1969's Intimidate + Erase Pro log



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MAY 5,

Intimidate: Finished
Erase Pro: Finished

I figured it might be interesting to some to see how I maintain during the 8 weeks off supplementation. I can tell you that I feel more "normal" than "superman" when I hit the gym. I'm very happy with the gains I've made and hope I can maintain my build as a normal sup-free human. Definitely not as exciting!

SQUATS: 5x5 205#. Very challenging. Kept my form on all reps. As my quads develop they definitely take longer to prepare for working sets. I put in about 20 reps of warm ups before I could get my squats fully deep enough to dive into the working sets of 5x5.

BENCH PRESS: 5x5 225#. Saturday morning shyteshow at the gym. Plates scattered everywhere. I had enough around me to put together 225# so I figured I would deload to this level and do my sets without a spot. No problems here, but no progress either.

BARBELL ROW: 5/4/4/4/4 210#. Challenging. My last rep had a touch of cheat, so only giving credit for 4. Will repeat next week at 210.

Finished with Chin ups/Dips 10/20 x 3. Skipped the curls as I had slight pain in my forearm at the elbow. Now that I am off Intimidate, the little aches and pains are creeping back in...ugh.

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