Highly recommend you buy a well dosed one like Andro the giant from strong supplement shop. That’s oral. Or of course IML makes super 4-andro in td form.Thank you, I didn’t realize that so I will stick with the 4-DHEA
in the best of times, you would want to take the two together. 3ad is not an actual DHT and may be best known to enhance other anabolic signals. it has some other attributes that are attractive too but In general think of it as hitting the nos button~ in car terms, it doesn't change anything mechanical yet adds gobs of horse powa~This might be a dumb question but I want to give pinning a rest, so what is the stronger TD?
4-DHEA or 3-AD?
Hey did you follow through with this stack. If so how did it work for you?Probably going with 4–Andro @300mg per day TD with some Stanogen TD as well for 8 weeks to get me to March then go all in on my pre summer protocol…
It sucks tried it my test went from 900 with injections to 175 with those pills. Also they give horrible heartburn. Just pin it subq.they have kind of re developed oral test undecanoate marketed as jatenzo and kyzatrex that came out over the past few years and have tweaked the delivery method using new surfactants/emulsifier in the gel tab that is supposed to offer better absorption. may be an alternative to transdermal because yours is no longer covered under insurance. i talked w a patient who was on it and he said he liked it more than injection.
It sucks tried it my test went from 900 with injections to 175 with those pills. Also they give horrible heartburn. Just pin it subq.
how many hours after taking your morning dose did you get tested? sorry to hear about the heartburn