30 Y/O Australian in DESPERATE need for help with getting well !


New member
Hi there,

I have come here in hope that i can live some sort of normal life again, I have outlined a time line of my health issues with some very recent blood and saliva tests that have been taken the last two weeks.

I am struggling to work and function, and everyday over the last 3 years have been a living nightmare.

I have been on propeciahelp.com, but i thought that people on this forum would be able to look at my results and try and get the to cause and even help at least some of my symptoms.

I have been an avid reader of this forum for a while, I am really struggling at the moment and wondering if i want to continue living like this at all.

Here is my story and results at the bottom of the post.


March 2010

·Started taking Finasteride

June 2010

·Hair on head fell out including the sides and back of scalp
·Gained water retention all over body
·Brain fog
·Mental confusion
·No sex drive
·Pubic hair stoped growing
·Body hair grew longer and thicker though
·Hot and cold hands and feet
·Impaired cognitive function
·Watery seamen
·Weight gain
·Oily skin
·Dark circles around eyes
·Itchy all over body

October 2010

·Quit Finasteride cold turkey

December 2010

·Went to endocrinologist
·Blood work came back in range

January 2011

·Went to a naturopath
·Got saliva testing done full hormone profile
·Etstrogen extremely high
·Low testosterone
·DHEA normal

February 2011

·Muscle wastage
·Persistent fatigue added to the original side affects
· Breast enlargement
·Brain fog to the point I was slurring speech
·Memory loss
·Started taking Zinc liquid form / DIM / supplements

June 2011

·Hair had somewhat grown back on head
·Tested for high cortisol and came back very high on saliva test
·Body would feel like it was cycling on a daily basis some days felt better than others.
·Still had water retention
·No sex drive
·Face would swell up
·Bloated stomach
·Sparse beard and pubic hair
·Emotionally flat

August 2011

·Had a falling out with Business partner and long time friend, lost my 35% share in a business that would have set me up for life.
·Cortisol went even higher
·Had all the same symptoms consistently throughout the last year
·Stress was very high
·Started to develop food sensitivities
·Was tired after eating pasta / carbs / sugar
·Hair stopped growing completely
·Had to shave my head to a number zero

October 2011

·Went to Thailand
·Bought Arimidex
·Took Arimidex for 6 weeks
·Symptoms did not improve
·Did however start getting morning erections again

December 2011

·Tested Estrogen / Test saliva sample
·Estrogen Even higher ???
·Test Low
·DHEA High
·High Cortisol
·Started natural cortisol reducing supplements

March 2012

·MRI test done for high cortisol (pituitary) Came back okay
·Symptoms still really bad.

April 2012

·Decided I need to do something about the high cortisol
·Body was not functioning at all
·‘Suicidal / Anxious / Depressed at symptoms
·Very frustrated
·Decided to take Ketoconazole ( Anti-Fungal ) – To reduce cortisol

May 2012
·Some symptoms improved since Ketoconazole
·Could think more clearly
·Cognitive function improved
·Hair grew back on my head thick as it was pre finasteride for the first time
·Lost all my libido though
·Didn’t have any sexual desire ( Due to Ketoconazole reducing test )
·Brain fog was lifted somewhat
·Work became easier
·Thought I was on road to recovery
·Started socialising again
·Was still very bloated and had massive water retention
·Beard still very sparse
·Low Test / High Estrogen still high

July 2012
·Got off Ketoconazole
·Cognitive ability was still better
·Hair continued to grow
·Sex drive came back a little
·Was generally happier as I thought I was getting better

September 2012

·Started getting digestion issues
·Everything I ate would sit at the top of my throat
·I would literally regurgitate meals if I drank water afterwards
·Was given a supplement from Naturopath ( Beptin C ? )
·Face and water retention went down somewhat which I was pleased about

