AndorMass/AndroHard Cycle Help



I'm about 3 weeks away from starting a cycle with the Andro series. I have 2 bottles of AM V2, 2 bottles of AH V2, and 2 bottles of AH V3. I'm looking to run AM/AH V2 stacked, my stats are as follows-

Age: 30
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 225
BF: ~8%
Cycles: None (I did 5 days of AndroLean but it didn't treat me well so I stopped)

I've been lifting for about 12 years, 8 of those serious. Diet will be clean and I can post my meal plan if you would like but macros will be 40/30/30, protein, carbs, and fat with total kcals starting at 4000 allowing a 300 kcal bump for every 5 lbs gained--not too difficult to figure out.

I want to run these compounds by themselves to see what the Andro Series can do so please dont recommend including any methyls or other compounds; although I do want to hear what acnillaries I should include or have on hand. I'm looking to add some good mass with very little fat--I do understand I may not stay at 8% bf, but I don't feel its necessary to climb into the teens. It is important to know that I had sensitive nipples including very slight lactation on only 5 days of AL, but I had bloodwork done and everything was normal so I'm still not sure what the problem was other than AL not being a good compound for my body chemistry. I'm hoping the inclusion of AH with this cycle will prevnet any gyno type symptoms.

Please feel free to ask questions and post advice, I want to run TRS for PCT, but will have clomid on hand if needed. Also, I will have an AI on hand as well, but I would like to hear suggestions as to which one I should get, aromasin, letro, or anything else that would be superior to either of these. Post cycle bw will also be done to help manage PCT and recovery.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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