11-OXO/Sterone & PES Anabeta


New member
Looking into running these for 6-8 weeks, not because they are the strongest going around, or yield best results, but because i can get them without the risk of seizure (damn you customs).

I know results will be mild, but what would you guys see in terms of gains for a 2nd time ph user (first time was 12 months ago epi for 4 weeks).

Looking at running the 11-OXO at around 450mg a day for 6 weeks, and the Anabeta at a regular dose throughout the 6 weeks period.

Read many reviews of people loving the product, but couldnt find many results. I know it wont add 20lb in 4 weeks like DMZ, but id be happy with 5-6lb and a drop in bf. Is it achievable from this?

Would 600mg yield much greater results than 450? Also, i read that this would not effect the hairline. I know every PH "has the chance" of affecting hairline, but how does 11-oxo rate? Im prone to mpb, and lost a fair bit on epi, but i have read that is very harsh on the hairline.

Ive read a few good reports on Anabeta, so am thinking of running it as a stack, or after my 11-0xo to help keep gains/increase appetite


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run the 11 oxo at 700mg. 450 isnt high enough to really get anabolic effects. You wont have any cortisol in your body so beware of that. I dont know too much about anabeta but i would use it during PCT. Why run it on cycle when your already going to have other, more powerful anabolics....???

Not saying the 11 oxo is strong stuff but at 6-700mg it will be much more than the anabeta. I would still try and get ahold of something else to stack with it. helladrol or a halo clone would be nice. I dont know where your living at or whats available to you but post them up, we ll see whats best. Sh!t, even some LG methyl 1-d would help.

I dont know about the weight gains, may 2-3lb and a 2-3lb fatloss.


  • Established
  • RockStar
Sorry to but in, what kind of PCT would be good for an 11oxo only run?


New member
I have read that some OTC stuff would suffice for it, havent really read that people should use a SERM unless you go over 900mg/day.

If i could, id be running Halo, but the chances of that getting into Australia are about 10%, so am just going to go with 11-oxo as i can source it locally.

Any recommendations about the cortisol? What would no cortisol in the system mean, what sides can i expect, and how can i combat these?


  • Established
  • RockStar
Your joints will be very sore... you know when athletes get those cortisol shots in their leg to negate pain? Think opposite of that.

I'm not 100% sure, but i'd think that'd be the worst and most prominent side effect.


New member
Haha, awesome!

I ran a low dose of epi last year, and that dried my joints out a lot! Will take my fish oils etc, but not sure if that will be enough? Maybe load up on some cissus too

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