October 2012
·Tested for histamine ( Blood )
·Came back very high
·Was told to use the following
·Calcium + Magnesium
·Vitamin B6
·Currently on all of them
·Felt a little better
·Was still eating bad foods though sometimes

January 2013
·Broke up with Girlfriend
·Started new job
·Moved house
·Stress levels went up made all my symptoms worse
·Cortisol rapidly went up even more ( Suspect was rising after I got off Ketoconazole )

February 2013

·Symptoms all came back 10 fold
·Cognitive function went down
·Brain fog
·Water retention came back
·Hair stopped growing
·Puffy face
·Started Dilantin ( Read that it reduces cortisol )
·Was desperate to regain cognitive function as was important for work
·Mildly improved a little

March 2013

·Off Dilantin
·Have no sex drive
·Water retention back 10 fold
·Muscle wastage
·Loss of erections
·Sore testicles
·Fall asleep within 20 minutes of eating dinner ( can’t keep my eyes open )
·This happens mostly with carbs any form of processed foods
·Face puffy
·Cold hands and feet
·Watery seamen
·Hair completely stopped growing
·Beard diffused and sparse
·Pubic hair sparse
·Vision blurred
Current 2013
·Back on Ketoconazole

·What tests indicate
·SHBG ( High ) Due to binding Testosterone or High Estrogen ?
·T3 & T4 ( On the very high side of normal )
·High Histamine
·More tests to come

·Estrogen High
·Test Low
·Cortisol High

Theories after research last two and half years.

Post Finasteride Syndrome

·Finasteride > Caused Estrogen / Test imbalance > Food sensitivities > High Histamine > High Cortisol
·Stress > Increases cortisol even more

What I want to do.

·Increase Testosterone
·Reduce Estrogen
·Reduce SHGB
·Reduce Histamine

What I have done the last month.
I assumed I had high cortisol again, so I got back on Ketoconozole, this was started before I got back my new cortisol test which subsequently came back low.

I took it because last time I got on Ketoconozole these symptoms improved:
Cognitive function
Hair grew back on head all over
Digestion issues got better
Anxiety went down
Brain fog went away
Allergies got better

This has lead me to assume something that I know has been dismissed on this board..
Why when I take an anti fungal that I assumed made me feel better last time because it lowered my extremely high cortisol last time, this time I had low cortisol unbeknown to myself and I still had these improvements?

Cognitive function
Hair grew back on head all over
Digestion issues got better
Anxiety went down
Brain fog went away
Allergies got better

I am seeing a new Dr here in Melbourne Australia:

He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (ABAARM), a Fellow of Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM), has a Certificate of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine from Swinburne University and is the Chair of the Education Committee of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine. Denis lectures nationally and internationally in anti-aging and integrative medicine.

After reviewing all my results, and how bad my symptoms were he has got me on:

TRT 10% and 5% Chrysin transdermal cream.

It’s only been a week, and the first few days I felt better:
More blood flow to penis
Increased libido
More energy
More colour in face
Cold hands and feet went away

However now I feel it’s wearing off:
No libido
Energy slightly up but not as much
Dull pain in balls
Emotionally flat

I have recently, last couple of days stopped ketonconozole as Dr Rebic wants me to take a stool sample for c.a.n.d.i.d.a

The fact that I feel better on Ketoconozole may suggest that being an anti-fungal there is some merit it doing the test?

The reason why I am on here, is I have read every post on this forum, I am really now wanting advice based on my bloods that have been taken recently and my saliva tests.

