6 weeks of Bromantane (updated stack 8/20)


While not considered a nootropic, I have found profound cognitive benefits on top of what I can only describe as a game changer with physical endurance. I decided to try it based on some studying I was doing for performance and physical capacity in heat. Come to find out the Russians have been using it as a performance enhancer since the 1970s and only stopped in the late 90s with restrictions on PEDs. Just for ease, here are some studies:
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For me what I've experienced was an almost immediate improvement in HIIT recovery time, ability to increase volume towards the end of working sets, and exhaustion points extended during steady state cardio like biking and rowing. This was after the first dose of 50mg, which takes about 2 hours to take effect. This continued to show improvement over 2 weeks, at which point the main physical benefit noticed was recovery. It's been pretty astonishing how fast my heart rate comes down and my breathing isn't labored. It reminds me a lot of Cordyceps, but 20x stronger effect.

Cognitive benefits have been very noticeable motivation, but not stimulating. No doubt the dopamine and serotonin increase, which seems to be balanced because one isn't overriding the other like I notice with other noots sometimes. I have an easier time staying on task and don't wander as much. It's not anything crazy, but paired with the physical benefits, it makes for a really good workout to be in the zone or focus on a goal.

Not the easiest thing to find, but I plan to take it on another run and might keep it in the arsenal since it works so fast and doesn't seem to be needed everyday.

8/20 Update- So I added in Dihexa 8 days ago and I believe at this point I found the holy grail I've been seeking but will be assessing over the upcoming weeks. Creative thoughts and mental motivation is off the charts, I've completed more work than I have in anytime I can remember. I've initiated 2 projects that would have normally made me consumed over details just to get started and I am about 3 weeks ahead of where I'd expect. So far so good, the physical and mental clarity without any sides at this point is great. No impact on sleep.
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Thanks for the post, it was awesome reading all the anecdotal feedback because each one I was thinking, "yep!". The main nootropic effect I believe as the take away is the anxiolytic stimulation they keep talking about. Dialed in and alert but calm. The only think that I can think of that is close and it's not a combo to take regularly would be low dose armodafinil and propranolol, which I consider the closest you get to any "limitless" combo.