12-16 Week Log SNS AXT/AE/Pepti Plex /PAXT/ MTEST/GFXT


I will be starting Monday with a 12-16 week Log of the above listed supps.

I have never used AXT/AE/MTest before.

I have been on Pepti and PAXT for the Past 3 months.

Have not noticed a ton from PAXT - Pepti plex seems to aid pump and help with an extra rep here and there.

41 yo. Extensive lifting history, Former competitive PL years ago, and OLY for a very brief time. I have been a strength coach and RD for 20 years. Own my own facility as well. Lots of injuries that have limited training.

I will also be taking 5g creatine, Elite Curcumin, ZMA XT and Glycophase/Glucovantadge/Lean Edge with carb meals.

Looking to gain strength and 3-5 lbs over 16 weeks. Will be adding 500kcals to diet with additional 50g protein, 50 g carbs and 10g fat.

Training will be 6x week. M/W/F Upper body rest pause variations. Tues/THurs/Sat lower body with reduced volume. Sessions are about 35-45 min

Will hit bare min of 12k steps per day. Many days close to 14/16k
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In on this for sure!
May have to pump the breaks on M-Test.

Just got bloodwork back and my Total Test was 1186...which shocked me.
I had a draw about 4 years ago but my doc says he doesn't have that in the chart. I was actually getting a normal write up along with the test because of some typical symptoms of dropping test ( fatigue, lowered libido, less aggression in the gym)

He did not oblige me and write up free or SHBG in the script so I may have to see if he can get those now as a follow up or if I will have to on my own .

Current supps are

AM - Pepti/ PA XT/ Elite Curcumin, Urolithin Bx 1. Reduce XT x1,Magnesium Threonate, Sabroxy XT X2

Enough coffee to keep multiple Colombians employed

Late AM (Pre workout)- VasoForce (just started because it was sent by accident in an order) . 2-3 caps of Amento. PeptiPlex x2 caps

Post Workout- Glycophase x 2. Glucovantadge x 1 Lean Edge x 2- Then PWO meal

Evening Meal -Glyco, Gluco, LE again. Sulforophane (Broccomax)

Pre bed- GFXTx 4 Urolithin x 1, Reduce XT x 1

Nothing seems to be hormonalor would affect Test besides maybe the GFXT and the sensoril in Lean Edge which is not a high dose.

I finished DCP about two weeks ago. Also Incinderine (which I could not reccomend less after many bottles to give it a fair run).

So I dont know really. Not overly concerned ...Liver was perfect, kidneys good and HDL was 79 so feel solid in the health dept.
Meeting with an endo today...probably going to get more bloodwork done to see if there was an error. If not it's prob going to be scans of pituitary, testes, adrenals.

Still think it's nothing. Soon as it's cleared up I'll fire this up
Well...got my second round of labs done...not sure what to make of it really.

Albumin 4.8 on 3.8-5 range
Total Test- 1116.0 H
SHBG-83 on 12-91 scale
Free Test 135.1 on a scale of 35-130
Bioavilable Test- 351.8 on a scale of 79-335

The initial bloodwork were due to some mild low test symptoms actually. Libido slightly down...strength down a bit...a few other mild symptoms.

Any thoughts are appreciated!
Ok, Still sorting through blood work. Endo said not terribly worried. PCP not convinced .

But I started this stack minus M-Test last week. So it's been 6 days of and pumps seem to be good in the gym

I only have one bottle of PA and Pepti Left when these run out so will have to restock.

One thing I have come up against is some GI distress. I don't know if it's from glycophase/glucovantage use with meals or just the sheer volume of pills.

A day looks like this

AM: 3AXT, 3 AE, 4 Pepti, 4 PAXT, 1 Urolithin B, 1 Reduce XT 2 Elite curcumin. 1Glucovantage
1 hour later - 3 magnesium threonate.

4 hours later . 3 AXT, 3 AE, 2 Pepti, 3 Vasoforce XT, 2 Amento.

Post workout- 1 Glucovantage, 2 Glycophase. 2 Lean Edge

PM dinner 1 GV, 2 Glyco, 2 Lean Edge

Pred Bed- 4 GFXT, 3 Zma, 1 Reduce Xt, 1 Urolithin B

Will be following this schedule for at least another 4 weeks
After a boatload of injuries including a weird back injury that left me with drop foot 3 years ago...I'm weak AF.