Physically what has changed recently and its ongoing:
Face has blown up ( Water retention)
Colour back in face
Hair has stopped growing properly
Pubic hair sparse
Grey hairs appearing on beard for no reason
Grey hairs appearing on side of head all of a sudden
I react to certain foods I eat ( Eg: High carbs or sugar, I need to sleep after 30 min of consumption)

Here are the tests:


FSH 4.8 ( 1.5-9.7 )
LH 7.2 (1.8-9.2 )
PROLACTIN 301 (0-500)
OESTRADIOL 101 (<160)
PROGESTORONE 2.9 ( 0.7-4.3)
TEST 27.4 ( 12 – 31.9 )
SHGB 65 ( 17-56 ) HIGH
DHT 1.4 ( 0.7 – 5.1 ) LOW
FREE TEST 386 (260-740 )
DHEA 9.0 ( 2.2- 15.2 )
T4 20.2 ( 11.0 – 21.0 ) HIGH ?
T3 6.3 ( 3.2-6.4 ) HIGH ?
TSH 1.40 ( 0.5 – 5.0 )
PSA 0.32 ( 0.2-2.1 )
ALDOSTERONE 512 (100-950 )
17-OH PROGEST 14.3 (1.2-10.0) HIGH
IGF-1 12 (15-40)
IGFBP3 139 (115-240)


TESTOSTERONE: 176.0 ( 100.0 – 720 ) LOW
DHT 3.8 (2.0-10.0 0 LOW
E2 3.0 ( <6 ) ( Within range despite a lot who have high E2 on this board )
E1 67.0 ( 9.6-20 ) VERY HIGH
DHEA 29.3 ( 5.0-30.0 )
ANDROSTENEDIONE 6.1 (1.0-10.07 )
MORNING 11.3 ( 6.0-42 )
MIDDAY 8.9 (2.0-11.0)
AFTERNOON 3.3 ( 2.0- 11.0 )
EVENING 2.8 ( 1.0 – 8.0 )
CORTISOL DAILY 26.3 ( 11.0 – 76 )
DHEA MORNING PROFILE 24.4 ( 5.0-30.0 )
DHEAS/CORTISOL AM RATIO 2.16 ( 0.20 – 0.60 ) HIGH

BLOOD HISTAMINE: VERY HIGH OVER RANGE ( Waiting on new test results )
Advice needed asap please guys, really struggling.


New member
I know this is a complicated case, could someone try and she'd some light on my blood and saliva samples.I have been on TRT and chriysin for 8 days and have lost my libido even more....I'm at a loss, Matrix would you be able to chime in and let me know your thoughts? Would be greatly appreciated
The Matrix

The Matrix

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high shbg look at Gi and liver inflammation which can be coming from pathogens, possible food sensitivies, environmental toxins or.malabsorption. There are common this I encounter in these cases. Proper history need to be evaluated


New member
I definitely have digestion problems, and food sensitivities I paid $500 for a blood test to be sent to the US to test for food sensitivities but for some reason it came back fine?

This is despite having bad reactions to histamine sensitive foods, and literally at least twice a week I will eat something that's processed or high carb such as pasta, or example was lamb and garlic sauce and chips, within 15 min i am on the couch and cannot keep my eyes open, fall asleep for an hour wake up and my face is puffy.

I always have reflux, i bring up my foods, if i eat pasta or Chinese for example I will drink water afterwards and my food comes up, it just sits at the back of throat and it comes up, on most foods and I am constantly burping all day.

I am convinced my body is rejecting most foods but i have no apparent food sensitivities on the IgG blood tests.

I will give another example that I cannot explain: I will go through a period for maybe 3-5 days a month where...

- I will loose all my water retention in my body and face,
- My muscles in my body will not be as soft,
- I won't be bloated,
- My hair comes back to life and my facial hair grows properly.

It's as though my body temporarily corrects it's self and then I go back feeling and looking like **** for 3 weeks.

Then my stomach turns to mush, my face and body fills back with water and I don't even want be seen in public. The difference in appearance is staggering.

I went gluten free for 3 weeks and didn't notice any difference.

I am doing a stool sample soon to check further in to it.

