Age ranges used to determine normal testosterone levels?



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There are some good dudes here giving some decent opinions on what you should do. The fact of the matter is that no amount of research and forum scientific theories are going to fit your situation, from a physiological perspective.

Your best move would be to be asking Board Certified Medical Professionals including an Endocrinologist to run tests to determine any underlying medical reasons that is affecting your testosterone levels. When you start playing with your hormones, you may what you are looking for (muscle gain, energy, libido), but you will also have some unsuspected symptoms as well. The body's system is so complex. All of these systems work together for homeostasis.
I've read some research (I'll try to find it) that correlates higher testosterone levels to higher instances of cancers in Men.

Anyways, take this advice for what it's worth. Never take one man's advice for law, that is a statement to live by.
I've been on TRT for going on two years now, and I can definitely tell you that there has been more going on than increased fat burning, appetite, muscle growth, alpha male feeling, libido and energy levels. I have developed some little breast knots that I keep in check with regular use of an ai and a serm. At 100mg IM weekly, there comes also some mood swings, aggression, joint pain, abnormal sperm count and morphology.

Never hurts to ask multiple health providers and do lots and lots of research. And if you can afford it, run lab panels every 2-4 weeks just to see what is going on. I would also recommend running a PSA to rule out prostate enlargement and possible cancerous activity.
TRT is a Life Long Commitment, unless you find a really good Endo that can restart your HPTA.

Good luck bro, and thanks to everyone here for your information as well. You are contributing to the knowledge of AM members.


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