Anabolic XT - Back in Stock, Multi-Packs, & Special Offers


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I wanted to let everyone know that Anabolic XT is back in stock.

I wanted to also let everyone know though that it will likely sell out fast.

The reason that I created this specific thread was so that I could announce it being back in stock in other threads and have a central thread to link to for the special offers and promos for it. I listed them in the main Anabolic XT thread, but it would be easy for them to get lost in there.

I do definitely encourage everyone to check out and post and participate in the main Anabolic XT thread to see and share feedback:

It would be cool and I would appreciate it if some wouldn't mind posting their feedback on Anabolic XT in this thread for people that may want to see feedback on it but that may not want to read through the whole master thread.

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We have had a lot of people contact us and ask us to offer 6 and 12 month supplies because they didn't want to run the risk of running out of Anabolic XT, so I'm happy to announce that we will now be offering those as well for those that want to stock up.

We already had discounted multi-packs for 3 bottles and 4 bottles so we added 6 bottle and 12 bottle options as well.

Anabolic XT:

Anabolic XT - 3 pack:

Anabolic XT - 4 pack:

Anabolic XT - 6 Bottles:

Anabolic XT - 12 bottles:
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72 Hour Flash Sale - Expires Friday Night at Midnight EST

10% off all purchases totaling 150.00+ on the SNS website

Coupon code: sns10

And, a couple of additional special offers during the sale:

Anyone purchasing a 6 bottle multi-pack of Anabolic XT, in addition to the already discounted multi-pack price and 10% off coupon code can also select one of the following items for free:
  • Thermagize XT
  • VasoForce Rush
  • Muscle Addiction Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore
  • Muscle Addiction Recovery Fix
  • Xtreme Performance Gels CurcuPrime Gel
  • Xtreme Performance Gels Ursa-Gel
Anyone Purchasing a 12 bottle multi-pack of Anabolic XT, in addition to the already discounted multi-pack price and 10% off coupon code can also select 2 of the following items for free:
  • Thermagize XT
  • VasoForce Rush
  • Muscle Addiction Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore
  • Muscle Addiction Recovery Fix
  • Xtreme Performance Gels CurcuPrime Gel
  • Xtreme Performance Gels Ursa-Gel
You must, as in absolutely positively have to specify in your order notes which product(s) that you would like for free.
We generally ship orders out quickly and I cannot promise that we can add anything that isn't included on the order notes.

The reason for the above product choices is because they are all great products that I don't feel get nearly enough attention here on AM.

Side note: we normally never do promos crossing products from the different brands or with different brands and we probably won't again; this is an example of something I'm doing myself to be nice.
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I mentioned above that the reason that we selected those specific products as the free product option incentives for those that buy the 6 bottle and 12 bottle multi packs is because I feel like they are all great products that get overlooked and don't get nearly enough attention here on AM.

So here is a little more information about them.

Thermagize XT - The Ultimate 1 Capsule Fat Burning Energizer:

Thermagize XT Highlights:
  • Complete Thermogenic Fat Loss Formula*
  • Fast Acting, Long Lasting Energy*
  • Maximum Strength Fat Burner*
  • Potent Thermogenic Energizer*
  • Intense Metabolism Accelerant*
  • Improved Mental Focus*
  • Appetite Control Support*
  • Clinically Researched Key Ingredients*
  • No Deceptive Proprietary Blends*
  • One Capsule Dose


VasoForce Rush - Fast Acting, Long Lasting Energy & Intense Pumps:

VasoForce Rush Highlights:
  • High Energy Pre-Workout in a Convenient Capsule Form
  • Fast Acting, Long Lasting Energy and Focus
  • Incredible Long-Lasting Pumps
  • Intense Mind-Blowing Vascularity
  • Improved Muscle Fullness
  • Enhanced Nitric Oxide Production
  • Increased Endurance & Performance
  • Increased Vasodilation & Blood Flow
  • Improved Nutrient Delivery
  • Enhanced ATP Production
  • Clinically Researched Key Ingredients
  • 7 Licensed, Branded Ingredient


Muscle Addiction - Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore:

Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore Highlights:
  • Intense Energy*
  • Mind-Blowing Insane Pumps*
  • Improved Lean Muscle & Strength*
  • Increased Muscular Endurance*
  • Improved Performance*
  • Enhanced Recovery & Reduced Fatigue*
  • Laser Like Focus*
  • Sugar Free & Great Tasting *

Muscle Addiction - Recovery Fix - Train Harder, Longer, & More Intensely:

