I'm sorry that I'm late to this, I hadn't seen it before a moment ago.
I'm reading through all your posts and replying kind of line by line with thoughts; just wanted to explain that if anything seemed random haha.
I think that will be a great stack.
I use M-Test as a daily use supplement myself.
The stack I ran back in the fall of Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, Recomp20, Phosphatidic Acid XT, and Pepti-Plex was the best stack I've ever used in terms of building muscle, strength, and feeling better.
Pepti-Plex has helped me tremendously with recovery and also helped me so much with pain and mobility from the tissue damage in my leg from my accident. It has also helped me a lot with chronic pain related to my autoimmune condition.
@timmy8888 posted an update in the Pepti-Plex thread that went into great detail about what he's seen from Pepti-Plex. Here's link for anyone that wants to check it out:
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I'm sorry to hear about you having had a lot of injuries that limit training. I was hit by a car in 2022 and it broke my shoulder and destroyed my leg. I wasn't able to train at all for over a year, and that on top of the wear and tear over the years has made it rough on me. There are things I have to work around, but Pepti-Plex has helped me a lot with it and there's been a huge improvement in the tissue damage aspect since I started using it.
I think that's a great and very realistic goal.
Elite Curcumin is another product that is great for inflammation. I think its one of the most overlooked products on AM. I use it myself along with Joint Support XT.
GlycoPhase is a great product, so I love the idea of you incorporating that. And Lean Edge is my favorite fat burner. We make a great selection of fat loss products, but if I had to pick just one, it would be Lean Edge.
Sabroxy XT is great. I hope that you're enjoying that. I'm using it daily for the long term BDNF benefits and it also helps me a lot with my motivation and stress, and just being able to power through things and not get discouraged or distracted as bad.
VasoForce is a great pre-workout.
Love seeing Growth Factor XT included. That's been one of my favorite additions in the last few months. I don't get as much sleep as I should, and my sleep quality is tremendously better taking it. I feel a lot better when I wake up too, and think my mood has been better overall.
Sensoril wouldn't effect your test levels at that dosage.
Growth Factor XT can help increase test levels in men, but not to the extent that you're experiencing.
Nothing seems to be hormonalor would affect Test besides maybe the GFXT and the sensoril in Lean Edge which is not a high dose.
I'm glad to hear that your liver, kidneys, and HDL are great.
Your testosterone levels are definitely high, but overall health indicators look good from what you've posted.
I want to make sure I understand properly regarding the test levels:
- You aren't taking any type of testosterone or prescriptions that could increase it, correct? (I was thinking you weren't but just wanted to make sure I was thinking correctly)
- How was your hemoglobin, hematocrit, etc?
The symptoms that you described that led you to your initial bloodwork thinking you had low test, but turned out to have high test - have they gotten any better? Some of them seem like they could be prolactin related and Growth Factor XT can help reduce prolactin.
I'm looking forward to hearing how you like the stack.
You mentioned GI distress - I don't think it would have to do with the number of pills. I say that because the pills are essentially gelatin or vegetable cellulose, so you get more of those things in food than capsules by far. Some people do need to space out things they take into several dosages, but it seems like you're doing that.
I take my general health supplements split morning and night, and my workout based supplement spaced away from those bc of the large amount of capsules that I take for general health supplements.
How many GlycoPhase and GlucoVantage XT are you taking per day?
I wrote that, then I read your layout - and if I'm correct, it appears that its 3 GlucoVantage XT and 4 GlycoPhase.
That wouldn't bother most people's stomachs, but you could do a test and drop back to 2 caps GlucoVantage XT per day.
I'm following along and excited to see your results and glad to answer any questions.
Also, if you ever have questions and need replies quicker, if you have my email or cell, you're welcome to message me. And if you don't, you're welcome to pm me and I'll be glad to give them to you.