3.5 weeks into m1t/1-testcyp/test enan cycle..


New member
And I'm up 10-12lbs while on a 700 calorie DEFICIT diet! I look leaner and more vascular then when I started, and my strength started to increase about a week ago (nothing extraordinary..but increased reps and weights on a cut diet makes me very very happy!). Here are the details of my cycle:

8 week cutter
375mg test enanthate (qv)
300mg 1-test cyp (dazed)
10-20mg m1t first two weeks (meso)
0.5mg ldex eod

I've been off the m1t for a week now, and plan on doing another two weeker after I've been off another week (decided to do 2-on-2-off rather than 4-on this time around). I'm no newbie to gear, but this is my first cycle with phs since I lost my source. My stats are: 5'8 180lbs <10% bf. I've been taking in about 1800cals, 200+g protein, moderate carbs, and low fats (with some flax every day). Unfortunately I've cheated quite a few times, but I'm still happy with where I'm at after 3.5 weeks.

I hold most of my fat in my gut, but still had a visible six-pack PRIO to this cycle..I've just never gotten completely shredded before, which is what I'm after now.


  • Established
Sounds like its going pretty well, keep us posted bro.



  • Established
I think you would see much better results if you upped the 1-T Cyp to 500mgs


Active member
  • Established
he up 10-20 lbs in a caloric deficit pro, not to argue with you but thats crazy without upping the dosage i dont think it could get a lot crazier. I question whether youre calorie requirements are properly measured my friend because whil AAS increases anabolism you usually still need to give it the building blocks to work with, I have gained weight in a cutting cycle but you are on track to gain as much as most bros do in an all out bul and thats pretty incredible. Not callin you out just saying its incredible.


  • Established
he up 10-20 lbs in a caloric deficit pro, not to argue with you but thats crazy without upping the dosage i dont think it could get a lot crazier. I question whether youre calorie requirements are properly measured my friend because whil AAS increases anabolism you usually still need to give it the building blocks to work with, I have gained weight in a cutting cycle but you are on track to gain as much as most bros do in an all out bul and thats pretty incredible. Not callin you out just saying its incredible.
actually he stated that he has cheated on his diet several times. This is probably where the calorie deficit is being made up.


New member
My diet's been perfect probably an average of 5 days a week..I count cals religiously, measure/weigh portions, etc. My diet consists mainly of chicken, protein shakes, fruits (in the mornings usually), vegetables, etc. I don't usually count my macros, but I do make sure my cals and protein fall within the set limits (no ckd here, but I do try to moderate carbs and stick to only good fats).

Usually when I cheat I still stay at or below my maintenance intake. This is my first attempt at a lean mass/cut cycle. In the past I've only done bulkers, and I usually followed an all-you-can-eat diet which resulted in massive water/fat gains (probably a 1:1 ratio of fat/water to muscle). To be honest I would have been happy just maintaining my pre-cycle weight, while dropping a good 5-8lbs fat. I'm probably holding a bit of water right now from the test, so I can't wait to see how I'll look post-cycle :)
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