When to max out



New member
Hello everyone,
I've been weight training for about 5 years, but havent made any real progress because I've been chopping and changing between powerlifting and bodybuilding type routines. I've decided to make powerlifting my main objective since I enjoy trying to increase my maxes.
I've just completed a 9 week squat/bench/deadlift routine and it says to test the maxed at the end. I'm no stranger to maxing out but I want to start doing it right.
My question is, how long shall I wait to max out?,do I need time to recoup before it, like a week? or can I do it tomorrow?(last workout was deads on Friday).

(My stats are 175lb body weight, 415lb low squat, 280lb bench and 420lb deadlift)
Thank you


Check out the Westside articles, they do a 3 RPM max once a week on their lifts.

The other times they work speed work, which enhances recovery.

They have a wealth of nowledge for you and much of their info is also located here at AM.com

Stay strong...


New member
Honestly I don't see the reasoning for wanting to do a 1-rep max other than just knowing what it is. I'd be more interested in how much you rep per set. But that's just me.


Honestly I don't see the reasoning for wanting to do a 1-rep max other than just knowing what it is. I'd be more interested in how much you rep per set. But that's just me.

The 1RM helps you set up your percentages for lifting. In order to increase strength and mass, you need to lift in the 60% to 80% of your 1RM. Others use the 3 RM in order to prevent injury, and because it is very close to the 1 RM.

Otherwise, you are correct, both college and pro football have rep tests for the combine exams.

DeFranco's training focuses more on reps as his trainees usually lack the necessary hypertrophy and the 1 RM would not help then too much. Accordingly, you could combine the two and lift for a 3 RM once a week and on the other lift session you can go for reps at 60% - 75% of your 3 RM.

As soon as I hit my records goals, I then will shift back to focus on reps and hypertrophy and then return to a more Westside schedule.


Did you happen to do the Dave Tate 9 week beginner's training program?

If so it puts in a deload week at the end which should allow you to go for your max attempts the week after that or if you still feel really burned out take one week off.

If you are really looking to compete at a meet I would do them all in the same day at the end of the week like Friday or Saturday spread out through the day to play like it's a moc meet. Squat in the morning, Bench in the afternoon, and DL late afternoon or early evening. I just got done doing that. I deloaded for a week and then took the week of the moc meet off and went all out on Friday.

If you aren't looking to compete and just want to get a 1rm Spread the lifts out over a few days toward the end of the week. Like Squat/Bench on Wednesday and DL on Friday.


I do a Max Single Max Double every week. Mondays I do legs and will some sort of max squat or dead. Weds I do some sort of max bench movement. (current cannot do bench due to minor tear in muscle from lack of stretching)

I stopped doing speed work all together cause it made be get overtrained. So on fridays and sat I do rep work. Those are my active recovery days and I will do nothing remotely heavy whatsoever. for example my gym has a really nice quasi squat/leg press machine that is really easy on the hips and knees. I will do say 5-6 sets of 15-20reps it makes my legs burn like hell but will not strain them so to hinder my recovery from My ME days.

A easy routine is monday Max Legs/lower, weds Max chest/upper, friday lower body, sat upper body. Do Max triples for at least 3 months before switch to singles. Do not stretch at all for an hour before and during training on max days cause it decreases strength and makes it easier to get hurt. Make sure and do a proper warm up.

Another thing to watch is once you start doing maxes every week pay attention to your body. It is easy to get CNS burnout in the begining. If it happens just backoff and do no ME work the next week.


Doing an ME max on several different exercises is different from getting a true 1 RM on the main three. I hit ME SQ/DL and ME Bench every week also and on those day's I'll always strive for a new PR for a single except for a few exercises like the GM variations where I'll go until I can't do a triple anymore.


New member
I guess I never thought about maxing to get percentages. I use percentages for figuring my warm-up weights, but I set the percentages based on what I'll be repping for sets, rather than just a 1-rep weight.

Almost everyone gets curious to figure out what they can do once, because it's the one time you can add the most weight possible. But I definitly don't think it's a good idea to be maxing out every single week just for the sake of it.


I guess I never thought about maxing to get percentages. I use percentages for figuring my warm-up weights, but I set the percentages based on what I'll be repping for sets, rather than just a 1-rep weight.

Almost everyone gets curious to figure out what they can do once, because it's the one time you can add the most weight possible. But I definitely don't think it's a good idea to be maxing out every single week just for the sake of it.
Hitting a max on the main three lifts to get a 1RM total to figure percentages on is very valuable. I do it myself about every 8 to 12 weeks and build a training cycle around that number.

In training, every week I'll do a Max Effort day for some type of movement to train the Bench and Squat/Deadlift. I have several goals to achieve here and strive to hit at least one if them if not more. Either to up the total volume from the previous session either by adding more weights or reps, getting in at least complete reps above 90%, and hit a Personal record of some type for either a triple, double, or single. I'll always make sure I get in a least three reps above 90% even if I have to low the weight back down a little. It's all about training and stimulating the CNS and getting above 90% will do that.

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