Anavar addition to TRT



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Welp its me again boys. Hope u all been good. Got some var from my sisters boyfriend. Taking 30mg a day on top of my trt which is 200mg test once a week. Working good i think cause my anxiety is up. I dunno why im such a headcase that even anavar gives me anxiety now :(


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Welp its me again boys. Hope u all been good. Got some var from my sisters boyfriend. Taking 30mg a day on top of my trt which is 200mg test once a week. Working good i think cause my anxiety is up. I dunno why im such a headcase that even anavar gives me anxiety now :(

It is my belief than any sudden imbalance in hormones cna cause it. Too much androgens cause anxiety and panic attacks for me.

Low testosterone also made me have anxiety.

Anavar is a dht based compound. Also, i believe that orals lower shbg so free test and dht go up.

Lots of possibilities but i would say it is the shift in hormone levels.

Btw i think i remember seeing your heart palpitation thread back in the day. How did you resolve the issue?

I always get skipped beats when there is a change in my hormone levels (ie. coming off self prescribed trt).


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Welp its me again boys. Hope u all been good. Got some var from my sisters boyfriend. Taking 30mg a day on top of my trt which is 200mg test once a week. Working good i think cause my anxiety is up. I dunno why im such a headcase that even anavar gives me anxiety now :(
How is your e2? Are you taking an Ai? Anxiety on dht's can also be due to low e2 ...


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Seems like you should enjoy once your body becomes acclimated. I don’t know if all orals lower shbg. But my trt doc was offering me some var or winny for that purpose. It was just expensive so I had to pass. But your dosage seems low enough to reduce any side effects. Anxiety is a bitch though. Also you might want to consider splitting up your test dose to 2 x a week. Might give some more stable hormone levels. Not sure how long you’ve been on that protocol though, so if you’ve found that works better for you by all means


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How is your e2? Are you taking an Ai? Anxiety on dht's can also be due to low e2 ...
Not sure if the var is effecting my e2. I may get some bloodwork to see. The pumps are good. Also my anxiety isint as bad as when i took DMZ. also this is UGL stuff so im hoping its not fake and im really on dbol or something. However if that were the case im sure id be going really nuts


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It is my belief than any sudden imbalance in hormones cna cause it. Too much androgens cause anxiety and panic attacks for me.

Low testosterone also made me have anxiety.

Anavar is a dht based compound. Also, i believe that orals lower shbg so free test and dht go up.

Lots of possibilities but i would say it is the shift in hormone levels.

Btw i think i remember seeing your heart palpitation thread back in the day. How did you resolve the issue?

I always get skipped beats when there is a change in my hormone levels (ie. coming off self prescribed trt).
I found out that protein powders contain an amino acid called glutamic acid. When the protein is processed and heated up this turns into MSG. this has been known to cause heart palpitations in many people. I have since switched to cold processed protein powders and my palipitations have decreased significantly. I still get them here and there but my cardiologist assures me that they are benign and im healthy so i dont worry about it so much anymore


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Not sure if the var is effecting my e2. I may get some bloodwork to see. The pumps are good. Also my anxiety isint as bad as when i took DMZ. also this is UGL stuff so im hoping its not fake and im really on dbol or something. However if that were the case im sure id be going really nuts
Well I'm not saying var is lowering your e2, I'm asking if you are taking an Ai and whats your test dose. Your e2 might be to low to work with even higher dht levels.


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Well I'm not saying var is lowering your e2, I'm asking if you are taking an Ai and whats your test dose. Your e2 might be to low to work with even higher dht levels.
Im on 200mg cyp. Been on trt for 6 years. I take adex and its tuned in perfectly for me. My e2 usually in the 20s


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Im on 200mg cyp. Been on trt for 6 years. I take adex and its tuned in perfectly for me. My e2 usually in the 20s
Ok, yeah that's what I was thinking ... A lot of guys here advocate higher e2 on cycle but only you will know what works best. I wont say stop using your Ai as that will help with the anxiety, but you can try if you are willing to experiment a bit, to let it rise to high 30's.