Recovery Fix Highlights:
  • Faster Recovery Times*
  • Dramatically Reduced Muscle Soreness*
  • Improved Endurance*
  • Train Harder, Longer, & More Intensely*
  • Reduced Inflammation in Muscle Tissue*
  • Improved Recovery Times Between Sets & Between Workouts*
  • Backed By Clinically Researched Key Ingredients*
Muscle Addition Recovery Fix (RENDERING) FRONT.png
Muscle Addition Recovery Fix-2022 (SUPP FACTS) 2.png

Xtreme Performance Gels - CurcuPrime Gel:

XPG CurcuPrime Highlights:
  • 100 mg. of CurcuPrime™ Tetrahydrocurcumin per ml
  • 10 grams CurcuPrime™ Tetrahydrocurcumin per bottle
  • Topical Curcumin Pain Relief Gel

Xtreme Performance Gels - Ursa-Gel:

XPG Ursa-Gel Highlights:
  • 70 mg. per ml/100 servings per bottle
  • 7 grams Ursolic Acid (from Sodium Ursolate) per bottle
  • Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder & Recomposition Agent
XPG-Ursa gel-F.png

I would encourage everyone to check these products out.
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Good to see 6/12 bottles pack

should save people alot of $ and continue to enjoy products before restocking
I ran 3 bottles of Anabolic xt back to back. It was fantastic: performance increased, work capacity increased, I got leaner and more vascular, I felt harder and looked bigger, and libido was through the roof, with amazing sleep being the cherry on top. It may be the best single product I've ever used. I just bought 4 more bottles to rotate with optimize T, also an excellent product.
Fantastic product. One of my top 3, along with Anabolic Effect and Anacyclus XT. Ran 3 bottles mostly solo, though added Anacyclus for the last month. All day muscle fullness, improved recovery and energy levels. Noticeable strength increase as well, though more in the regard to being able squeeze an extra rep or 2 out at the end of a heavy set rather than increased 1RM. Picked up another 4 bottles that I intend to run with Urlolithin B XT. Expecting it to be a fantastic combination.
It's out of stock. Lol.whyyy? I'm on optomize t and anabolic effect now. Should I try cinsfach then instead?
It's out of stock. Lol.whyyy? I'm on optomize t and anabolic effect now. Should I try cinsfach then instead?
It will be back soon, this is what Steve posted yesterday.

I wanted to let everyone know that next week should hopefully be a big week for back in stocks.

If all goes well and they ship on time, the following should be back in stock next week:
  • Anabolic XT
  • Phosphatidic Acid XT
  • Thermo Scorch
  • Cycle Assist
  • Ecdy-Plex
These will likely sell out quickly, especially Anabolic XT, Phosphatidic Acid XT, and Ecdy-Plex.

Follow this thread for updates on all restocks

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It's out of stock. Lol.whyyy? I'm on optomize t and anabolic effect now. Should I try cinsfach then instead?

Anabolic XT will be back in stock next week.

If you need some right away before next week, there are a couple of retailers that have some in stock.

As for the why part - because its a great seller and a lot of people love it; and we're not a huge company with unlimited funds to run any order sizes that we want to - we generally reinvest every penny of profits into increasing run sizes and inventory levels but we have to scale up accordingly.
Thanks is ae and at and ot too much to stack lol. I'm on natty overdrive with Ara and ep1c and laxogenin too lol
Thanks is ae and at and ot too much to stack lol. I'm on natty overdrive with Ara and ep1c and laxogenin too lol

You can definitely stack Anabolic Effect, Anabolic XT, and Optimize-T.

A lot of people are doing that stack and loving it.

My personal plan here soon involves stacking Anabolic Effect, Anabolic XT, and Phosphatidic Acid XT, and I already use Optimize-T, M-Test, and Epi-Plex as daily use supplements.
You can definitely stack Anabolic Effect, Anabolic XT, and Optimize-T.

A lot of people are doing that stack and loving it.

My personal plan here soon involves stacking Anabolic Effect, Anabolic XT, and Phosphatidic Acid XT, and I already use Optimize-T, M-Test, and Epi-Plex as daily use supplements.
Thanks! How about a forever stack? Lol I don't want to come down hHa
Thanks! How about a forever stack? Lol I don't want to come down hHa

start with 12 bottles of each and go from there
i do that every xmas sale ..or if you can afford it can get couple-few years worth if can afford it and never run a risk of being out.
Thanks! How about a forever stack? Lol I don't want to come down hHa

You could run any or all of the products I mentioned for as long as you'd like.

