DaPack..Fighting Age One Day at a Time



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April 25th, 2024 (Thursday)

3 sets 7 reps 185lbs, 205lbs, 225lbs**Working sets for the week, light work
6 sets 1 rep 250lbs, 275lbs, 300lbs, 325lbs, 350lbs, 375lbs**Messing around with new squat shoes

Leg Press;
4 sets 13 reps

Leg Extensions;
4 sets 13 reps

100 reps

After years of wanting a pair bought some cheaper squats shoes, Adidas Powerlift 5, for $85. Definitely noticed more quad being used and did seem a little easier opening up the hips. This all could just be placebo effect though pretty sure the quads were not. Going to take a long time to find out which type of shoe I am stronger in but will run with these for awhile until I hit a strength or peaking phase and then maybe can figure it out. Happy 2 weeks after PR squats came back and hit the top set today and probably had another +15ish in me.


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Those adidas look crazy comfortable and have good reviews. Hope they work out for you!
I still have my Ristos I had bought when we were back at the other forum, they're so used I even dropped them off at the cobbler for a while a year ago for repairs, lol. But lately I've been toying with squatting in my deadlift flats and kinda like it...

squats are looking good! Good to see you hitting it hard again


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Those adidas look crazy comfortable and have good reviews. Hope they work out for you!
I still have my Ristos I had bought when we were back at the other forum, they're so used I even dropped them off at the cobbler for a while a year ago for repairs, lol. But lately I've been toying with squatting in my deadlift flats and kinda like it...

squats are looking good! Good to see you hitting it hard again
Hoping they work out and figure if they do might try another pair with lower heel height. These are 1.33" in height.


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April 29th, 2024 (Monday)

4 sets 2 reps 185lbs (DE)
5 sets 5 reps 250lbs, 275lbs, 300lbs, 325lbs, 350lbs

RDL's, Banded;
4 sets 9 reps

Rack Pulls, 3rd Peg;
4 sets 5 reps 275lbs, 275lbs, 300lbs, 325lbs

Leg Curls;
4 sets 15 reps

Seated Rows;
4 sets 13 reps

Lat Pull Downs;
4 sets 13 reps

100 reps


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Hoping they work out and figure if they do might try another pair with lower heel height. These are 1.33" in height.
If you actually have the power lifts they are already pretty moderate in heel height for a weightlifting shoe. They have a 15.5mm (.6”?) heel height where the higher end Adidas and Nikes tend to have closer to 20mm+ (.75”).

Regardless I hope you enjoy them and get some good use out of them. 👍


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April 30th, 2024 (Tuesday)

Bench;**Shoulder test
1 set 11 reps bar
1 set 9 reps 95lbs
1 set 7 reps 135lbs
1 set 5 reps 170lbs
1 set 3 reps 200lbs
1 set 2 reps 225lbs
3 sets 1 rep 245lbs, 260lbs, 275lbs

3 sets 7 reps 135lbs, 145lbs, 155lbs**Working sets

Flat Dbl Press
4 sets 13 reps

Seated Triceps Extension;
4 sets 13 reps

Push Downs;
100 reps

Both shoulders felt great and zero pain on any reps today. Crazy how little strength I lost just doing lighter dumbbells up until 4 weeks ago over the 16 weeks. Slowed down my working sets to about a 1,001 count down and a short pause at the bottom instead of my past way of just exploding throughout the movement. This should be a better way of maintaining my shoulders though the weight will be a little less. Might every few weeks do an explosive set but for the most part will be slower reps. Going to run an 8 week block adding 1 set a week and the 8th week will be a test week. Will through a couple heavy singles in just to get conditioned at a heavier load. See no reason 300lbs is not attainable at the end of the block, if not more. It is not like I am trying to gain to strength but just get it back.


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April 30th, 2024 (Tuesday)

Bench;**Shoulder test
1 set 11 reps bar
1 set 9 reps 95lbs
1 set 7 reps 135lbs
1 set 5 reps 170lbs
1 set 3 reps 200lbs
1 set 2 reps 225lbs
3 sets 1 rep 245lbs, 260lbs, 275lbs

3 sets 7 reps 135lbs, 145lbs, 155lbs**Working sets

Flat Dbl Press
4 sets 13 reps

Seated Triceps Extension;
4 sets 13 reps

Push Downs;
100 reps

Both shoulders felt great and zero pain on any reps today. Crazy how little strength I lost just doing lighter dumbbells up until 4 weeks ago over the 16 weeks. Slowed down my working sets to about a 1,001 count down and a short pause at the bottom instead of my past way of just exploding throughout the movement. This should be a better way of maintaining my shoulders though the weight will be a little less. Might every few weeks do an explosive set but for the most part will be slower reps. Going to run an 8 week block adding 1 set a week and the 8th week will be a test week. Will through a couple heavy singles in just to get conditioned at a heavier load. See no reason 300lbs is not attainable at the end of the block, if not more. It is not like I am trying to gain to strength but just get it back.
That’s great news and impressive that you retained a lot!


