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  1. Capped torem dosage

    Hey, I just got some torem in the mail for some research I'm doing on the animals. It's dosed at 60 mg per capsule but most of the dosing schedules I've seen involve a taper from 120 to 90 to 60 to 30. I think there's filler in the caps, so I can't really assure consistent dosing if I try to...
  2. Adding 4-ad RD to a Trenazone/epi cycle

    Would adding 4-ad RD to my trenazone/epistane cycle be a good idea for keeping libido and preventing lethargy or is it just going to shut me down harder? I'm just short of a week in and doing more research along the way, I am pretty sure my libido is going to be shot. Would 4-ad benefit me? I...
  3. Cycle Check - Trenazone/Epi (4 weeker?)

    Hi All, New to the forum, and I am thinking about doing a cycle of trenazone. Based on reading through others' experiences, it looks like my best bet is to add something to the mix to mitigate shutdown. I ordered a bottle of CEL Epi and two bottles of trenazone. My thought was probably a 4 week...