We actually have a 12 bottle multi-pack at a special price for Anabolic XT and I'm going to be setting one up for Optimize-T and Phosphatidic Acid XT as well.
I wanted to let everyone know that Anabolic XT is back in stock and it is selling out rapidly.

Phosphatidic Acid XT is back in stock but we are almost completely sold out on it already.

Thermo Scorch is also back in stock and we are selling through that fast as well.
It's been an eventful last couple days here with back in stocks and trying to get some more multi-pack deals and stacks made and available on the website.

We received the following items back in stock and they are selling out fast:
  • Anabolic XT
  • Phosphatidic Acid XT
  • Thermo Scorch
Anabolic XT is available in/as the following:
Additional Bonus:
  • Buy 6 Bottles of Anabolic XT, get a free bottle of Xtreme Performance Gels Ursa-Gel.
  • Buy 12 Bottles of Anabolic XT, get a free bottle of Xtreme Performance Gels Ursa-Gel, SNS Thermagize XT, AND a Free Bottle of your choice between Muscle Addiction Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore or SNS VasoForce Rush.

Phosphatidic Acid XT (almost sold out) is available in/as the following:
Thermo Scorch is available in/as the following:
Additional Bonus:
Buy any of the Thermo Scorch Stacks, get 3 bottles of your choice of:
  • CLA Xtreme - 100 softgels
  • Garcinia Cambogia Caps
  • Green Coffee Bean Caps
  • RK-125 (Raspberry Ketones - 125 mg.) - 180 caps
  • RK-500 Xtreme (Raspberry Ketones - 500 mg.) - 90 caps
  • Yohimbine 2.5 caps
You must specify which free items you want when placing your order.
I just ordered so much someone had to verify I wasn't fraud on the phone the next day before shipping. Lol never happened to me before in my life.

Gonna be on acid, anabolic, and optomize for a long azz time plus x factor and abaolic effect lol. I don't remeber king doing much so excited to see this acid.
I just ordered so much someone had to verify I wasn't fraud on the phone the next day before shipping. Lol never happened to me before in my life.

Gonna be on acid, anabolic, and optomize for a long azz time plus x factor and abaolic effect lol. I don't remeber king doing much so excited to see this acid.

We use a secure third party credit card gateway,, and sometimes they will ask us to contact customers to verify if transactions are legitimate - this is common with first time orders over 250.00, orders where the billing and shipping addresses my be different, and people requesting overnight shipping. It's never us doubting anyone, its just security features in place to protect people from credit card fraud, because that's unfortunately so common now days.

I'm glad that you're excited. That will be a great stack - Phosphatidic Acid XT, Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, and Optimize-T.

You mentioned X-Factor; did you mean X-Gels? If not, if you're using X-Factor, you should check out our X-Gels product.

I'm doing Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, Phosphatidic Acid XT, & Recomp20 myself. I use Optimize-T and M-Test year round as part of my general supplement regimen. I just added in Pepti-Plex myself too.

If you hadn't seen the Pepti-Plex launch, here is a link to the thread and the product itself (not trying to sell you on it, you may just enjoy checking it out):

That's a ton of pills lol. I'll try peptiplex next. Which is it most like if I had to drop one in my next run to add this in?
That's a ton of pills lol. I'll try peptiplex next. Which is it most like if I had to drop one in my next run to add this in?

The unique thing about Pepti-Plex is that it works through some existing pathways but also works through some pathways that nothing else does; so its a very unique product. The write up goes into a lot of detail.

Honestly, I break my doses into twice a day and put them in pill cases two weeks at a time. So I just pop a handful twice a day for these; so for me, a couple more or less really doesn't make a difference the way I do it haha.
I got six bottles so it better be legit lol. Thanks for the super deal with growth factor too. Honestly I don't feel any supps except sns these days
I got six bottles so it better be legit lol. Thanks for the super deal with growth factor too. Honestly I don't feel any supps except sns these days

I'm really glad to hear that you like our products. Does that mean that we earn a spot in your signature? Haha. Just picking at you because you have some older products listed in your sig by other brands.

Thank you. I really appreciate that. It's definitely a legit ingredient & product.

Growth Factor is a cool product too. I wanted to have fun with it and offer a way for people to try it early before the official launch.

One person already has a review thread going on Growth Factor XT if you want to check it out:

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Also, another has a review going on Pepti-Plex:

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Thank you for the kind words and support.
😂 I don't see signs on mobile and looked for ten minutes now to edit sig. How do I do it? 😂