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It's great to see your momentum building again!

You know where you are going, you got this! Slow and steady wins the race.
Do you think he would be a candidate for slingshot work to protect shoulders while overloading?
I know a lot of guys are using the slingshot exclusively (too much??) to protect shoulders, but I have definitely noticed it allowing me to do things shoulder pain free, that otherwise are uncomfortable now days (like push-ups)


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It's great to see your momentum building again!

Do you think he would be a candidate for slingshot work to protect shoulders while overloading?
I know a lot of guys are using the slingshot exclusively (too much??) to protect shoulders, but I have definitely noticed it allowing me to do things shoulder pain free, that otherwise are uncomfortable now days (like push-ups)
No, he needs to expand his shoulder capacity if possible so the more low level work/exposure he can tolerate will yield that stronger foundation faster. Slingshot is best later in the training cycles approaching a max attempt, because the weight you will handle/overload is more specific. We want our most specific/highest carryover variations closest to the peak. When you are furthest out, that is the time for more diversity, variation, and weak point/base building work.

Build a firm wide foundation, then use it to lift the biggest weights more safely. We would only want use the slingshot early on/heavily if it was a “it’s this or nothing” scenario.


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May 1st, 2024 (Wednesday)

4 sets 6 reps 185lbs, 225lbs, 250lbs, 275lbs

Pendulum Squats;
4 sets 9 reps

Seated Leg Press;
3 sets 11 reps

Leg Extensions;
3 sets 13 reps

5 sets 5 reps 95lbs, 105lbs, 115lbs, 125lbs, 130lbs

100 reps


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May 7th, 2024 (Monday)

5 sets 2 reps 185lbs (DE)
6 sets 4 reps 225lbs, 255lbs, 285lbs, 315lbs, 345lbs, 375lbs

Rack Pulls, Peg 3;
4 sets 5 reps 275lbs, 315lbs, 365lbs, 405lbs

Leg Curls;
4 sets 15 reps

Lat Pull Downs;
4 sets 13 reps

100 reps


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May 7th, 2024 (Tuesday)

4 sets 7 reps 135lbs, 155lbs, 170lbs, 185lbs
3 sets 1 rep 205lbs, 225lbs, 245lbs

4 sets 5 reps 135lbs, 145lbs, 155lbs, 165lbs

Flat Dbl Press;
4 sets 13 reps

Seated Triceps Extension;
4 sets 13 reps

Push Downs;
100 reps

Shoulders felt great again besides CGBP. I order a shoulder saver from EliteFTS so hoping that will help and can also you for regular bench if my shoulders bother me a little.


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May 8th, 2024 (Wednesday)

4 sets 5 reps 225lbs, 240lbs, 255lbs, 270lbs
2 sets 1 rep 290lbs, 305lbs**Feelers
1 set 5 reps 315lbs

5 sets 5 reps 95lbs, 105lbs, 115lbs, 125lbs, 135lbs

Leg Press;
4 sets 13 reps

Pendulum Squats;
3 sets 13 reps

Leg Extensions;
3 sets 15 reps

Squats felt really good but noticing with the squat shoes I am going well past parallel, which I guess is not a horrible thing. Felt like I had probably 2 more reps if not 3 left in me on the top set. Probably could go for a PR next week of some sort but not going to do it. Depending on the day will just aim for 325-335 for 4 reps.


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I can’t do CGBP anymore due to my elbow, but I can usually get away with CG to a 2-board/EFS Shouldersaver. Honestly, I get all of the lockout/tricep strength benefits and got to handle heavier loads than full ROM CGBP.

Would recommend getting the Shoulder Saver! It’s a great product. The Bench Blokz is great as an all-in-one tool for 2-5 board , BUT the SS is the better 2-board explicitly as it goes onto more bar sizes easier. You won’t regret it.