Otherwise, over stimulation of cns can lead to anxiety. Also, dht's can stimulate the glutamate, thus making you more anxious. I haven't figured out yet how to alleviate this, but this is a common problem. Including aas that are more dopaminergic and gaba-ergic can and does help (dbol, npp, ...). Also, your var can just be contaminated, degraded, or it maybe isn't var at all ...

Oh yeah, I just started taking 5-htp at 300mg's ed. It's doing wonders. And I've taken antidepressants, benzos, gapentins, etc ... Never thought an OTC product could help like this. Also, look into kava kava.

You can also try taking hCG if you arent already.


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Seems like you should enjoy once your body becomes acclimated. I don’t know if all orals lower shbg. But my trt doc was offering me some var or winny for that purpose. It was just expensive so I had to pass. But your dosage seems low enough to reduce any side effects. Anxiety is a bitch though. Also you might want to consider splitting up your test dose to 2 x a week. Might give some more stable hormone levels. Not sure how long you’ve been on that protocol though, so if you’ve found that works better for you by all means
Trt docs will prescribe winny? Didn’t know that, what else will they prescribe besides test/var/Deca? Also how much is var typically from a trt doc?


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And I've taken antidepressants, benzos, gapentins, etc ... Never thought an OTC product could help like this. Also, look into kava kava.

You can also try taking hCG if you arent already.
This aas sh1t messes with the brain more than we give it credit. I had terrible anxiety on cycle doctor offered xanax, i said no, she gave me the prescription anyway. Never took it because i knew it was the cycle.

It was the damn combination of test and masteron. Androgen dominance i would say, because when i let my e2 increase to over 100 pg/ml that i got ED, my anxiety vanished. We need that e2 to balance the increased androgens. I also got terriblr anxiety on test only when i accidentally crashed e2.

And there is always a possibility that your var is not var. It might be winstrol, and i have seen accounts of panic attacks on winstrol.
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Trt docs will prescribe winny? Didn’t know that, what else will they prescribe besides test/var/Deca? Also how much is var typically from a trt doc?
a client I used to train got test, hgh and winny from his Dr, it’s was only 25mg ed of winny but he got it pretty frequently so he could save up and do a real cycle if he wanted.

Var can be expensive, last time I checked it was (if I remember correctly) $300 for a month worth.


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Ok, yeah that's what I was thinking ... A lot of guys here advocate higher e2 on cycle but only you will know what works best. I wont say stop using your Ai as that will help with the anxiety, but you can try if you are willing to experiment a bit, to let it rise to high 30's.

Otherwise, over stimulation of cns can lead to anxiety. Also, dht's can stimulate the glutamate, thus making you more anxious. I haven't figured out yet how to alleviate this, but this is a common problem. Including aas that are more dopaminergic and gaba-ergic can and does help (dbol, npp, ...). Also, your var can just be contaminated, degraded, or it maybe isn't var at all ...

Oh yeah, I just started taking 5-htp at 300mg's ed. It's doing wonders. And I've taken antidepressants, benzos, gapentins, etc ... Never thought an OTC product could help like this. Also, look into kava kava.

You can also try taking hCG if you arent already.
When you say contaminated, you mean like its actually winny or dbol or something? Cause whatever im on is definately a steroid because in hungry and getting good pumps when i train. The bad news is the anxiety and extreme lethargy


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When you say contaminated, you mean like its actually winny or dbol or something? Cause whatever im on is definately a steroid because in hungry and getting good pumps when i train. The bad news is the anxiety and extreme lethargy
Well ... just about anything can get in there. So no, I don't mean contaminated with other aas. Also, aas can degrade.

However, I just added (3 days ago) 20mg tbol 10mg dbol with my 20mg tamox gyno cycle and am already feeling anxious. So no, it's not just you. DHT's are anxiety inducing drugs imo. My e2 is also probably to low ... Anyway, all I'm saying is that your reaction is normal. I wouldn't worry that there is something wrong with your gear.


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Well ... just about anything can get in there. So no, I don't mean contaminated with other aas. Also, aas can degrade.

