acne question



  • Established
Last year I ran my first cycle started June 1st 400mg. I pulled bloods at the beginning of July because water retention, BP was up. E2 came back 82. Those were really the only symptoms. I ended up dropping down to 300mg . I started to get acne at the end of September. My cycle was coming to end regardless but do you think me dropping my dose caused an influx which caused the acne? Cause I went almost 3 months with perfect skin. I did a full PCT. Everything is back to normal lab wise and skin is perfect again aside from some mild scaring spots which have since faded.

The only reason I ask is because I want to just start cruising at 200mg. I’m just worried about the damn acne because it got out of control last time when I made that drop in my dose. Like I said I didn’t have acne when my estrogen was at 82. Is acne just one of those things that takes longer to show up as a symptom? I never retested at the end of the cycle (which was dumb of me) so I’m not sure if my e2 was higher or what. Any advice?
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