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Shoulders felt great again besides CGBP. I order a shoulder saver from EliteFTS so hoping that will help and can also you for regular bench if my shoulders bother me a little.
Would recommend getting the Shoulder Saver! It’s a great product. The Bench Blokz is great as an all-in-one tool for 2-5 board , BUT the SS is the better 2-board explicitly as it goes onto more bar sizes easier. You won’t regret it.
I've thought many times about the bench blokz, but now your recommendation has me curious about the shoulder saver. what is the stimulus on the shoulder saver compared to say the slingshot? (aside from protecting you from full rom). When he first mentioned shoulders I thought he was actually talking about the slingshot because I've been seeing a ton of guys lately grabbing those to protect their shoulders. blocks are one thing my lifting buddy and I have never brought into the game so I'm super curious....


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Also curious about this. My current gym has the full one piece shoulder saver bar, I’ve not used it yet. Benchblokz I do love though.


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I've thought many times about the bench blokz, but now your recommendation has me curious about the shoulder saver. what is the stimulus on the shoulder saver compared to say the slingshot? (aside from protecting you from full rom). When he first mentioned shoulders I thought he was actually talking about the slingshot because I've been seeing a ton of guys lately grabbing those to protect their shoulders. blocks are one thing my lifting buddy and I have never brought into the game so I'm super curious....
Entirely different stimulus. Both great options but different use cases.

Slingshot lets you handle a weight through full ROM but gives you a kinetic assistance. You’re both more protected in that bottom ROM and will lift a bigger weight overall.

Boardpress or a Shoulder Saver directly limits your total ROM. Like I said, you can change your grip width so you can change the overall stimulus based on goal, but the fact remains the press is shorter than without. Say your triceps suck at lockout - running a 3-board and moving your grip in a little is going to allow for a big overload for enhancing strength specifically from your long head triceps. And if you want to do some neurological conditioning, taking out a maximal weight to say a 4-board really helps you get used to a weight with remarkably little recovery cost, comparatively. And a 2-board/shoulder saver can be very nifty for extra volume work but cutting down the risk of injury/aggravation, especially with extra wide or closegrip work.

The thing you have to mind when doing board work is not to bounce the bar off the block/board. You can kind of cheat it if you don’t lift with control. Because the shoulder saver is a pad and has a little give, it’s harder to cheat with it.


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The thing you have to mind when doing board work is not to bounce the bar off the block/board. You can kind of cheat it if you don’t lift with control. Because the shoulder saver is a pad and has a little give, it’s harder to cheat with it.
I think Dave Tate was also saying the difference in boards vs shoulder saver was that the board disperses the overall weight of the barbell across a greater part of your body so the shoulder saver is giving you a more realistic stimulus since the weight is more targeted, if I understand correctly...


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I've thought many times about the bench blokz, but now your recommendation has me curious about the shoulder saver. what is the stimulus on the shoulder saver compared to say the slingshot? (aside from protecting you from full rom). When he first mentioned shoulders I thought he was actually talking about the slingshot because I've been seeing a ton of guys lately grabbing those to protect their shoulders. blocks are one thing my lifting buddy and I have never brought into the game so I'm super curious....
My main gym has 2 of those but people seem to not know how to put toys back where they belong lol used it a couple times and each time had to hunt them down like I was Easter Egg hunting


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May 13th, 2024 (Monday)

6 sets 4 reps 225lbs, 245lbs, 265lbs, 285lbs, 305lbs, 325lbs

Hack Squats;
3 sets 9 reps

Pendulum Squats;
3 sets 11 reps

Leg Extensions;
3 sets 13 reps

Worked back to back double on Friday and Saturday so needless to say very little sleep those nights. Got 8 good hours last night but no way was going to attempt deads today. Things went better considering everything and feel had def 1 rep in me the last set if not 2.


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May 14th, 2024 (Tuesday)

4 sets 1 rep 225lbs, 240lbs, 250lbs, 260lbs
5 sets 7 reps 135lbs, 155lbs, 170lbs, 185lbs, 195lbs

CGBP;**Shoulder Saver
4 sets 5 reps 135lbs, 155lbs, 170lbs, 185lbs

Flat Dbl Press;
4 sets 13 reps

Seated Triceps Extensions;
4 sets 13 reps

Push Downs;
100 reps

Shoulder saver seemed to work good though my CGBP is horrible right now.


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May 15th, 2024 (Wednesday)

8 sets 3 reps 225lbs, 250lbs, 275lbs, 300lbs, 325lbs, 340lbs, 350lbs, 365lbs
1 set 1 rep 400lbs

You know when you grab the first 45lb plate and feels like 100lbs going to be a bad day. Did what I could and called it day.


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You know when you grab the first 45lb plate and feels like 100lbs going to be a bad day. Did what I could and called it day.
I, too, know & hate this phenomenon. It’s hard to stay positive when it feels like that out the gate. You pretty much know it’s going to be a less than stellar day; just gotta punch the clock & survive.