My questions would be these:

1) Why do i feel better when I take ketoconzole? ( My digestion problems get better, all my hair grows at a normal rate )
2) Ketoconzole supresses testoserone and cortisol, both were low when i last took it ( But still feel better on it even with low test and cortisol?)
3) SHGB + High E1 + High 17-OH Progesterone, no matter what i have tried i cannot reduce these. Can you please let me know what course of action to take?
Basic liver cleanse ? ( I am taking a liver cleansing supp now )
Colon cleanse?
Drugs / Herbs / Supps ?I feel like I am doing more harm than good taking TRT + Chrysin, I have lost even more libido and think it could be converting to estrogen even more so.
Whats the quickest and easiest way to clean my liver properly?
What tests should i ask for from my Dr rgearding my Gut and Liver?

Sorry for all the questions, but I seriously am having problems going through this after 3 years.

I will say though that when i went through I very stressful period at the start of this year for a month of intense stress any headway i had made i went back to square one.


- I am bloated
- Water retention extreme,
- Hair shedding all over
- Beard not growing.
- Liver is tender when i push on it.
- Lower libido than even before

Thanks for looking into this, I was a fit healthy Alpha make before all this happened If i can get back to 75% of that I would be happy, these physical symptoms change literally day to day.


  • Established
This is more than likely more than one problem.
But, histamine reactions with low IGE, points to a problem clearing histamines. (DAO Diamine Oxidase deficiency)
Does an Antihistamine help with allergic reactions??? Have you tried 1000mg Vitamin C, in 4x250mg doses over the day?
DAOSIN or HISTAME with meals?


Just read this...."As an aside niacinamide was shown recently to drastically reduce the resistance of fungi to antifungals by disrupting their replication process. It was niacinamide only not niacin or other b3 variants. "


New member
I have had high estrogen on saliva since these symptoms started. Histamine can be a side affect of estrogen dominance.

For histamine i take:

Magnesium / Calcium
Vitamin C

The more i have looked into what Matrix has said the last couple of days regarding liver inflammation and GI problems the more I think this could be the root of most of my symptoms.

I will give you an example of this:

Last night I got home had a decent amount of energy, was wide awake. I bought some Indian Take away, just some basic butter chicken and rice, with two samosa's.
Within 20 min of eating it i fell dead asleep on the couch sitting up right at 8:30 last night, woke up at 1:30am.

It's uncontrollable the urge to sleep after eating certain meals. The same thing happened the other night with lamb and some chips, fell straight asleep and i cannot stop it from happening.

I look more into candida, I have so many of the same symptoms:
Brain fog
Cold hands and feet
Water retention
Bloated stomach constantly
Low sex drive
Loss of libido
Stunted hair growth / hair loss
Runny nose
Sore cheek bones
Sore lower back

The thing i want to ask people if they know the drug ( Ketoconozole ) anti fungal. If my symptoms go away such as brain fog, cognitive function improvement, all my hair grows back at a normal and thick rate, bare in mind at one point 80% of my hair stopped growing all over when i was at my worst.

If Ketoconozole is an anti fungal and my symptoms always improve when i take it, can we make the assumption that this is the root cause or, do you think that my estrogen / test ratio is the cause of my suspected candida or another GI problem?

I did that spit test you do, where you wake up in the morning and spit into a glass of water, if its stringy and sinks to the bottom, apparently it is candida.

Don't know how reliable the test is, but I am having a stool sample taken in a week.

Either that or I am hyperglycemic?

I also press gently on my liver under the right hand side of my rib cage and its very tender when i push on it.

I realise that Ketoconozole is liver toxic, i am off it now after being on it for only two weeks this time round, already my symptoms have started to come back.

Hair has gone very sparse, falling asleep straight after meals etc etc

Matrix, or others i do feel slightly better on the 10% TRT and 5% Chrysin last 48 hours, that could be just to be because some days i feel better than others anyway, but do you think its a bad move being on this when it could be a liver and or GI problem???

I don't want to be on TRT if i don't have to, if i stay on it temporally for say a month or two, will my body stop producing its own Testosterone?

