Search results

  1. Sklander

    AndroHard v3 Works.

    Stats: 24 years old, 190lbs, bf roughly 10% ***CYCLE*** AAS: wk1-8 androhard v3 @ 6 caps/day wk2-5 SD @ 10mg/day wk1-8 dermacrine 4 pumps/day Support: wk1-8 cycle support 2 scoops/day wk1-8 fish oil (lots) wk1-8 daa I ran letro for awhile bc I was afraid of gyno problems (didn't think about...
  2. Sklander

    Big Thanks to Primordial Performance - A True Class-Act of a Company

    Just wanted to give some credit where credit is due. I had a little issue with timing (ran short on an AHv3 cycle) and am currently without AH in wk4. However, I was able to get a hold of PP and they rushed me an AHv3 asap - I explained what I was doing, how it was pretty crucial I get the stuff...
  3. Sklander

    Wisdom Needed - Supporting Supps

    I am running epistrong 60/60/60/60 - love this ****. I'm on day 7 and am +6, bf down. Awesome. I've ran epi before and love the stuff - i can now vouch for the limited ed. run personally. This stuff is flat out strong and awesome. 60mg was my sweet spot when I fooled around with a 6wk cycle of...
  4. Sklander

    Andromass Log: 8wk AM w/ SD kicker --> osta/s4

    Title says it all: 8wk AM with a 3wk kicker of SD. Gonna do the AM @ 6 pills daily, split into three 2 pill doses per day. I am gonna take 10mg SD all the way through week 3 and will try to time it preworkout. Is there any benefit to me breaking these caps open and doing 5mg twice daily? I like...
  5. Sklander

    Bloods - help me interpret these results!

    Last cycle was hdrol 6 wks. started 1 april ended 13 may. last day i took sarms (or anything) is 20 july. I had bloods done a few days ago. Check 'em out and let me know what's going on with me. I did full PCT with torem, unleashed, etc. I made my own concoction of herbs... if anyone is...
  6. Sklander

    Contemplating next cycle... Need wisdom... AM w/ SD kicker...

    So, its about to be that time. Two weeks will make 6weeks all natty... 14weeks-ish with no PH/roids - only sarms. Feeling awesome. Strength is still up... can't WAIT to see what this does to me. Its gonna be crazy. proposed cycle: wk1-8 andromass 6 pills/day OR wk1-6 8 pills/day ??? input on...
  7. Sklander

    A Real Difference Noticed w/ These Herbs

    So, Austin has this magical little place called "Garden of the Ancients". Well, it is full of BULK POWDER of pretty much any extract you can imagine. I recently came off a hard hdrol cycle and am now at day 28 of PCT - I have maintained 10.5lbs after 9 wks - sarms have helped, but I thought I'd...
  8. Sklander

    Helladrol Cycle Log

    Started this morning. Joined new gym, so no more freshman frat boys in my way.. Gonna do 50mg/ed for first week and access how I feel. The plan looks like 50/50/75/75/100/100.. but things are subject to change like always.. Running 5 pumps of dermacrine, 2 scoops cycle support and 10+g's of...
  9. Sklander

    Advice on FORMAstanzolol use.

    I am coming to the end of a great turinabol cycle and am wondering about this FORMA. I have been using DERMACRINE on cycle with the tbol and have had great results... stuff has me RIPPED at just under 180lbs. My shoulders are SO striated. Anyway the cycle ran 60/60/90/120 and is about to be...
  10. Sklander

    Advice on Turinabol PCT

    Have ran cycle for about 4 weeks now. Decent gains. Got sick on cycle and lost a bit. Full support ran - cycle support, fish oil, the usuals, etc... you get the picture ran it 60/60/90/120 no sides except some acne i just noticed on my shoulder. prob. bc i was messing with it. MONSTER status...
  11. Sklander

    Planning HELLAdrol run

    So, I just completed a six week 30/45/60/60/60/75 epistrong cycle w/ dermacrine. INCREDIBLE results. I only ended up keeping at this point 5lbs, but there was a complete transformation of my body. Couldn't be happier. Looking to bulk this cut up body a bit, now, though, and I have some hella...
  12. Sklander

    Timing Safety

    So, I just ran epi HARD and it worked great :D all supporting supps etc - can't stress importance of fishoil enough bros - anyway, my overall sitting weight is 182lbs and today was last day of a 4 week PCT inolving clomid, reduce xt, unleashed, etc... still taking the HCGenerate and started to...
  13. Sklander

    Real simple Epi-Strong/Dermacrine Log

    Figured this is the best way to keep track of certain stats etc. Coming off a MEAN shoulder reinjury, but 6 weeks off plus PT has brought it to me being confident to run a cycle. Stats: 5'11" 173 starting weight - lost a lot due to inactivity of shoulder :( really a huge goal is to gain back...
  14. Sklander


    I just found out I have a SLAP tear of my left labrum. Super pissed off. I had been planning a cycle of hella for about 2 months now... Been seeing really great ortho past week and MRI revealed the bad news. Question... What would YOU do in this situation? Would you have the surgery asap (4-6...
  15. Sklander

    Running FORMA 2weeks pre cycle? Any benefit?

    I have a couple bottles of FORMA-stanzol laying around along with a boatload of other stuff for a cycle I have planned in about 3 weeks. My questions is this - I am gonna run hdrol 75/75/75/100/100/100 - is there any benefit to applying FORMA 2 weeks precycle? Should I preload cycle support 2...
  16. Sklander

    Epi + Forma Stack Question.

    I have a couple bottles of Epistrong and Forma-stanzol. I want to stack these two together somehow. Stats are age 23 height 5 11 weight 181 bf ~12 experience: serious lifting for 4 yrs. Gonna run the cycle in 4-6 weeks when a recent shoulder injury gets completely healed up and ready to...
  17. Sklander

    Need to find a good PCT

    Friend gave me a bottle of Oxyguno - running it at 3 pills (7.5mgx3) per day. I want to use toremifene for PCT. Thoughts on a solid 4 week PCT? Looking to run toremifene for four weeks.