Recent content by UniqueJustin

  1. UniqueJustin

    Beginner Cycle

    For ur 1st cycle...500mgs of Test E a week with Clomid for your pct at the end should be fine. Have an AI on hand and Nolvadex just incase. Run that for 12 - 16 weeks and have fun. You can run HCG, if you do start it, do it in week 4 till ur last shot of test, wait 2 weeks and then start PCT...
  2. UniqueJustin

    >> LG Sciences Needs 4 Good Loggers for the GHenerate & I-GH-1 Stack! <<

    Eddddddwittttttt ALL DAYYYYYYYYYYYY Just Look At His Other Logs.... u Kidding Me???
  3. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    Outstanding I will answer your questions later today, Working now, and I dont think your insulting me at all. Please feel free to question, disagree, criticize anything you like :)
  4. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    Pics and Stats I will Post Pics, Weight, and BF%, Next Monday(7Days), Following Monday(14Days) and then 2 weeks after that into pct (28 Days) Then In September....The Bulk Cycle :) Im Gonna Eat Like A Fat Kid In Crispy Kreeeeemes
  5. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    UpDate Ok...Its Sunday Night I took a shot of Test E 500mgs on friday, because i felt my libido was getting a lil shot. I figured this would help, and only gonna do one shot, and im moving up my clen a week. Instead of waiting 2 weeks, im going to jump into the last 2 weeks of clen 2morrow...
  6. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    Well I've Decided.......Lets Keep It Goin...Psssss ACL got nothing on me....Press On :)
  7. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    Bad News My ACL is Officially TORN TORN TORN....I guess doing 455 squats with a partially torn acl wasnt smart. I will keep you guys updated of what is going on. Sorry, This Is Not Good
  8. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    Reply Hdrol takes about 3 - 4 weeks to kick in so depending on how long ur cycle is it all depends. Dont know about furaza, never did it. Ive done Hdrol cycles alone 50/50/75/75/75/100 and it worked well. I lost a lb and put on 4 lbs of muscle. So for what it was it was good. Adding T3...
  9. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    I Decided to pick up some Prop. So i think im gonna start that in week 5 when i go back to clen. Im gonna do prop for i believe 6 weeks and then start pct. I also have hcg, debating on how i want to do this... After 17 days so far, I perhaps wished I used Prop 100mgs EOD....But you live and...
  10. UniqueJustin

    Help with WINNIE/ DBOL/ GH Problem

    Wait Wait for the Testtttttttt
  11. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    Weoooooooooowwwww...Hey Guys...Its been crazy with work so I havent had time to get **** 2gether. 2morrow im off so Ill get **** done. Im off clen for 2 weeks now, and debating on tossing in some Test Prop at 50mgs EOD for the next 4 weeks...Suggestions????
  12. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    Day 13 - May 29th Dosage 50 Mg Anavar 140 Mcg Clen 60 Mcg T3 6 Mg Yohimbine Workout: Shoulders Dumbell Shoulder Press - 85's x 13, 9 , 8 Dumbell Front Raises - 55's x 9, 8, 8 Dumbell Lateral Raises - 45's x 12, 11, 9 Barbell Upright Rows - 115 x 12, 10, 10 Bent Over Rear Delt Row - 55's x...
  13. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    Day 12 - May 28th May 28 - Day 12 Dosage 50 Mg Anavar 140 Mcg Clen * up again and will do this for the last 3 days of clen) 60 Mcg T3 6 Mg Yohimbine 1 Mg Ketotifen Workout - Back Lat Pull Down - 220 x 10, 9, 7 Bent-Over Rows - 205 x 12, 12, 11 Lat Pull Downs Close Grip (V attachment) - 160...
  14. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    Day 11 - May 27th May 27th - Day 11 Dosage 50 Mg Anavar 120 Mcg Clen (Up 20 Mcg) 60Mcg T3 6 Mg Yohimbine 1 Gram Ketotifine Workout - Chest Incline Dumbbell Press 100's x 14, 12, 9 Incline Dumbbell Fly's - 75's x 11, 8, 7 Flat Dumbbell Press - 90 x 12, 11, 8 Cable Flys - 35 x 12, 12, 12...
  15. UniqueJustin

    Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17

    Pumps Yup I get crazy pumps while im in the gym, and I love it. We shall c what happens in the next 4 weeks.