I obviously want to bring down my SHBG and my estrogen, but with GI or Liver problems do i work on this naturally or with drugs?

What would you guys do in my situation, because my symptoms fluctuate daily and seriously it affects every part of my life.



New member
Does anyone take Acephex for Acid reflux? Would like to stop taking it and try something natural but just have constant burning in my throat if I don't take it.


New member
Aright so after all this time my adrenals have been working over time i had really high cortisol amongst all my other symptoms etc.
Now i have been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue.

My body is packing in at the moment, I work a stressful job, long hours. My hair has stopped growing properly, I have grey hairs coming through on my head and beard hairs and wrinkles have literally started to appear in the last two weeks that were never there before.

I am wide awake at 8am then as the day goes on I get worse and worse, but then feeling Ok briefly around 7pm.

I am absolutely exhausted. Been eating well, drinking plenty of fluid.

I think this could be a reason why i fall asleep straight away after high carb meals or sugar, due to adrenal fatigue.

I am seeing my anti aging Dr in two weeks, do you think hydro-cortisone would be the best thing for me here, I can't afford to take time off work.

I am currently taking
Vitamin D3
Vitamin C
liver detox supps
Methionine for high histamine

What else can I do, whats the best way to raise your cortisol, because the best i have felt dispite my high estrogen and low test the last three years is when my cortisol was in the middle range.

Is it easier to raise cortisol than lower it? Should i ask my Dr for Hyrocortisone

Any advice on this would be really appreciated fellas.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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23andme to check where the imbalance is occuring in histamines response.
Mast cell activation may be part of the problem here as well as your bodies intolerance to histamine

Most likely have down regulation of methylation with a DAO gene mutation..Again need to look for root cause. Dysbiosis is probably a major player in this scenario.

I use MRT leap food testing as my general goto tests for allergies. I have all my lymies cases use this test.


New member
Matrix: Here is an update i would like you to look into as you have a lot of experience with GI problems.

Run down:

Been on 50mg twice a day TRT cream for 30 days + 10% Chrysin / 150mg DHEA tabs for last 9 days.

Reasons were: Low Testosterone and low cortisol through test 35 days ago:

Since i have started TRT my Testosterone and Estrogen has gone from:

T: 220 to 800 ( High )
E2: 3 to 16 ( High )

My Doctor put me on DHEA because my cortisol was low. Now the day before i started DHEA which was 10 days ago, I did one more test to see baselines before DHEA, in the meantime I took the 150mg of DHEA.

After seeing my doctor last night this is what's happened.

Unbeknownst to my Dr and I, Cortisol was in fact "HIGH" in the test prior to taking the DHEA. In the space of a week and half my cortisol had gone from extremely low to very high, then i took DHEA and I presume it has made it even worse.

Firstly, He is very surprised that testosterone has gone up so much so quickly. Secondly the conversion into E2 has happened rapidly.

My cortisol is going up and down like a yo-yo, literally up and down every test. I look and feel like ****, and the DHEA made me feel even worse.

So here's where it gets interesting....

I got my test results back from my stool sample for my gut, the relivant ones are below for you to look at:

FOOD REMAINS: Positive ( May indicate maldigestion )
VEGETABLE FIBERS: ( May indicate maldigestion, or diminished pancreatic out put )
PANCREATIC ELASTASE: 500 ug/g ( Stated that I don't have optimal pancreatic out put )
SHORT CHAIN FATTY ACIDS, BENIFICIAL ( High, indicates bacterial overgrowth )
M2 PYRUVATE KINASE: Range <=4U/ml Result: 1.3
PARASITES: Positive X 2
ENDOLIMAX NANA CYSTS + ( Apparently nonpathagen )
ENTAMOEBA HARTMANNI CYSTS ( Apparently nonpathagen )

Now my Dr is telling me that it's very debatable and that these parasites are in fact doing me damage and could be the cause of all my problems.