Want to give a strength basis to start though.
Hit incline DB press for a top set of 11 with 70's today and worked to 30 total reps
50lbs on seated DB OH press for 10 reps that I took to 30 total reps.
I had a recent PR of chinup 100lbs x 2 this summer but an elbow issue has kept me away from them
Worked them back in this week at BW Pull up 3 x 13,12,10 Chin up 13 and 10
SPlit Squats KOT style : 62lb KBs 3 x12 ea

Will be interested to see where these end up
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I'm sorry that I'm late to this, I hadn't seen it before a moment ago.

I'm reading through all your posts and replying kind of line by line with thoughts; just wanted to explain that if anything seemed random haha.

I think that will be a great stack.

I use M-Test as a daily use supplement myself.

The stack I ran back in the fall of Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, Recomp20, Phosphatidic Acid XT, and Pepti-Plex was the best stack I've ever used in terms of building muscle, strength, and feeling better.

Pepti-Plex has helped me tremendously with recovery and also helped me so much with pain and mobility from the tissue damage in my leg from my accident. It has also helped me a lot with chronic pain related to my autoimmune condition.

@timmy8888 posted an update in the Pepti-Plex thread that went into great detail about what he's seen from Pepti-Plex. Here's link for anyone that wants to check it out:

Invalid Link Removed

I'm sorry to hear about you having had a lot of injuries that limit training. I was hit by a car in 2022 and it broke my shoulder and destroyed my leg. I wasn't able to train at all for over a year, and that on top of the wear and tear over the years has made it rough on me. There are things I have to work around, but Pepti-Plex has helped me a lot with it and there's been a huge improvement in the tissue damage aspect since I started using it.

I think that's a great and very realistic goal.

Elite Curcumin is another product that is great for inflammation. I think its one of the most overlooked products on AM. I use it myself along with Joint Support XT.

GlycoPhase is a great product, so I love the idea of you incorporating that. And Lean Edge is my favorite fat burner. We make a great selection of fat loss products, but if I had to pick just one, it would be Lean Edge.

Sabroxy XT is great. I hope that you're enjoying that. I'm using it daily for the long term BDNF benefits and it also helps me a lot with my motivation and stress, and just being able to power through things and not get discouraged or distracted as bad.

VasoForce is a great pre-workout.

Love seeing Growth Factor XT included. That's been one of my favorite additions in the last few months. I don't get as much sleep as I should, and my sleep quality is tremendously better taking it. I feel a lot better when I wake up too, and think my mood has been better overall.

Sensoril wouldn't effect your test levels at that dosage.

Growth Factor XT can help increase test levels in men, but not to the extent that you're experiencing.

Nothing seems to be hormonalor would affect Test besides maybe the GFXT and the sensoril in Lean Edge which is not a high dose.

I'm glad to hear that your liver, kidneys, and HDL are great.

Your testosterone levels are definitely high, but overall health indicators look good from what you've posted.

I want to make sure I understand properly regarding the test levels:
- You aren't taking any type of testosterone or prescriptions that could increase it, correct? (I was thinking you weren't but just wanted to make sure I was thinking correctly)
- How was your hemoglobin, hematocrit, etc?

The symptoms that you described that led you to your initial bloodwork thinking you had low test, but turned out to have high test - have they gotten any better? Some of them seem like they could be prolactin related and Growth Factor XT can help reduce prolactin.

I'm looking forward to hearing how you like the stack.

You mentioned GI distress - I don't think it would have to do with the number of pills. I say that because the pills are essentially gelatin or vegetable cellulose, so you get more of those things in food than capsules by far. Some people do need to space out things they take into several dosages, but it seems like you're doing that.

I take my general health supplements split morning and night, and my workout based supplement spaced away from those bc of the large amount of capsules that I take for general health supplements.

How many GlycoPhase and GlucoVantage XT are you taking per day?
I wrote that, then I read your layout - and if I'm correct, it appears that its 3 GlucoVantage XT and 4 GlycoPhase.
That wouldn't bother most people's stomachs, but you could do a test and drop back to 2 caps GlucoVantage XT per day.

I'm following along and excited to see your results and glad to answer any questions.

Also, if you ever have questions and need replies quicker, if you have my email or cell, you're welcome to message me. And if you don't, you're welcome to pm me and I'll be glad to give them to you.
Thank you so much for the detailed response @sns8778 !!! Your customer service is top notch!