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May 21st, 2024 (Tuesday)

1 set 5 reps 185lbs
2 sets 3 reps 225lbs, 275lbs
2 sets 2 reps 315lbs, 350lbs
4 sets 1 rep 380lbs, 410lbs, 440lbs, 455lbs

Pulling 455+ has only happened 12x for me over the last 13 years so sort of a big deal for me. Think what I am most excited about is came at the end of a normal training block, long work week and on a 16 hour fast at the time. Not a lot of time again so another quick workout.


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May 22nd, 2024 (Wednesday)

2 sets 3 reps 185lbs, 225lbs
2 sets 2 reps 275lbs, 300lbs
3 sets 1 rep 315lbs, 335lbs, 350lbs
1 set 3 reps 365lbs**No wraps triple PR and weight for reps PR

8 sets 1 rep 160lbs 185lbs, 210lbs, 225lbs, 240lbs, 250lbs, 260lbs, 270lbs

Short on time again and since gym was empty did a super set. Going to switch back to my normal days of bench, deads and then squats. This will give me an extra day of pressing and instead of doing singles on main bench day and backing down to my working sets this will work a lot better. See no reason to change programming up at this time though next block for squats might do SSB instead or just switch back and worth between them. Still waiting for a meet to show up in Nov or Dec but nothing yet.


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May 27th, 2024 (Monday)

Flat Dbl Press;
3 sets 13 reps

3 sets 7 reps 135lbs, 150lbs, 165
2 sets 5 reps 180lbs, 195lbs
2 sets 3 reps 210lbs, 225lbs
2 sets 2 reps 240lbs, 250lbs
1 set 1 rep 270lbs

CGBP;**Shoulder Saver
4 sets 5 reps 135lbs, 155bs, 165lbs, 175lbs
1 set 4 reps 185lbs

Seated Triceps Extensions;
4 sets 13 reps


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May 28th, 2024 (Tuesday)

6 sets 4 reps 225lbs, 250lbs, 275lbs, 300lbs, 315lbs, 330lbs
3 sets 1 rep 340lbs, 350lbs, 365lbs**Metal Orange Wraps

So a few things happened. Found a meet Oct 12th and decided to throw some wraps on after the working sets just to get use to them again. Plan was next 4 weeks do a mini peak, de-load and at 15 weeks test my lifts. Problem arose on the 2nd top set in wraps. The gym I went to the bars sucks and this one was smooth and bent a little, also the claps are weak and barely hold the weight. One the 2nd top set coming up the bar started to roll and since it was bent had me tilted a little and at the point the weights one was side slide a little, not much but a couple inches. In order for my body to stabilize the weight my obliques took a hug hit. Felt a little pain but nothing to major and last set double clamped the weight and went pretty good. Now my obliques are hurting pretty bad. Hoping nothing major and maybe I can at least bench tomorrow. Seems been one thing after another.


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May 28th, 2024 (Tuesday)

6 sets 4 reps 225lbs, 250lbs, 275lbs, 300lbs, 315lbs, 330lbs
3 sets 1 rep 340lbs, 350lbs, 365lbs**Metal Orange Wraps

So a few things happened. Found a meet Oct 12th and decided to throw some wraps on after the working sets just to get use to them again. Plan was next 4 weeks do a mini peak, de-load and at 15 weeks test my lifts. Problem arose on the 2nd top set in wraps. The gym I went to the bars sucks and this one was smooth and bent a little, also the claps are weak and barely hold the weight. One the 2nd top set coming up the bar started to roll and since it was bent had me tilted a little and at the point the weights one was side slide a little, not much but a couple inches. In order for my body to stabilize the weight my obliques took a hug hit. Felt a little pain but nothing to major and last set double clamped the weight and went pretty good. Now my obliques are hurting pretty bad. Hoping nothing major and maybe I can at least bench tomorrow. Seems been one thing after another.
It will be alright. When I hit a 565 SSB single last prep, it was so smooth I put 600 on. Except I forgot 10lbs on one side, so I had an uneven 590 - as soon as I tried to drive up out of the hole, it crunched me down into a side bend on the heavy side back to the safety pins.

Hurt so bad I could barely do light reverse hypers after & had a bruise from my belt on that side. But I was feeling normal in 2 days.


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Yeah, hopefully just a mild strain.


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As long as you didn’t pop a rib out, but you would know because you wouldn’t be breathing without pain.
ROM today is a lot better before the pain becomes intense so that is hopefully. Bending side to side is very painful and sitting down and getting back up is were the pain is the most. Has me a little hopeful.