He has told me to do the following:
1 more stool sample
Get a colon cleanse
Start FISIGYN 500mg Antibiotics X 4 over 3 consecutive days

Now if you look at my time line of problems and symptoms, particularly fluctuating cortisol, high histamine, low testosterone, high E1 on saliva sample, would you be of the belief that my stomach and particularly the parasites could be the cause of all my issues here???

Would this explain why body and stomach goes to mush, and then i get hit hard by all the symptoms i have listed in previous posts.

Most people who have had issues with finasteride like I suspected don't have cortisol going up and down, and certainly not the high histamine that i have constantly.

Could the GI problems i have be the cause for my low testosterone and elevated E1 ?

If i don't have to take TRT I don't want to if you think this is the problem, my Dr seems to think it is an 80% likely hood that this is all GI related now after these tests, what do you think???

Matrix, If you could get back to me asap that would be great, because i know you are an expert when it comes to the gut, i hope like crazy that after these last 3 years i have finally found the cause of my problems.


New member
Matrix: Here is an update i would like you to look into as you have a lot of experience with GI problems.

Run down:

Been on 50mg twice a day TRT cream for 30 days + 10% Chrysin / 150mg DHEA tabs for last 9 days.

Reasons were: Low Testosterone and low cortisol through test 35 days ago:

Since i have started TRT my Testosterone and Estrogen has gone from:

T: 220 to 800 ( High )
E2: 3 to 16 ( High )

My Doctor put me on DHEA because my cortisol was low. Now the day before i started DHEA which was 10 days ago, I did one more test to see baselines before DHEA, in the meantime I took the 150mg of DHEA.

After seeing my doctor last night this is what's happened.

Unbeknownst to my Dr and I, Cortisol was in fact "HIGH" in the test prior to taking the DHEA. In the space of a week and half my cortisol had gone from extremely low to very high, then i took DHEA and I presume it has made it even worse.

Firstly, He is very surprised that testosterone has gone up so much so quickly. Secondly the conversion into E2 has happened rapidly.

My cortisol is going up and down like a yo-yo, literally up and down every test. I look and feel like ****, and the DHEA made me feel even worse.

So here's where it gets interesting....

I got my test results back from my stool sample for my gut, the relivant ones are below for you to look at:

FOOD REMAINS: Positive ( May indicate maldigestion )
VEGETABLE FIBERS: ( May indicate maldigestion, or diminished pancreatic out put )
PANCREATIC ELASTASE: 500 ug/g ( Stated that I don't have optimal pancreatic out put )
SHORT CHAIN FATTY ACIDS, BENIFICIAL ( High, indicates bacterial overgrowth )
M2 PYRUVATE KINASE: Range <=4U/ml Result: 1.3
PARASITES: Positive X 2
ENDOLIMAX NANA CYSTS + ( Apparently nonpathagen )
ENTAMOEBA HARTMANNI CYSTS ( Apparently nonpathagen )

Now my Dr is telling me that it's very debatable and that these parasites are in fact doing me damage and could be the cause of all my problems.

He has told me to do the following:
1 more stool sample
Get a colon cleanse
Start FISIGYN 500mg Antibiotics X 4 over 3 consecutive days

Now if you look at my time line of problems and symptoms, particularly fluctuating cortisol, high histamine, low testosterone, high E1 on saliva sample, would you be of the belief that my stomach and particularly the parasites could be the cause of all my issues here???

Would this explain why body and stomach goes to mush, and then i get hit hard by all the symptoms i have listed in previous posts.

Most people who have had issues with finasteride like I suspected don't have cortisol going up and down, and certainly not the high histamine that i have constantly.

Could the GI problems i have be the cause for my low testosterone and elevated E1 ?

If i don't have to take TRT I don't want to if you think this is the problem, my Dr seems to think it is an 80% likely hood that this is all GI related now after these tests, what do you think???