I'm confused by my levels as well. I'm hoping they can order further bloodwork to rule some stuff out.

The symptoms have not completely resolved. I would expect the GFXT to knock out prolactin as well if that were the issue.

I will hold off on M Test until I get some more answers. Looking to run this for 2-4 weeks before I fiddle with it anyway. I have some Alpha gel I may throw in around week 3 once I get a good feel for the AE and AXT

Hematocrit and Hemoglobin were both high normal range.
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Thank you so much for the detailed response @sns8778 !!! Your customer service is top notch!

I'm confused by my levels as well. I'm hoping they can order further bloodwork to rule some stuff out.

The symptoms have not completely resolved. I would expect the GFXT to knock out prolactin as well if that were the issue.

I will hold off on M Test until I get some more answers. Looking to run this for 2-4 weeks before I fiddle with it anyway. I have some Alpha gel I may throw in around week 3 once I get a good feel for the AE and AXT

Hematocrit and Hemoglobin were both high normal range.

Thank you. I'm always glad to help in any way that I can.

Your situation is definitely unique. I have an endocrinology condition myself and have had to go to several specialists, but with my condition, my numbers don't trail properly like most people's do and can be all over the place. M-Test helps me a lot, especially with my free testosterone levels - but that's something at the moment you're trying to figure out why it is high anyway.

You're welcome to pm me and I'll be glad to give you my contact info in case you ever have any questions or want to discuss things related to this when you get more answers.
2 weeks in to the stack...

Dealt with a back injury tweak that slowed me down a bit but I was able to dampen it greatly with some corrective exercise.

Noticing some better pumps in the gym and a little more fullness overall.

Added some heavier training this week and noticed an extra rep on most movements but the joints didn't love it. Was able to get 75x8 on incline db which is the heaviest I've gone in a bit. I looked at some logs and its the heaviest I've gotten since 75x10 13 months ago.

Going to focus on slightly lighter weights with moderate rep ranges and rest pause sets.

Dr STILL has not ordered blood work for follow up which has really upset me. He is a friend and client and he called to tell me the endo was not helpful and unprofessional. Instead of writing me up labs he told he would research and get back to me when he comes back from vacation. I think he is over his skies. But he could've at least ordered FSH/LH and estro work.

So I'm still going to hold off on M-Test for now. Was planning on adding 3-4 pumps of Alpha Gel this week but I may wait on that as well.

I ordered more of everything I was running out on. I don't know if I've ever felt much from PAXT but I do want to keep the integrity the stack .
Week 3 in the books...still no blood work.

I had a rough week physically as I had some solid back, joint pain and sleep issues with kids being up/sick etc.

A bad run of nutrition as well. Not awful but 3 or 4 days of off more than normal with fundraisers/travel etc. Just a bit outside of normal for me.

I did think I was actually starting to look a bit leaner mid week until nutrition suffered a bit. Hunger was up significantly this week as well.

I was able to hit 60's for 3x8 on seated DB press which I'll take . Would love to get to a set of 60x12 or 70's 8.

Added alpha gel on Tues...4 pumps x 1 day haven't noticed anything different yet.
Week 3 in the books...still no blood work.

I had a rough week physically as I had some solid back, joint pain and sleep issues with kids being up/sick etc.

A bad run of nutrition as well. Not awful but 3 or 4 days of off more than normal with fundraisers/travel etc. Just a bit outside of normal for me.

I did think I was actually starting to look a bit leaner mid week until nutrition suffered a bit. Hunger was up significantly this week as well.

I was able to hit 60's for 3x8 on seated DB press which I'll take . Would love to get to a set of 60x12 or 70's 8.

Added alpha gel on Tues...4 pumps x 1 day haven't noticed anything different yet.

Sorry to hear that you had a rough week. It happens - I've been on a bad run of eating myself and been trying to clean things up.

I hope the kids are feeling better.
Sorry to hear that you had a rough week. It happens - I've been on a bad run of eating myself and been trying to clean things up.

I hope the kids are feeling better.

I'm about to go on vacation and get out the bad run and start the good run when I return :ROFLMAO:

So two questions...

Hunger is definitely up ...in the middle of week 4 on this stack has anyone noticed hunger increases typically?

