A little about me. I am 28 and I have been blasting and cruising for a year and 2 months now. Ran three injectable cycles prior to blasting and cruising. Along with several oral cycles I am on my fourth blast since starting BandC. And I am wanting to add an oral at the end. Preferably something that greatly increases protein synthesis. This cycle is high tren and just enough test to have some estrogen in me...Don't tell me to add more test you will simply be ignored. This cycle so far has been side effect free. I feel great sex drive is ridiculous higher than on a high test cycle (mostly due to prami and hcg). No sluggishness. No joint pain. feeling better than ever.
Currently running (wk8 now)
125-150mg of test e
600 mg of tren e
Orals I am considering.
Dbol 5mg 2x a day
Dbol 5mg 2x a day (4wks) and DMZ 10mg 1 time a day (4wks) first thing
Dbol 5mg 2x a day and Sdrol 10mg for 3 weeks
Dbol 5mg 2x a day and 25mg of halodrol 1 time a day (6wks)
Dbol 5mg 4x a day (4wks)
***no matter the oral I will add 750mg of tudca a day (already taking 250mg a day for protection/digestion)***
Prami (1-2 drops out of RC dropper super sensitive to it)
Aromasin 6.5mg day after pinning
P5P coenzyme b6 50mg ed
125iu hcg 2x a week (don't care for too much just enough to promote elevated sex drive)
Currently running (wk8 now)
125-150mg of test e
600 mg of tren e
Orals I am considering.
Dbol 5mg 2x a day
Dbol 5mg 2x a day (4wks) and DMZ 10mg 1 time a day (4wks) first thing
Dbol 5mg 2x a day and Sdrol 10mg for 3 weeks
Dbol 5mg 2x a day and 25mg of halodrol 1 time a day (6wks)
Dbol 5mg 4x a day (4wks)
***no matter the oral I will add 750mg of tudca a day (already taking 250mg a day for protection/digestion)***
Prami (1-2 drops out of RC dropper super sensitive to it)
Aromasin 6.5mg day after pinning
P5P coenzyme b6 50mg ed
125iu hcg 2x a week (don't care for too much just enough to promote elevated sex drive)