What is the go to Sleep product?


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Just wondering what people use to aid their sleep, currently I am getting approx 5-6 hours of sleep a night, not waking up too refreshed obviously... the problem is if I try to go to bed earlier I wake up multiple times throughout the night and I get less. At the moment I normally lay down to sleep around 11.30-12 and wake up around 6.40am-7am, my stress could be better managed and I should be doing more cardio, I am working on these


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Just wanted to add I have tried for weeks at a time to try alter my sleep pattern, turn off electric devices, go to bed earlier, not eat late, no caffeine supps after certain hrs etc... does not seem to help with the multiple wakes ups if I go to early


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SNS Growth Factor
Glaxon Tranquility
Doxylamine Succinate

Every night.


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SNS Growth Factor
Glaxon Tranquility
Doxylamine Succinate

Every night.
Cheers, do you think this helps with limited sleep, like if you get 5-6 do you notice the difference or does the lack of sleep still counter act the benefits of the supps?


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Cheers, do you think this helps with limited sleep, like if you get 5-6 do you notice the difference or does the lack of sleep still counter act the benefits of the supps?
Yes, I do. The sleep is so deep, that 5-6 hours can feel like I got 8. Just remember everyone responds differently. But this is what works for me.


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I don’t know why but Optimize T makes me sleep like a damn baby.


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2 pumps Supress-C a couple hours pre-bed has been a staple for a while now. bAET obviously isn't marketed much as a sleep aid, but I notice much deeper sleep when using it. And if some of your sleep issues are stress related, it could obviously help with that too. Zinc/Magnesium are also nightly staples for me.

Have also enjoyed using Api-Plex in the past, another thing where I notice a deeper sleep.


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I don't get nearly enough sleep, I just run out of hours in the day.

Growth Factor XT is excellent for helping improve sleep quality and I wake up feeling more refreshed and like I slept longer than I have.

I also really like Sleep Assist XT, but I use a lower dosage on it so the bottle lasts forever. If I'm only getting 6 hours of sleep, I take 1 capsule with Growth Factor XT. If I'm getting 8 hours, which is almost never, I'll do 2 capsules.

ZMA XT is a nightly staple for me as well and has been for years.


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I just started taking Growth factor xt, sleep assist xt and SNS stress and anxiety support a couple of nights ago and my sleep has dramatically improved. Crazy dreams too. I have taken the growth factor and sleep support before but this is the first time adding in stress and anxiety support. It can be a little pricey but good sleep is extremely valuable. Adding ZMA would be a great addition too. I usually wash it down with a magnesium drink called natural calm that I buy at Costco.


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SNS Growth Factor
Glaxon Tranquility
Doxylamine Succinate

Every night.
I enjoyed Glaxon Tranquility as well. That brand doesn’t get enough credit I’ve really enjoyed all four of their products I have tried.

Sns sleep assist is good.

Really Enjoyed MA supps stage 3z. It was very unique and the most effective non groggy sleep

Hi tech somatomax either doesn’t work or knocks me out cold. For everyone else it seems to knockout cold every time but might be groggy

And last but not least, the Vitamin company source naturals makes a product call NightRest is the one that puts me to sleep every time. Only product that does. However, it’s hit or miss on the waking up. Sometimes feel great, sometimes groggy, but either way, you will sleep


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3rd or 4th vote for growth factor. Doesn’t make me groggy and it’s just a nice clean sleep. L-dopa and gaba combined makes me sleepy and the other ingredients help with the growth :)



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I just started taking Growth factor xt, sleep assist xt and SNS stress and anxiety support a couple of nights ago and my sleep has dramatically improved. Crazy dreams too. I have taken the growth factor and sleep support before but this is the first time adding in stress and anxiety support. It can be a little pricey but good sleep is extremely valuable. Adding ZMA would be a great addition too. I usually wash it down with a magnesium drink called natural calm that I buy at Costco.
I take the exact same - I always take a Stress & Anxiety Support before bedtime. I didn't think to mention that in my post bc I've done that for years, 1 cap in the morning and 1 cap at night.

I'm really glad that you like that combination.

I love the dreams too. There are days where if I'm having an exceptionally rough day, I'll actually look forward to the dreams that night because for me they tend to be pretty cool.


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I enjoyed Glaxon Tranquility as well. That brand doesn’t get enough credit I’ve really enjoyed all four of their products I have tried.
I've never used the product, but the main thing I like about that formula and that stands out to me is the Lactium ingredient; and that is one that will be included in the upcoming Sleep Support XT product and another product. Sleep Support XT is an upcoming melatonin free sleep product. I like low dose melatonin myself, but we wanted to make a sleep product for people that don't as an alternative to Sleep Assist XT.


