Search results

  1. who is using Trenavar?

    someone has to be? results? feedback? come on....
  2. Craze = weird high and "jawing"

    Well just got my tub of craze took 2 scoops at 6:00pm and 20-30 min later I noticed this was not a normal pre-workout... About an hour and half later I started to jaw a bit and lick my lips?!?!? Well going back my college days and substance you this weird side effect reminds me of other things...
  3. Trenavar???

    PA what are your thoughts on this compound. Love to get your insight before buying any. Thanks man.
  4. Why no super1-DHEA? in V3

    I would have thought AndroMass would have had this or would have been in another product... why not give us a 1-AD 4-AD stack???
  5. how to stack 4ad, 1ad, decavol???

    what would be the best way to run this stack? was thinking about a 60 (~8wks) day run. Hear are my thoughts, what you think? Option 1: 60 days 2 of each day Option 2: 60 days 4ad at 2 a day first 30days decavol at 2 a day last 30 days 1ad at 2 a day Once I take one RD tab of 4ad how long...
  6. 3 Cheers for HG gear!

  7. ? about Mast

    was looking at running Sus, tren e and mast diprop... question I was wondering is can you inject the mast E3D? I know most go EOD but looking at the ester life it should be okay to run E3D correct?
  8. A50 or Dbol?

    Which is a better kick off to a cycle?
  9. ripped and vascular cycle and HUGE!

    been tossing around ideas for my up coming run and had this come to mind what you guys think: Wk 1-20 : 600mg test e wk 1-12: 200-300mg tren e (depends on sides if I and when I bump) wks 1-12: 400mg EQ then wks 13-20: 600mg EQ wks 1-4: 20mg SD ED wks 15-20: 50g winstrol ED will be using HCG wks...
  10. need advice on new cutting/recomp spring cycle

    Looking at running test, tren and winstrol to get nice and lean and hard for the summer time. Inj EOD running it 7-8wks Test Prop:150-200mg/inj Tren a: 50mg/inj winstrol (oral): starting wk 3-6 50mg/day starting maybe bump too 100mg waht you guys think? everything look okay dosage wise...
  11. Test and EQ

    Little hx run 2 inj cycles: 1. 500mg test/wk for 12 wks kicked off with 10/20/20/30 mg SD. Gained 10 solid pounds but was all the SD. Test was good pro just low dosed caused added friends T400 at end and made huge diffence also bumped up the test to see if better response and then really made...
  12. Getting beastly with beastdrol while waiting on test and deca

    Just need to reemphasize that beatrdrol is the real deal SD. Been a wk running 30mg as a kick off to test and deca. So far the only noticeable is I am turning into a beast in the gym. Strength is def climbing and so is the weight. Props on a solid clone. So if your looking to get some SD go...
  13. Liftingstud's motivated to perform with HGHpro Looking for a HGH product that works? Well, you have come to the right place. Anabolic Innovations has the world’s first working over the counter, all natural growth...
  14. Iron labs g2g?

    Just ran across this company and was curious if anyone has used there stuff? If so what have u used? Seems like they have good feedback but u never know.
  15. Minimizing deca side effects?

    I plan on starting my test e and deca cycle and had everything straight but recently heard something different. Would I be better to use an AI on cycle or a SERM to minimize the chances of side effects from the deca. I always figured the AI was the way to go. Since it is estrogen that is...
  16. All my rep vanished?!?!?! WTF?!?!

    Wasnt sure where to put this but noticed a few days ago all my rep totally vanished. No neg rep. Just went back to zero. Ummm, what happened? Can anything be done?
  17. PCT and testforce... Amazing recover!

    So I ran a 15 wk cycle of test e at 500mg... Decided to add in testforce to my tamoxifen pct and let me tell you what easy recover! I am currently about 4.5 wks through pct and doing great. Really noticed a huge difference even after being on TF for a wk. Really didn't feel that drop off in...
  18. 2nd inj cycle; test + deca

    First run was test e 12 wks at 500mg/wk. Kickoff with 40mg phera. Great first run. Saw some high quality lean muscle and nice strength gains. But the test solo wasn't as outstanding as I had hoped. Maybe under dosed but libido was super high and felt great all around. 2nd cycle: 625mg...
  19. Cracked PM pills... :(

    Yeah was nearing bottle today and went to get my normal morning dose and get 1 cracked open pills... So dumbed it out and 3 more were cracked... Dumped out the powder and a piece of paper and poured it in my mouth, not going to waste.... But damn that stuff tastes bad!!! Lol! Ohh well was just :(
  20. stacking tcf-1 with form-lv?

    Figured this would be a nice combo just wanted some advice of how to maximize results. What I was thinking: tcf-1 10cc prebed (this be the best time? or would morning be better?) form-LV 3cc one in the am then 3cc prebed I know the study was only for 12 days but would probably run the combo...