However, I just added (3 days ago) 20mg tbol 10mg dbol with my 20mg tamox gyno cycle and am already feeling anxious. So no, it's not just you. DHT's are anxiety inducing drugs imo. My e2 is also probably to low ... Anyway, all I'm saying is that your reaction is normal. I wouldn't worry that there is something wrong with your gear.

Btw both dbol and tbol are androstenes, testosterone derivatives, not dhts.

But like i said, you can get anxiety off of just test, as i did when i crashed e2.


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Takes time for e2 to rise with only 10mg dbol. Before I started this tamox chit my e2 was just below lab range, so that's why I presume it's still low. Started using topical estrogen spray, but am also really conservative with dosages, so no idea where I'm at now.


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Well ... just about anything can get in there. So no, I don't mean contaminated with other aas. Also, aas can degrade.

However, I just added (3 days ago) 20mg tbol 10mg dbol with my 20mg tamox gyno cycle and am already feeling anxious. So no, it's not just you. DHT's are anxiety inducing drugs imo. My e2 is also probably to low ... Anyway, all I'm saying is that your reaction is normal. I wouldn't worry that there is something wrong with your gear.
I noticed that one guy said when his E2 is low he gets anxiety and that when his E2 Rose higher is anxiety disappeared. For me it's the complete opposite. When my E2 gets elevated i go completely berserk. Weird. In the past when ive used anavar i didnt get anxiety and i was using 50mg a day as opposed to 30mg. Also that was 2015 and i was younger. Ive noticed as im getting older my anxiety is a little worse which kinda sucks but i guess thats just how it goes


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a client I used to train got test, hgh and winny from his Dr, it’s was only 25mg ed of winny but he got it pretty frequently so he could save up and do a real cycle if he wanted.

Var can be expensive, last time I checked it was (if I remember correctly) $300 for a month worth.
Thank you that’s very interesting, good to know


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Trt docs will prescribe winny? Didn’t know that, what else will they prescribe besides test/var/Deca? Also how much is var typically from a trt doc?
Depending on the doc a lot of stuff. Even gray market stuff like bpc or mk-677. As for other anabolic I’m not sure. I tried asking the same question on a separate subforum about trt not on AM and got trolled for my stupidity and never got an answer lol


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I’ve had multiple bad experiences with ugl var though. Also i don’t understand the dosages since you’re apparently supposed to reach max benefits at 10 mg or so but ugl’s sell it up to 100 mg.


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I’ve had multiple bad experiences with ugl var though. Also i don’t understand the dosages since you’re apparently supposed to reach max benefits at 10 mg or so but ugl’s sell it up to 100 mg.
My "anavar" is little blue 20mg tablets. I split them in half and take half a tab 3 times a day(30mg total). My appetite is up along with my pumps and anxiety. Whatever the hell im taking is certainly a steroid. Going in for labs tommorow to get my estradiol checked. If its through the roof then ill know its anadrol or dbol. If its somewhat normal then we can assume it actually is var or maybe winstrol. Either way it's doing something lol


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I’ve had multiple bad experiences with ugl var though. Also i don’t understand the dosages since you’re apparently supposed to reach max benefits at 10 mg or so but ugl’s sell it up to 100 mg.
Where did you hear that Var benefits max out at 10mg?
That's certainly not true.


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Well i work on the back of a trash truck throwing barrels all day so my joints are always achy lol
You could benefit from mk677 or even a bit of gh. I remember when i was hauling those cast iron fireplaces (idk what they are called in english haha) down the hill through the forest on a wheelbarrow, from my property (i was transporting them to a vehicle beneath the hill as there is no road to that property hahaha) and i was DESTROYED, could barely walk, arms hurt (try preventing the wheelbarrow loaded with 180lbs of metal get loose downhill...hell of a workout).

I took mk677 that night, woke up the next day feeling amazing, as if i hadnt done anything. It is definitely one compound that brings back memories of being a teenager and playing sports all day and waking up the next day feeling fresh.


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I’ve had multiple bad experiences with ugl var though. Also i don’t understand the dosages since you’re apparently supposed to reach max benefits at 10 mg or so but ugl’s sell it up to 100 mg.
Bad experiences are common with Var.
It is probably still the most commonly faked and underdosed steroid.


