Recent content by muddertougher

  1. muddertougher

    Ipamorelin and GFR 1-29

    What did you use them for, and what benefits did you notice from them?
  2. muddertougher

    Ipamorelin and GFR 1-29

    I'm only interested in experiences in improving sleep quality, has anyone tried this combo?
  3. muddertougher

    Unanswered Best ai for hardening(already low bf)

    Get some 6 bromo
  4. muddertougher

    Unanswered Mk677 + strong bulking oral = horrible edema

    I would recomend he doesn't use it at all, i can do a more in depth brakedown later but busy atm
  5. muddertougher

    Unanswered Help with my cycle

    Hot flashes are from the AI i get them on Aromasin, you just have to consciously recognize it for what it is.
  6. muddertougher

    Strong Supplements Locker Room Talk

    It's essentially baclofen without a phenyl-ring, its considered a gabapentinoid, it's a gaba-b agonist, pea antagonist. It's actually a Russian pharmaceutical, study's show very fast time to build tolerance and to build a dependency, sleep is supposed to be similar to GHB, be careful this it not...
  7. muddertougher

    Unanswered Mk677 + strong bulking oral = horrible edema

    Good to hear
  8. muddertougher

    Unanswered Mk677 + strong bulking oral = horrible edema

    Mk 677 is a non pulsating ghrelin agonist wouldnt recommend it to anyone, specially not a diabetic.
  9. muddertougher

    Answered How i picture half of your livers

    Seeing these back to back to back oral stacks. (No wurrY bRo i RuN TudCa Im nOt duM)
  10. muddertougher

    Unanswered Help with my cycle

    Caffeine interacts with AI's nicotine interacts with AI's, other medications, you could be hypersensitive, my first ever i go the test flu and fealt horrible, do not rely on the benzos that will **** you harder than any cycle or discontinuation of.
  11. muddertougher


    If you want a couple more boners, power to you but you will see no results from these, specially anyone who gets sufficient macronutrients and good sleep.
  12. muddertougher

    Straight Up Kratom’s Green Vein MD Experience

    Magtien is magnesium attached to theornic acid which is a metabolite of obsortic acid to help it perforate the blood brain barrier, where it can help upregulate the prefrontal cortex act as a slight glutimate antagonist, magnesium does so much you could go on and on. Suposively absorbic acid is...
  13. muddertougher

    Unanswered Fish Oil EPA seems the only one worth taking

    Try IWI it is an algae based omega 3 supplement with a good epa/dha ratio. Why take fish oil when you can go straight to the source.
  14. muddertougher

    High Hct and Hb after only 6 weeks

    All your markers are fine, best of luck E-Docq
  15. muddertougher

    Leaner, Faster, Stronger Log (LGD/S4 & GW/SR)

    That stack doesn't really seem synergistic.