Search results

  1. WILL_I_AM

    Test Cyp Cycle HELP!! + DMZ?

    I'm wanting to begin a cycle based on Super DMZ and Test Cyp to bulk up a little with lean muscle and increase strength. I want to begin in mid December. Staying safe and healthy with great results is my focus, mainly safe! Here is the cycle I'm considering: Weeks 1-8: Test Cyp 250mg every...
  2. WILL_I_AM

    Primeval Labs Tri Sarm Log

    Been having a lot of mixed thoughts on what product to try next, so I started looking into more enhanced options such as the nasty prohormones everyone hates, and needless to say I did not have many supporters. Then someone suggested I look into SARMs as an alternative to prohormones. Found some...
  3. WILL_I_AM

    Super DMZ 2.0 Cycle Help

    Question for the experienced prohormone users.. So to start off, I have only ran Furazadrol and Andro prohormones in the past such as 1-Andro, 4-DHEA, 19-Nor, and Epiandro. I've ran 5 cycles with Andros with as many as 3 stacked together. I'm getting tired of the slight to none results I'm...
  4. WILL_I_AM

    Advanced Muscle Science Promos

    Happening now at you can get some great BOGO opportunities! Buy 1-Andro RDe and use coupon code "igaacombo" to receive a FREE Arom-X RDe with your purchase. Buy 1 Green Apple Body Mortar and use coupon code "igapple" to receive a 2nd Green Apple Body Mortar for FREE...
  5. WILL_I_AM

    Advanced Muscle Science Promos

    Happening now at you can get some great BOGO opportunities! Buy 1-Andro RDe and use coupon code "igaacombo" to receive a FREE Arom-X RDe with your purchase. Buy 1 Green Apple Body Mortar and use coupon code "igapple" to receive a 2nd Green Apple Body Mortar for FREE...
  6. WILL_I_AM

    SARM Questions (Ostarine)

    So I'm new to the SARM world and unsure what would be best use for one. I have researched Ostarine a great deal and it seems to be very popular in both PCT and directly following PCT. However, I see reviews claiming it causes minor shutdown and I don't understand why it would be used PCT if...
  7. WILL_I_AM

    AMS Anabolic Growth Kit Log & Review

    Going into this cycle my intent is to carry out a leaner bulk. I will be lifting 6 days per week with cardio being involved in no more than 15 minutes per day. I will rely on my diet and consistent exercise to keep me lean during this 8 week cycle. I am currently 184lbs and hoping to post...
  8. WILL_I_AM

    AM or PM workous??

    Ok, so most of my life I have had the schedule for lifting around 1 or 2pm at the latest because that was my available time slot where I was not rushed. However, this is my final year in college and my classes along with work consume most of my day past 9am. So my schedule has came down to...