Matrix, If you could get back to me asap that would be great, because i know you are an expert when it comes to the gut, i hope like crazy that after these last 3 years i have finally found the cause of my problems.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Correct gut resolves adrenal and.neurological issues...been saying this close to a decade but people i swear must be deaf ..


New member
Okay, and In relation to me being on TRT cream, the fact that i have shot up from 200 to 800 in 4 weeks, this has made my E2 shoot up.
Should i stay on the TRT or reduce my dose?

I have Arimidex here should i use that as a last resort, or just by adjusting my dose of TRT will my E2 go down?

I would like to get off TRT, because i suspect that if this is all gut related then my testosterone should be okay when it resolve's it's self.

I'm confused as to how to manage all this and what angle to take, since i am now on TRT?

Anyone have an opinion on what way to go here?


New member
Here are my results from prior TRT and after a month on TRT 10% + 5% Chrysin


Date 20/03/13 24/04/13
Time 0805 0830
Lab Id. 319034554 316937886 Units Range

S FSH 4.8 3.9 IU/L (1.5-9.7)
S LH 7.2 5.7 IU/L (1.8-9.2)
S PROLACTIN 301 211 mIU/L (0-500)
S OESTRADIOL 101 56 pmol/L (<160)
S PROGEST 2.9 2.4 nmol/L (0.7-4.3)
S TESTO 27.4 30.6 nmol/L (12.0-31.9)
S SHBG 65 H 54 nmol/L (17-56)
cFreeTesto 386.87 518.72 pmol/L (260-740)
DHEAS 9.0 7.4 umol/L (2.2-15.2)

SALIVA 26/-04/2013 ( AFTER 1 MONTH TRT )

Cortisol Morning 66.00 nmol/L 6.00- 42.00

Testosterone. 800.0 pmol/L 100.0- 720.0
Estradiol (E2) 18.0 pmol/L
Estrone (E1) 62.0 pg/mL 9.6- 20.0

| | E2 | E1 | E3 | Progesterone | DHEAS |
| MALE | <6 | 9.6-20 | 16-25 | <159 | 5.0-30.0 |

My E2 has tripled since i started TRT, E1 is still three times above range. Cortisol has again risen right back above normal range since TRT.

Anyone know what to make of these results?
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Here are my results from prior TRT and after a month on TRT 10% + 5% Chrysin


Date 20/03/13 24/04/13
Time 0805 0830
Lab Id. 319034554 316937886 Units Range

S FSH 4.8 3.9 IU/L (1.5-9.7)
S LH 7.2 5.7 IU/L (1.8-9.2)
S PROLACTIN 301 211 mIU/L (0-500)
S OESTRADIOL 101 56 pmol/L (<160)
S PROGEST 2.9 2.4 nmol/L (0.7-4.3)
S TESTO 27.4 30.6 nmol/L (12.0-31.9)
S SHBG 65 H 54 nmol/L (17-56)
cFreeTesto 386.87 518.72 pmol/L (260-740)
DHEAS 9.0 7.4 umol/L (2.2-15.2)

SALIVA 26/-04/2013 ( AFTER 1 MONTH TRT )

Cortisol Morning 66.00 nmol/L 6.00- 42.00

Testosterone. 800.0 pmol/L 100.0- 720.0
Estradiol (E2) 18.0 pmol/L
Estrone (E1) 62.0 pg/mL 9.6- 20.0

| | E2 | E1 | E3 | Progesterone | DHEAS |
| MALE | <6 | 9.6-20 | 16-25 | <159 | 5.0-30.0 |

My E2 has tripled since i started TRT, E1 is still three times above range. Cortisol has again risen right back above normal range since TRT.

Anyone know what to make of these results?
There is way too much information over load hard to know which end is up. One can only comment on such a intricate issue to make a good evaluation.


Dead set this is way too much info for someone unqualified to chime in but I am just wondering how your diet is? Have you tried any type of elimination diet?

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