they love dmz and how andros are expensive...

Starting to take a bit more time then i want to to get off with the girl but i have yet to have issues getting hard. Must be the high dose of tren countering the libido drop i usually get after 4 weeks.

I did however have a huge raging/screaming episode after dealing with horrible customer service. Very unlike me as im usually called the gentle giant. I think the last time i screamed from anger was breaking up with a cheater 2 years ago... roid rage is real. Taking the trenavar pills too soon after liquitren is not good.

Also i went out saturday. Filled an empty vodka pint with water and enjoyed it mixed with my fave non alcoholic drinks all night. Got silly and had fun with friends and didnt have to listen to the usual bull**** about caring about my body too much. Pretty good trick. Took two sips from a smirnoff ice so total damages for the night was about 1/8th of a spirit drink. Success. Did run into a guy who was boasting about being on gear. Literally had no idea what he injected. Not a single clue. Just injected what his buddy gave him. Called him an idiot and showed him a SERM source. This is why anabolics are banned... lmao

Oh and i grabbed 4x androtest 4x nano1t 1x alpha one and 1x superdrol from predators BOGO sale. Yay savings. May or may not use. Just going into the gains cabinet in case they ever get banned or if my friends want to rebuy em cost price from me lolz
How many of these compounds have you ran previously?

Seems like a lot of different hormones to be on without knowing how your body reacts to all of them.

Regardless I hope this is a successful run for you. Maybe look into a test only cycle next. You’ll save a ton of money, your libido won’t tank, and you can run it for 12-16 weeks no worries... which means way more solidified gains. You won’t go back, believe me.

I ran a couple oral only cycles back in the day and none of it compares to pinning. Just food for thought.
Appreciate the advice. Though id rather not get hooked on this lifestyle. Probs just gonna do a 4week run in a year and see where that goes.

Ive reached most of my goals so far without siffering any sides so...

The msten and tren are new compounds. Products and brands are different on others but same crap. Started the trenavar 4 days early to see which compound did what.
Trenavar sides are in. Shortness of breath and throat discomfort. Really feels like stims. No more csffeine and more time between doses should fix it.

Looking and feeling better than ever in the gym. Benching 275 same reps as i was 225 while cutting... squats up 3 sets at 275 too. Fun.
Stressed out. Alcohol withdrawals. Really bad news. Gym partner moved away.

Losing motivation. Feeling really suppressed.

Seeing slight recomp in the mirror. Keeps ne going.
Stressed out. Alcohol withdrawals. Really bad news. Gym partner moved away.

Losing motivation. Feeling really suppressed.

Seeing slight recomp in the mirror. Keeps ne going.

Bro, don’t back out now. Follow through. You don’t need a gym partner! The strength is within you. Harness your inner power. Change that “slight recomp” to MAJOR RECOMP.
Yeah i was just down yesteeday. Breakups suck. Cheaters suck even more. Coworker died too. Just a ****ty ducking day.

At least the guy she cheated with had fentanyl in his coke and kicked the bucket. Cant say im too upset about that haha.

Actually feeling strong and driven today. Im definitively not quitting! Just gotta keep the yearly december/jan depression at bay. 16 days to go.
Day 15 msten and tren. Feel amazing and getting alot stronger. Def kicked in. My poor spine is too sore from deadlifts to squat heavy today but trap bar shrugs at 225... 50ibs increase... most machines i normally do 6 to 8 reps im at 12 to 16. Might puke if i have to chug another 4 scoop protein shake before the gym due to being too busy at work lmao

Honestly the psychological sides are controllable but no fun none the less. Now i know how women feel on their periods. So many feels. Most being rage. I dont feel like myself so i gotta force me to act like myself. Weird right? The things i do for gains...

I was born with a hernia so i have this weird scar thingy that gets all swollen and sore when i squat normally. Lifting belt helps but its acted up so i dont foresee me repping 3 plate squats by xmas as i had hoped.

May actually upload pics at the end. My hand veins are going through my upper forearms... crazy for me.
Joints are killing me. Not too sure what to do. 225 squat hurts so much... research is in order tomorrow.

Getting lots of compliments. Seems im doing good. Lethargy set in too.
Kind of just putting a major update.

Lifts did not improve in first 4 weeks but reps went up 1 or 2 all sets.
End of week 6 I am seeing some weight increase on lifts but mainly able to do unlimited reps when im in the zone. Joints arent allowing certain things.

Front 1 month before cycle.
Abdomen end of week 4.
Abdomen before cycle (Excuse my Charlie Scene mask)
Back pre cycle
Back end of week 3
Front week 5
Side pre cycle
Side week 5

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Not many body changes tbh. Most of the pics are about the same as they were. Only benefit in the first 5 weeks has been moderate fat loss. Kind of dissapointed with myself but week 6 I have seen some decent size gains. Hoping the final pics will be different. Still not overly comfortable posting pics with how shredded most guys on this forum are but meh face is blocked out i guess.

Gonna try to make the most out of the last 2 weeks. The only thing I would change is that I will never waste a cycle on cutting again.
Day 2 pct. I wont bother posting pics i look no different.

To be honest i cant say feeling like crap for 4 weeks justifies the gains from nanodrol. Maybe this lifestyle just isnt for me.

Pics wont upload for some reason anuwau bodyscan from starting trenavar and nanodrol and switching to bulking was good. Went from 106ibs skeletal muscle mass to 115. 46ibs fat to 40. 20% to 17%.

Most gains were on my back this run it seems. Which is good because it was lagging behind in my opinion.

Decent recomp. Too sick of the vanity of the fitness lifestyle to really look in a mirror tbh. Time to enjoy the holidays with moderation.

Looking forwars to the bloat going down and my gut feeling better. Will post again in 2 to 3 weeks to report on lost pct gains.

Hope this log helped. I think the most important lesson here was how amazing trenavar is. The skin on my arms and calves lost all its fat. Calve and outer forarm veins everywhere
Too sick of the vanity of the fitness lifestyle to really look in a mirror tbh. Time to enjoy the holidays with moderation.

Good feedback and this statement is gold
Took a solid month for me to even wamt to open this page. Just thinking about anabolics made me nauseous. Luckily retained most if not all gains. Probably since i didnt truly bulk. Prob put on 2ibs of fat from being without a kitchen and surviving off gas station and subway food for a month unfortunately. Gave me a break from chicken breast at least.

Also have not been able to get an inbody and probably wont for a while.

Feeling better now. I have another stack similar to this in my cabinet but i aint touching it for at least a year. Happy with the results but the price was high.

Ps. My gf is very aggresive and def touched the trenavar and prob bit it off my shoulders too. Skipped a period.... pregnancy scare. Might be related? Dunno. But i wont be a daddy so im happy haha.