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And here i am, contemplating whether to take a plunge and get it or not *GULP*
Id say get it. If its fake you'll most likely still get something that works. Not sure wtf i been taking but its definately working lol


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And here i am, contemplating whether to take a plunge and get it or not *GULP*
I was going to reply to your comment earlier, but I was dealing with some different things around the house...

I personally believe it is worth it (because of my experiences with it).
However, I've talked to a lot of guys who would probably disagree (because of their experiences).

I was talking to a brother a couple of days ago about Cardarine.
I told him I won't buy it from a source, unless I know that source, or unless somebody I know has bought it from that source.
The same goes with Var.


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Id say get it. If its fake you'll most likely still get something that works. Not sure wtf i been taking but its definately working lol


I've talked to several guys (on this board) who never got anything out of their "Anavar".



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Maybe it wasn’t 10mg. But it was certainly low And I’ve seen guys taken pharma var that day it shits on any ugl they’ve tried at so called lower dosages


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Maybe it wasn’t 10mg. But it was certainly low And I’ve seen guys taken pharma var that day it shits on any ugl they’ve tried at so called lower dosages


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Maybe it wasn’t 10mg. But it was certainly low And I’ve seen guys taken pharma var that day it shits on any ugl they’ve tried at so called lower dosages
That's BS.

Im tired of dude's trying to correct me by stuff they have read or think they've read.
It's late, so this is probably a bit harsh
But I really don't give a sh*t what you think you've read.
I'm giving you first-hand knowledge here.
Real Anavar continues to give greater benefits into higher dosages.
And legit ugl Var is the same fckn compound as Pharmaceutical Var.

That's the truth.


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Guys i just got my estradiol results back. Its fucking 11. Usualy my estradiol is in the 20s. Does anavar lower estrogen? If not whatever im taking is lowering my e2. Does winny lower e2?


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Guys i just got my estradiol results back. Its fucking 11. Usualy my estradiol is in the 20s. Does anavar lower estrogen? If not whatever im taking is lowering my e2. Does winny lower e2?
Your test is from a doctor, right? Not ugl? I had e2 <5 (unmeasurable) on "100mg" test a week and 6.25 mg aromasin on injection days.

Later i found out i was injecting olive oil 😆 #$%@# that is why i brew

I am pretty sure low e2 is the cause of your anxiety. When i first crashed mine i was literally shaking, heart rate was 100 bpm and i constantly had to drink herbal relaxation teas and pills to calm down.


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How much test are you running? I had e2 <5 (unmeasurable) on "100mg" test a week and 6.25 mg aromasin on injection days.

Later i found out i was injecting olive oil 😆 #$%@# that is why i brew
My test is my normal 200mg trt dose that ive been on for 6 years now. I know my levels and this is abnormal. Whatever im taking has dropped my e2 from early 20s to 11. Im gonna cut back on my adex just a tad while im on this stuff


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My test is my normal 200mg trt dose that ive been on for 6 years now. I know my levels and this is abnormal. Whatever im taking has dropped my e2 from early 20s to 11. Im gonna cut back on my adex just a tad while im on this stuff
Yeah, cut back on your AI.

To the others asking, My clinic sells Var, 50MG tabs $2 each. 60 day supply, but you have to take a month or two off in between before you can order more.


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Yeah, cut back on your AI.

To the others asking, My clinic sells Var, 50MG tabs $2 each. 60 day supply, but you have to take a month or two off in between before you can order more.
What clinic is that?


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Welp its me again boys. Hope u all been good. Got some var from my sisters boyfriend. Taking 30mg a day on top of my trt which is 200mg test once a week. Working good i think cause my anxiety is up. I dunno why im such a headcase that even anavar gives me anxiety now :(
How is your anxiety brother? Getting any better?
Also, how many days in are you with the Var?


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Oh yeah, I just started taking 5-htp at 300mg's ed. It's doing wonders. And I've taken antidepressants, benzos, gapentins, etc ... Never thought an OTC product could help like this. Also, look into kava kava.

You can also try taking hCG if you arent already.
what brand 5 htp?
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