12 weeks, 500mg/wk Sustanon (Bread and butter;)


New member

Just logging this.

Its day 4.5 and things are gettin fawkin juicy....

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thats about what I look like at the beginning, more or less.

Just logging this.

Its day 4.5 and things are gettin fawkin juicy....

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thats about what I look like at the beginning, more or less.

Oh I guess I should let everyone know I am not an idiot, I have a couple bottles of exemestane, letro, arimidex on hand, enough to take some everyday at an overly effective dose... lol

what can I say pp.com is cheap.

and I am gonna try running D-Aspartic Acid to keep the boys hot, but my boy has a **** ton of hcg if I need to get the boys 'hot. nomsayin?
Day 23. Down about 2% BF up about 5-6 lbs, Test levels peaking :D ... BOOOOOOOOOOOM! Juice boys runnin' things.

Strength starting to get stupid.
Well I was running some letro for about a week to get rid of an old gyno. I got rid of the gyno (I honestly believe it was from puberty) and I am 25 years old. Wow letro is amazing I dried up like a fish in the desert but my libido, sex drive and confidence PLUMMETTED to the dark depths of hell! And the rebound coming off of it led to some mild depression, so folks make sure you do not have ANY ***** lined up if you ever run letro, just go celebate for 2 weeks. I know thats easy for most of you cave dwellers but I uh, am a pimp. ;)

Using nolva to knock down that letro rebound, but hey, I am getting leaner and bigger otherwise. This is the closest I've been to a 6 pack in my life.
Well I am feeling pretty damn swell now that I hit some nolva to knock down the estrogen rebound... Got me feelin kinda juiced up. now at 187 @ 11.3% BF according to the bio-electrical impedance tool we have at the gym (work at a gym).

This is the best my 'abs' have ever looked I thought maybe I was born without genetic ab seperation, but I have come to find out I have 4 distinct abs on either side... Time to shred, time to shred. Started at 181ish, 12%ish

belmont316 said:
Well I am feeling pretty damn swell now that I hit some nolva to knock down the estrogen rebound... Got me feelin kinda juiced up. now at 187 @ 11.3% BF according to the bio-electrical impedance tool we have at the gym (work at a gym).

This is the best my 'abs' have ever looked I thought maybe I was born without genetic ab seperation, but I have come to find out I have 4 distinct abs on either side... Time to shred, time to shred. Started at 181ish, 12%ish


Looks like u did good man, u got any before and after pics? I'm starting my cycle this week I'm at 178lbs 8%BF hoping to bulk up and shred like a damn Greek God lol but imma run 600 a week for 2 weeks then 800 for 4 ... What do u think?