Recent content by whitelie

  1. Olympus Labs EP1C UNLEASHED! Next Generation Epicatechin!

    Only just seen this, ordered a while ago.. #530882 1x Ep1c Unleashed Caps 1x Combat Crunch bars
  2. First log - havoc, keep it brutal please

    You're drinking a gallon a day or a gallon more than you have been? I'd be having close to 2 gallons a day. Are you having the recommended 4 capsules of JJ per day? I think some people run 6 just to get enough cissus and glucosamine
  3. Muscle Imbalance

    As said, use dumbbells. Can even do single sided presses or go the next size up on the lagging muscle if it's really bad. How long have you been training for? It may even be something simple like muscle tightness causing that side to fatigue earlier. May just need the knots massaged out. This...
  4. My goal is starting to feel unreachable!

    I'm not saying it will take that long to drop the fat, that's the easy part, he's already proven that. It will take that long to gain the muscle that he wants. Less if he keeps hitting the anabolics but naturally?
  5. My goal is starting to feel unreachable!

    Consistency above all else. You know how long it took to lose 50lbs of fat, it takes a hell of a lot longer to put on lean muscle. Stick with it, look back every now and then and remember how far you've come. The results are worth it in the end.
  6. My goal is starting to feel unreachable!

    Realistically, that's what it will take. If your maintenance cals are 2850, dropping them so much won't be good for muscle preservation. You're already pretty low bf, you won't be able to maintain 7-8% year round. I would focus on putting on some more lean mass and then cut down to that sort of...
  7. My goal is starting to feel unreachable!

    Been training for 18 months, pretty much on your second cycle and you want the world? "Am I being impatient?" Yes! Shouldn't have even contemplated a cycle with such little lifting experience. You want low bf but not to be skinny, that comes with muscle maturity, of which you have none. I...
  8. Vujades BLR Rebirth Log - its time to get the boyz back!

    I would like to think the numbers a month later would be pretty close to what they were before starting the initial cycle. Assuming bloods were taken before starting the cycle?
  9. Vujades BLR Rebirth Log - its time to get the boyz back!

    But isn't long term recovery the ideal goal of a serm replacement? I'd have thought you get 3 sets of bloods done. At the start, the 30 day mark (to establish product effectiveness) and 60 day mark (to assess how the body is once off the product). You want to know your body is back to normal...
  10. Prohomones help

    Why don't you try taking one product at a time or at least stacking them. Have one for a week before bringing the next one in etc. At least then you'll know what's giving you the sides and can work out a course of action. If you want a stronger PCT, get a serm or look at something like Rebirth...
  11. Prohomones help

    Were you running any cycle/liver support whilst using it? Using a serm in pct or only that OTC?
  12. Intra workout/bcaa

    I find xtend to be a bit too sweet. No fans of Chain'd Out or MAN Iso Amimo? Ive always liked Chain'd Out Appletini, got some MAN in Sour Patch and Skittles on their way, should be good
  13. Best quality protein bars on market?

    Quest, warmed up in the microwave for 10 seconds. Heaven!
  14. Gym Footwear

    I've got a pair but only wear them on chest day. I don't know how any of you guys can lift in bare foot type shoes. I feel all wonky squatting or deadlifting in a soft soled shoe. Wear these most of the time, very similar to the ryderwear stuff, not overly tight around the ankle unless you lace...
  15. Supplements to replace a Serm

    Anafuse shouldn't replace a serm but can be used alongside it to help maintain the gains from your cycle like you are planning.