Hey everyone,
I decided to log my cycle to keep myself motivated. I somehow ended up with a lot of compounds but I am hoping the final result will be good.
Stats: 25 years old, 19% bodyfat @ 225ibs, 6ft tall.
Push pull legs 6x week either squat deadlift or bench everyday.
Third cycle. Eating a balanced diet as per nutritionist. Nothing special but I will be in a 500 cal deficit. This will be done in 2 parts for a total of 8 weeks. Starting Oct 22 and ending Dec 21.
List of anabolic compounds:
Methaquad Extreme
Note: I will have Androtest 4AD on hand in case I need a wet test base. I was unable to determine if it would be best to have it on a cutting cycle so I will have it just in case. Open to comments on this & the high DHT I will be exposing myself to.
List of natural supplements:
Fish oils
Multi vitamins
Gear support
Milk Thistle
Trojan Horse
Pure D'or DHT shampoo
Daily dosages for week 1-4
500mg EPI
60mg 3AD
420mg Androsterone
360mg 1-Andro
100mg 4-Andro
375mg 4ad
Gear support
Daily doses for week 5-8
500mg EPI
60mg 3AD
420mg Androsterone
360mg 1andr375mg 4ad
100mg 4andro
1 ML topical trendione (75mg)
40mg oral trendione
1.5 ML Msten (22.5mg)
Ar1macare Pro
Milk Thistle
PCT: 40/40/20/20 Nolva, ApexMale & PCTv.
Goals: Lose 10-15ibs of bodyfat (Current total hovers around 44ibs) and possibly gain 5ibs muscle if the Msten treats me right. Keep my hair.
I will update every week or two and may post pictures at the end if decent results occur. I dont foresee anything worth reporting the first 2 weeks.
I have been at maintenance for a month and then 200cal deficit for the month right before this cycle so I am hoping to break the plateau I have been running into for years now.
Edit. Started cycle with the androtest and lower epi since androsterone and epiandrosterone practically convert to the same thing. 3ad as well. Heart nearly popped from 200mg caffeine and 500mg epi for back day.
I decided to log my cycle to keep myself motivated. I somehow ended up with a lot of compounds but I am hoping the final result will be good.
Stats: 25 years old, 19% bodyfat @ 225ibs, 6ft tall.
Push pull legs 6x week either squat deadlift or bench everyday.
Third cycle. Eating a balanced diet as per nutritionist. Nothing special but I will be in a 500 cal deficit. This will be done in 2 parts for a total of 8 weeks. Starting Oct 22 and ending Dec 21.
List of anabolic compounds:
Methaquad Extreme
Note: I will have Androtest 4AD on hand in case I need a wet test base. I was unable to determine if it would be best to have it on a cutting cycle so I will have it just in case. Open to comments on this & the high DHT I will be exposing myself to.
List of natural supplements:
Fish oils
Multi vitamins
Gear support
Milk Thistle
Trojan Horse
Pure D'or DHT shampoo
Daily dosages for week 1-4
500mg EPI
60mg 3AD
420mg Androsterone
360mg 1-Andro
100mg 4-Andro
375mg 4ad
Gear support
Daily doses for week 5-8
500mg EPI
60mg 3AD
420mg Androsterone
360mg 1andr375mg 4ad
100mg 4andro
1 ML topical trendione (75mg)
40mg oral trendione
1.5 ML Msten (22.5mg)
Ar1macare Pro
Milk Thistle
PCT: 40/40/20/20 Nolva, ApexMale & PCTv.
Goals: Lose 10-15ibs of bodyfat (Current total hovers around 44ibs) and possibly gain 5ibs muscle if the Msten treats me right. Keep my hair.
I will update every week or two and may post pictures at the end if decent results occur. I dont foresee anything worth reporting the first 2 weeks.
I have been at maintenance for a month and then 200cal deficit for the month right before this cycle so I am hoping to break the plateau I have been running into for years now.
Edit. Started cycle with the androtest and lower epi since androsterone and epiandrosterone practically convert to the same thing. 3ad as well. Heart nearly popped from 200mg caffeine and 500mg epi for back day.