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My main gym has 2 of those but people seem to not know how to put toys back where they belong lol used it a couple times and each time had to hunt them down like I was Easter Egg hunting
That’s how the first gym was that I ever used one, so I just got one that lives in my bag now


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That’s how the first gym was that I ever used one, so I just got one that lives in my bag now
last week when benching my buddy and I grabbed the 2.5s and I told him I was damn close to just throwing them in my bag and bringing them in with me every time. for our session, I literally did put them back in my bag in between sets as we changed weights because the week prior someone came and took them off the tree next to us while we were swapping weights out. I didn't even realize it until I turned around to grab them and they were gone lol.

my other gym down in tacoma has dozens of small plates, the one by our office has 3 x 2.5lb plates. THREE. lol. yet we have 4 benches, 2 inclines, 1 decline, 3 smith machines and 3 oly platforms with racks.


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last week when benching my buddy and I grabbed the 2.5s and I told him I was damn close to just throwing them in my bag and bringing them in with me every time. for our session, I literally did put them back in my bag in between sets as we changed weights because the week prior someone came and took them off the tree next to us while we were swapping weights out. I didn't even realize it until I turned around to grab them and they were gone lol.

my other gym down in tacoma has dozens of small plates, the one by our office has 3 x 2.5lb plates. THREE. lol. yet we have 4 benches, 2 inclines, 1 decline, 3 smith machines and 3 oly platforms with racks.
Somewhere in that Tacoma gym someone has a door propped open with one 24/7 because they couldn’t find a real wedge.


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June 3rd, 2023 (Monday)

Average Weekly Weight: 195.5lbs

2 sets 7 reps 135lbs, 155lbs
2 sets 5 reps 170lbs, 185lbs
2 sets 3 reps 200lbs, 215lbs
2 sets 2 reps 230lbs, 245lbs
2 sets 1 rep 260lbs, 275lbs

CGBP;**Shoulder Saver
5 sets 5 reps 135lbs, 155lbs, 170lbs 185lbs, 200lbs

All set including the lighter/ higher reps were hard. One the lighter weights just slow the negative down and take longer pauses to make the most of it.


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June 4th, 2024 (Tuesday)

5 sets 2 reps 225lbs
6 sets 3 reps 250lbs, 275lbs, 300lbs, 325lbs, 350lbs, 375lbs
3 sets 1 rep 400lbs, 425lbs, 450lbs

Lower side of my lower back still hurt a little so figure lower reps would be better since I could stay more focused throughout the set. By baseline strength for deads is the best it has every been since in the past for me to pull 450+ is was always peak program to achieve it. Most lifting day I am on about a 16 hour fast too so everything is looking really good so far this year.


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June 5th, 2024 (Wednesday)

5 sets 3 reps 200lbs, 225lbs, 250lbs, 275lbs, 300lbs
2 sets 2 reps 325lbs, 340lbs
1 sets 1 rep 355lbs
1 set 2 reps 370lbs**Double PR and weight for reps PR
Switched from squat shoe at 355lbs to flats for the last set and definitely feel stronger in flat. Last set would have probably been a single in squat shoe. Main point for the squat shoes was to focus for on quad strength and size and it seems to be working.

9 sets 1 rep 185lb, 205lb, 225lbs, 240lbs 250lbs, 260lbs 270lbs, 280lbs, 290lbs

Not a lot of time this week to lift so switched to a ME week. Decided next meet will mostly likely do RAW since for my age want the state record for bench, 303.1, and deads, 490.5. Squats, 474, and total, 1,267.7, are out of my reach but at least this will give me some motivation. Already broke and hold the records with wraps for my age at 181 and 198 so see no sense to go that direction. I have the 2nd best SBD sleeves but they are pretty worn out so after reading reviews I order a pair of A7 hourglass, rigor mortis sleeves. Figured worst case if I don't like them will just get the SBD powerlifting sleeves for the meet.


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June 4th, 2024 (Tuesday)

5 sets 2 reps 225lbs
6 sets 3 reps 250lbs, 275lbs, 300lbs, 325lbs, 350lbs, 375lbs
3 sets 1 rep 400lbs, 425lbs, 450lbs

Lower side of my lower back still hurt a little so figure lower reps would be better since I could stay more focused throughout the set. By baseline strength for deads is the best it has every been since in the past for me to pull 450+ is was always peak program to achieve it. Most lifting day I am on about a 16 hour fast too so everything is looking really good so far this year.
Heck yeah looks like all your lifts are coming together very well!


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Glad things are clicking so well for you, and nice work on that PR. Who would have thought that bringing up weaknesses would allow for new PRs when you came back to your preferred setup?!

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