2nd. I know the GDA's and Lean edge should be taken before meals but often with schedule its very difficult. Are they still effective if taken with the meal?


So two questions...

Hunger is definitely up ...in the middle of week 4 on this stack has anyone noticed hunger increases typically?

2nd. I know the GDA's and Lean edge should be taken before meals but often with schedule its very difficult. Are they still effective if taken with the meal?


I didn't notice any increased hunger on it, but I was eating fairly consistently when I was on it. I eat so frequently that hunger isn't really an issue, but I did notice that it was much easier and enjoyable for me to be able to eat the portions that sometimes I would struggle with eating.

It's fine to take them with meals. The reason you would take a GDA moreso before a meal is to give it time to get in your system before the meal, but its fine to take with a meal when then timing doesn't work out. I do that a lot myself.
I eat so frequently that hunger isn't really an issue

Same here. Although recently I've been debating on whether I should switch things up and do more of an intermittent fasting schedule. Haven't decided yet.
4th week on stack. Hunger is through the roof! Constantly hungry. Really feeling fuller (muscular wise) but looking much smoother this week as calories were up. Have some events this weekend with the kids/friends that will make getting back on track a challenge..maybe not worry about it now and focus on some cutting after week 12.

Steps were good every day . Strength was decent ...shoulder stability kills me . Hit 55's on DB OHP for 13 but 65's only for a weak 5...definitely more stability than strength. KOT Split squats were solid hit DBl 70's for 3x12.

Go for bloodwork tomorrow am (hopefully) to get labs for Estradiol, Fsh/LH
Hit 55's on DB OHP for 13 but 65's only for a weak 5...

For shoulder press I always feel like my first set I have awesome strength then it declines quickly. Looks like the same for you as well.
So Prolactin came back normal at 10.5 at a range of 4-21
FSH at 3.8 at a range of 1.5-12.4
LH at 2.1 at a range of 1.7-8.6

Prior tests showed high total testosterone and one free test lab showing high and another one showing very high normal.

Kinda stumped as to why libido has been depressed (performance too isn't as strong as I 'd like either ). Still wwaiting on Estro results to return.
Kinda stumped as to why libido has been depressed

Stress plays a big factor in it for me. If my stress levels are high libido is out the window.
Stress plays a big factor in it for me. If my stress levels are high libido is out the window.

Agreed. That is the biggest determining factor with my libido too.
yeah stress and caffine usually kills it for me

Interesting caffeine kills it for you. I don't seem to notice it with caffeine but definitely notice it with high stress and/or lack of sleep. They typically come hand in hand for me.
Interesting caffeine kills it for you. I don't seem to notice it with caffeine but definitely notice it with high stress and/or lack of sleep. They typically come hand in hand for me.

i should say .. excessive amount of caffeine for me kills it .. like a redbull and pre workout 1 scoop doesnt .. but i was pretty bad when i was depressed no sleep, and would be chugging down drinks just so can work 8 hrs

then focusXT came in my life and my life changed for the better lol
but i was pretty bad when i was depressed no sleep, and would be chugging down drinks just so can work 8 hrs

That's always the worst! Then comes on the sleep headaches and you're just trying to make it through the day :(
Just got my estrogen back... 125pg/ml so I guess normal...maybe lowish normal. LH 2.1 out of 8.6 FSH 3.6 out of 12.4
Test and Free test high.

Decent week in the gym. Added the M-Test in.

Pumps have been solid.
Week 6 in the books.

Hunger is definitely out of control. Had to dial back the workouts to agonistic supersets to limit some of the weights but still be efficient and get after hypertrophy.

Spoke with board member Hyde about Labs and he suggested trying to raise Estro a bit with Tribulus and Pine Pollen for Libido and DHEA for Estro.

I have to make another order for some supps I miscalculated how much PAXT I had. It will be month 6 of PAXT and I don't know how much I get from it. I do know people love it.

I added Lean Edge Nite Burn to hopefully keep Fat gain a little more under control. I finished Alpha Gel this week. I'm conflicted as to whether continue to try to push hypertrophy or try to recomp a bit. My plan was to move this forward after 12 weeks with Recomp 20, Pepti Plex AXT, AE and URSA Gel which I ran at higher doses and really sstarted to see benefits with but was going through bottles FAST

I had planned on going with some X gels for the final 8 weeks but have reconsidered due to the possible joint issues.

