Search results

  1. Riquee

    help with a hardcore combo for wheightloss/lean mass

    It has been a while, so I am not really well updated on all the quality supps. I would appreciate some help to create a 3 months quality supps stack for a dear friend of mine who wishes some weightloss and some added lean mass (medium advanced..5 years on and off training..natural) Monnies is...
  2. Riquee

    Dietary supplements that may increase risk of Lung cancer

    Hope the next info helps, What is abit scary to me is that Vitamin E In a dose of 400 mg used daily for 10 years,was found to raise the risk of lung cancer by 28% :261:!!
  3. Riquee

    Fluoride detox/ danger of calcium carbonate

    Hi all, What do you guys think about fluoride detox ? please share your knowledge/experience . I thought you might find the next interesting (source:
  4. Riquee

    what could cause the nausea in rpm/amp

    I am trying to find out why I get extreme nausea and sometimes to the point I have to throw up from the next products: AMP (Ergopharm) the first version (not the new V2, not tried it) : 3 caps : were ok, no problems 4 caps : most of the times ok, sometimes little nausea 5-6 ...
  5. Riquee

    Which product with all "absorption enhancers" for T-rez/Div in TNT would be the best

    Which product with all "absorption enhancers" for T-rez/Div in TNT would be the best Any tips for one product with all the absorption enhancers (biop/que and maybe more..) in the right ratio to add to the TNT stack ?
  6. Riquee

    Cycle support (AI) or Cycle assist (CEL)

    Both are great companies with great products..Congrats to CEL with C-Assist and all new products..and AI, you always deliverd innovative quality goodies..keep up the good work:clap2: I and many of the members are interested in which of the two you would like to use in the near future, and why...
  7. Riquee

    trenadrol/readyforwar/penetrate eta

    eta on these please? need order very soon:-)
  8. Riquee

    Diesel hardcore out of stock!!

    When will diesel hardcore be in stock again?
  9. Riquee

    Trenadrol out of stock!!

    When will Trenadrol be in stock again?
  10. Riquee


    Nutra peopes:hammer: When will toco-8 be available? Thx
  11. Riquee


    Abliderate? when is this back ? out of stock for a while:-(
  12. Riquee

    Trac Extreme MHP

    Trac Extreme is a great product I think..many like it better than other NO/creatine/energie products..It would be great if Nutra will carry this one..I am sure it's a winner (maybe instead of the MHP Sarm-X! sorry guys:( ..hate to bash any product but this one will not sell..too many bad...
  13. Riquee

    Superior Pea Protein vs Egg Protein?

    What do you guys think of this protein vs Egg Protein? Superior Pea Protein Isolate (PPI) is a natural yellow pea based protein with unrivalled taste, solubility and quality. It is a "2nd Generation" PPI, hence its far superior quality to everything else currently on the market! Before...
  14. Riquee

    Pea Protein Isolate vs Egg Protein ?

    What do you guys think of this protein vs Egg Protein? Superior Pea Protein Isolate (PPI) is a natural yellow pea based protein with unrivalled taste, solubility and quality. It is a "2nd Generation" PPI, hence its far superior quality to everything else currently on the market! Before...
  15. Riquee

    3 AD Clone / AndroXtreme-D Now at nutra's

    What can I say:lol: who's going for it?
  16. Riquee

    Danger of megadosing vitamin B5!!

    What do you guys think of this:thumbsup: "Is mega dose vitamin b5 acne treatment is DANGEROUS?" Discover the disturbing side-effects our vitamin b5 expirments produced... Wouldn't it be a dream come just pop a vitamin and POOF your acne's side effects and completely safe...
  17. Riquee

    To Pulse Or Not To Pulse.. Share Your Reasons

    :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: This thread is about : Why would you pulse orals ? Or Why would you not pulse orals? :afro: Share...
  18. Riquee

    >>>>> Salvia experiences <<<<

    Come on guys..share your experience with :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: salvia divinorum :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: here
  19. Riquee

    Anyone Ever Had This?!

    Every time when I use the PC and sit in front of the monitor my leg moves up an down by it self:twisted: .. I know it sounds strange.. it's not shaking I guess..It 's more like unstoppable nervouse movement..most of the times it's the right leg.. And when I am aware of it and focus not to move...
  20. Riquee

    Dr D.. please advise

    :( 3 weeks ago I did a MassFX/Jungle warfare cycle of 8 weeks..did not do the full 12 weeks ..and would like to start a havoc(10-20-30-30) cycle of 4 weeks (diet/training/support supps/post cycle therapy are all in check ) Is it ok to start after three weeks or should I wait longer before...