Recent content by myfathersboy

  1. deer antler IGF 1 spay

    Hehehehe...Funny and true.
  2. Personal Training certifications

    This is good advice...I am ISSA Certified and ummmm....It's kinda useless unless you're trying to impress girls.... I've learned more from this site than I did from the ISSA certification process.... Not trying to knock on the ISSA or anything..they are really trying to do good things...I just...
  3. What To Eat Or Take Before Bed???

    I love the coconut milk idea!!! Tastes amazing too! Goat whey, huh? That's interesting......Consensus seems to be that casien is ideal before bed though... although admittedly, I know nothing of goat whey...
  4. How to tell when to change diet?

    FOG...Don't hold back now, tell us how you really feel!!! Good Post...
  5. How to tell when to change diet?

    Oh yeah, and I do schedule a refeed when needed too!!!:pizza: :food:
  6. How to tell when to change diet?

    you're a big m'fer... I agree with long as you're still getting the (realistic) results you're looking for then just ride it out... my cuts are usually progressive in that I schedule a change about every 3-4 a very vague example, I'll moderately adjust my diet, then...
  7. My sister walks around the house in her bra

    Just show her this thread......she'll be a nun in no time... either that or nailing every guy in here...but hey, lifes a gamble
  8. "1.5grams of protein per lb of bodyweight" rule

    It's lean body mass. And I'm a firm believer that the only thing that should change on your day off is the fact that you don't go to the gym. And if the financial burdon of purchasing protien is weighing heavily on your mind (and wallet), consider that most of your protien intake should really...
  9. Sushi?

    I just found this thread, and don't know if you got your rice done yet, but it breaks down like this: First you have to buy the right rice..the Asian markets usually carry a wide variety labeled as "sushi rice" I use Kokuho, which is a variety grown in california of all places... Sushi rice...
  10. Iron's Training Log

    So I've been following along, but I just got around to really looking at this routine...Clever but very unorthodox. I know It's only been about two weeks now, but what are your impressions so far?
  11. Please, Some advice - Hair Related

    Dunno if you saw this already or not, but here is a link to one of the stickies....a lot of good info here
  12. The ultimate pump.

    Aww, c'mon.....A little off-topic for the supp section, but it gave me a little chuckle... And besides, if it takes ya 4 minutes to read a few paragraphs, ya got bigger problems than the fact that you just read an utterly useless post :stick:
  13. Iron's Training Log

    I'm sure overall muscle endurance will improve...what I meant was during each workout...I can imagine that by the time I was on set #6 or 7 of a big compound movement with only 30 seconds rest in between, i'd be bloody fried...then again, you look to be in pretty good cardiovascular condition:ntome:
  14. Iron's Training Log

    I love seeing training logs...can't swing a dead cat without hitting a AAS or Supp log...Funny how much fewer straight training logs there are out there... Regarding the high volume, are you 'on' while doing this routine? and do you find that your endurance suffers only taking 30 secs between...
  15. Testers needed

    Man, this is such a needed product....and by AI too, sweet.