ucimigrate's latest activity

  • Hi Everyone, 1. As posted in other threads, I could not get into ketosis easily. I always had to eat zero carbohydrates for six days to register on Ketostix. I admit, I never tried it with the...
  • ucimigrate replied to the thread Any Resources on "Mentality While Lifting".
    Thanks. Stimulants do that to me, too. I guess I am one of the best people who works under a lower than normal state of mental activity. Granted, I am not sleeping or being mindless, but...
  • ucimigrate replied to the thread Any Good Threads for Lifting Cues?.
    Very good advice: - Mountain Dog/John Meadows - "Train First, Then Worry About Fine Tuning" I did 5*5 Bench and Squat Today. I feel good! More days like this to come.
  • ucimigrate posted the thread Any Good Threads for Lifting Cues? in Training Forum.
    Hi Everyone, In the last six months, I have done little exercise, other than walking. I am just so busy with work, often 14 hour days. I have always had terrible posture, pelvic tilts, tight...
  • ucimigrate replied to the thread Any Resources on "Mentality While Lifting".
    You hit the nail on the head. These all answer my questions. My biggest problem was mental arousal. Stimulants (esp. caffeine) over arousing me. Even thinking can over-arouse me. I think it is...
  • ucimigrate reacted to Resolve10's post in the thread Any Resources on "Mentality While Lifting" with Like Like.
    I'll be brief since I don't know exactly what you mean, this could be quite a few things. There is research on various avenues of this though. Internal vs External cues show different benefits...
  • Hi Everyone, I find that if I think too much when lifting, I end up quitting sooner. 1. Is there any evidence-based, proven lifting mentality? I know weight lifting coaches, etc. have mantras...
  • ucimigrate reacted to BBiceps's post in the thread Can KB Swings Completely Replace Cardio? Opinions? with Like Like.
    What kind of results are you expecting and how much effort do you actually do? Any workout can work as long as you give enough effort. Unfortunately it’s no program that’s “the best”, what works...
  • ucimigrate replied to the thread Can KB Swings Completely Replace Cardio? Opinions?.
    Thanks. I guess I am like this because I have stuck to certain things for too long, even when the results were not coming. I suppose no person wants to waste time on the wrong things.