I have 2 bottles of Hyperiron left over from a big purchase last year which I may add. I currently only buy from SNS XPG,CEL and Evomuse but I have it so I may as well use it.
Week 6 in the books.

Hunger is definitely out of control. Had to dial back the workouts to agonistic supersets to limit some of the weights but still be efficient and get after hypertrophy.

Spoke with board member Hyde about Labs and he suggested trying to raise Estro a bit with Tribulus and Pine Pollen for Libido and DHEA for Estro.

I have to make another order for some supps I miscalculated how much PAXT I had. It will be month 6 of PAXT and I don't know how much I get from it. I do know people love it.

I added Lean Edge Nite Burn to hopefully keep Fat gain a little more under control. I finished Alpha Gel this week. I'm conflicted as to whether continue to try to push hypertrophy or try to recomp a bit. My plan was to move this forward after 12 weeks with Recomp 20, Pepti Plex AXT, AE and URSA Gel which I ran at higher doses and really sstarted to see benefits with but was going through bottles FAST

I had planned on going with some X gels for the final 8 weeks but have reconsidered due to the possible joint issues.

I have 2 bottles of Hyperiron left over from a big purchase last year which I may add. I currently only buy from SNS XPG,CEL and Evomuse but I have it so I may as well use it.

For Ursa Gel, you said that you were going through bottles fast - how many ml per day were you using?

Each bottle is 100 ml, so max dose at 4 ml should be 25 days, 3 ml would be 33 days, etc.

If using DHEA, I highly suggest DHEA-50 Gel, its much better than oral DHEA and 1 bottle lasts 100 days.

Pine Pollen or Pine Pollen + Tribulus-750 is great for libido.
Hey Steve, RE: URSA I was definitely higher dosing. 6-8 pumps per day and noticed a SIGNIFICANT difference. Just becomes cost prohibitive. It is a great product though. I used UM and there is no comparison in ease of application and the smell of XPG makes them far more useable. For whatever reason I just seem to respond to higher doses of many supps.

I will be picking up the pine pollen and tribulus as well. I'm going to replace my creatine mono with HCL. I may drop PAXT this time around however. Just as these along with the other supps in the title lean edge/elite curcumin get to be a bit much on the wallet.

Hey Steve, RE: URSA I was definitely higher dosing. 6-8 pumps per day and noticed a SIGNIFICANT difference. Just becomes cost prohibitive. It is a great product though. I used UM and there is no comparison in ease of application and the smell of XPG makes them far more useable. For whatever reason I just seem to respond to higher doses of many supps.

I will be picking up the pine pollen and tribulus as well. I'm going to replace my creatine mono with HCL. I may drop PAXT this time around however. Just as these along with the other supps in the title lean edge/elite curcumin get to be a bit much on the wallet.


I've never dosed that high on Ursa-Gel - you may have talked me into it haha.
Haha ...the only downside is trying to stack with other topicals if you'd like to and of course you're going to run through fast
Haha ...the only downside is trying to stack with other topicals if you'd like to and of course you're going to run through fast

The good thing about XPG topicals in general is they take up so little application area.

For me, I dose it morning and night, so I do the inside of my arms or tops of feet and its easy do do.

It would stack great with Pump Gel - which is great for pumps, but in hindsight I wish was named differently bc its also great for endurance and people overlook that bc of the name.
Another week in the books . This will be week 8 of the stack that I am on now . I had put on a few lbs around Easter which frustrated me because I was able to maintain body comp for months it seemed but I think I out ate that lol . Hunger has been huge with this stack for me personally.

This week I added SNS Tribulus 750 at 4 caps per day and 6 caps of Pine Pollen. I'm switching to SNS Creatine HCL. I will be out of PAXT this week and will be removing it. That is 6 months that i have ran it. I have two left over bottles of hyperion from last year so I'm going to run those at 1-1.5ml and then switch to XPG DHEA

Messed up my back badly for the first time in a while on Tuesday but was still able to train around it this week . 3 upper and 3 lower days. Averaged 11K steps per day. Didn't get quite as much sleep due to life/kids.

I haven't noticed much in the terms of limit strength but it seems like I've gotten a little extra on mid and higher rep ranges.

I'm wondering if I'm not getting "dramatic" effects because my natural test was unexpectedly off the charts as I mentioned in the beginning of this log.

My plan is to run this another 4 weeks (it's a LOT of caps) then move towards 8 weeks of recomp
So currently

Mymorning is

Pepti/PAXT/AE/MTEST/AXT 1 reduce XT 2 elite Curcumin. 2 Trib , 3 Pine Pollen. 1ml Hyperion

Pre Workout- 2 Pepti, AXT,AE, 2 amentoflavone

Post- GlucoV, Glycophase, 2 Lean edge

Dinner. Gluco V, Glyco Lean edge

Bed. 4 GFXT, 3 LE Nite Burn, 3 ZMA,1 Reduce XT

Looking to switch to a recomp stack of Recomp 20, Epi Plex, Ursa Gel and DHEA (Will keep Lean EDGE and most likely GFXT)
unsure if I'll continue with AE/AXT/M Test at that time . Considered BMP but I don't know if it makes sense looking at ingredients vs cost. Never ran before
We'll have a couple new things out by the time that you're ready to change things up that you may be interested in.
I'm always game (you can tell by my list above lol) . Let me know what you had in mind!

We have Prime XT coming out within the next couple of weeks.

Then Alpha One will be coming out within the next 6 weeks - which will be for lean muscle, strength, and recomp.

Then we have a really cool and unique recomp product coming out shortly after Alpha One.
Still going strong. On my last bottles of AXT,AE, GFXT right now.

Switched my workout up to an HST style routine (maybe the old heads will remember) . Higher reps this week but pumps were pretty solid . Co worker commented my shoulders may be looking a little denser.

I'm going to plan on trying to get blood work in the next two weeks (but that cuts into the supplement budget! lol) . I just want to make sure I'm making educated steps moving forward.
Despite working around a back injury this week, felt pretty good. Finishing up a high rep block so the weights weren't much to write home about but made increases and felt strong.

Going to order labs next week to take the following.

Thinking my next cycle will be Prime XT, Pepti Plex, URSA Gel at 6ml, Epi plex 1 serving and with 1-2ml Epi gel, DCP with both Lean Edges and GDA's and1.5 ml of hyperion until it runs out and i'll switch to XPG

Going to be looking for recomp over the next 6 weeks.

Tempted to stay on AXT now lol but the wallet can only handle so much
Prime XT, Pepti Plex, URSA Gel at 6ml, Epi plex 1 serving and with 1-2ml Epi gel, DCP with both Lean Edges and GDA's and1.5 ml of hyperion until it runs out and i'll switch to XPG

That will be a pretty nice set up. Excited myself to try out the Prime XT!
Week 10 in the books. Didn't miss any reps this week. Weights were creeping up...still not near rep maxes but I will take it. Going to order labs today and hopefully get them this week.

@sns8778 when do you expect the new products you mentioned to drop.

Going to run 6-8 weeks/Recomp. 6 fat loss . Then back to Recomp/Strength
Week 10 in the books. Didn't miss any reps this week. Weights were creeping up...still not near rep maxes but I will take it. Going to order labs today and hopefully get them this week.

@sns8778 when do you expect the new products you mentioned to drop.

Going to run 6-8 weeks/Recomp. 6 fat loss . Then back to Recomp/Strength

We have so many new products in process that its honestly almost impossible to give exact dates for new releases.

The restock on Prime XT is hopefully about 8 weeks.

Alpha One, if I had to guess is probably 6 to 8 weeks.

For the others, staggered out a little after that most likely.
Wrapping up week 12 this week . May run out of AXT tomorrow. but essentially 12 weeks. Finishing smoother than I like from a body fat perspective. I think there was a bump in well being. Strength was good and I've made it through a grind of a schedule. Pumps had been pretty solid throughout. I'd give the products another run.

Getting bloodwork tomorrow. Interested in seeing results. I think the fact that I went in with a very elevated T could keep some of the effects from feeling "profound".

Plan moving forward


Elite Curcumin
Recomp 20
Prime XT
Epi plex
Hyperion 1.5 ML
Ursa gel- 6ml
Pine Pollenx3

Recomp 20
Pepti Plex x 4
Epi Plex x1
Prime XT

Lean Edge
Creatine HCL

Recomp 20
Lean Edge
Prime XT

Pre Bed
Epi gel-1-2ml
Lean Edge Nite Burn
Pine Pollen x3