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I take the exact same - I always take a Stress & Anxiety Support before bedtime. I didn't think to mention that in my post bc I've done that for years, 1 cap in the morning and 1 cap at night.

I'm really glad that you like that combination.

I love the dreams too. There are days where if I'm having an exceptionally rough day, I'll actually look forward to the dreams that night because for me they tend to be pretty cool.
Stress and anxiety is one I forgot to mention. Very useful for anxiety during the day. It’s versatile because it can be used during the day without knocking you out and while it’s not a strong sleep aid to me it can definitely help get you to sleep without feeling like a zombie the next day. I used this for stress during the day, nights where my mind is racing and need to sleep but can’t be groggy in the morning, or to combine other sleep supps. For example, if I take this I can also take a single cap of sleep assist instead of 2-4 to have less melatonin

But I agree I liked the Lactium and that product in general. Very relaxing and very good sleep. Not the best knockout power but the healthiest feeling sleep. They use prop blends but all their products have been unique and worked well for me. I tend to rotate all of these and have 2-3 on hand for variety. Actually just dropped 1 stress and anxiet, 1 sleep assist, and line 1/16 (bets guess) or somatomax. You have to be careful with interactions interactions, but taking a tiny dose of multiple sometimes gives me a bit of benefit from the each of them as long as the doses for each ingredient add up reasonable


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Stress and anxiety is one I forgot to mention. Very useful for anxiety during the day. It’s versatile because it can be used during the day without knocking you out and while it’s not a strong sleep aid to me it can definitely help get you to sleep without feeling like a zombie the next day. I used this for stress during the day, nights where my mind is racing and need to sleep but can’t be groggy in the morning, or to combine other sleep supps. For example, if I take this I can also take a single cap of sleep assist instead of 2-4 to have less melatonin

But I agree I liked the Lactium and that product in general. Very relaxing and very good sleep.
Absolutely agree - Stress & Anxiety Support doesn't make me sleepy at all, but it helps my mind calm down and stop racing so that I can fall asleep. I can be dead tired and without it, as soon as I lay down my brain decides to think about a hundred things at one time and I can't fall asleep. Stress & Anxiety Support really helps me with that.

Lactium will be in Sleep Support XT and also in the upcoming Mood Support XT.


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I've never used the product, but the main thing I like about that formula and that stands out to me is the Lactium ingredient; and that is one that will be included in the upcoming Sleep Support XT product and another product. Sleep Support XT is an upcoming melatonin free sleep product. I like low dose melatonin myself, but we wanted to make a sleep product for people that don't as an alternative to Sleep Assist XT.
That's great! Will definitely try the new melatonin free sleep support when it comes out!


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I always thought sleep supplements were BS. I go to bed super later, can't fall asleep, never really worked on me.

My wife gave me Natural Vitality Calm Sleep (capsules); **** knocks my ass out! Once I take it I can go to sleep at will. This hasn't happened in 5+ years? Only has 3mg of melatonin per 2 x capsules. Some may consider this good or bad. I will probably research something more appropriate for me in the future, but this stuff DOES WORK. That IML and SNS stuff looks good, similar ingredients might try those in the future.
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There is one OTC called adderall or something like that very smiliar name to the anti adhd drug but a sleep aid


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Just wondering what people use to aid their sleep, currently I am getting approx 5-6 hours of sleep a night, not waking up too refreshed obviously... the problem is if I try to go to bed earlier I wake up multiple times throughout the night and I get less. At the moment I normally lay down to sleep around 11.30-12 and wake up around 6.40am-7am, my stress could be better managed and I should be doing more cardio, I am working on these
It’s simple. No need for all these things man, people on here just like taking supplements while the majority of supplements service no purpose placebo crap… I take one thing at night. Melatonin liquid by Now Foods. Take the dosage suggested and it keeps me steady passed out No grogginess I wake up normal


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Have tried everything and a few beers works


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Straight GABA here. Not to keep me asleep, but on those tough nights when it is difficult to get to sleep.


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Melatonin liquid by Now Foods. Take the dosage suggested and it keeps me steady passed out No grogginess I wake up normal
Haven't tried this one. May have to give it a shot!


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Usually steer clear of prop blends, but my friend owns a Nutrishop and gave me a bottle of 'THERMOVEX PM' to try. KNOCKED me out so hard it's been a staple. I'm guessing its the GABA and Valerian that helps me fall asleep, which has always been my issue. I don't always stay asleep though, maybe due to Green Tea extract or it wearing off, and sometimes have mild stomach discomfort (maybe acv? or inositol/blood sugar). While I do like the effects and ingredients, I am currently looking for a cleaner clearer (labeled and no dye) sup to try. Preferably capsule so I dont have to brush my teeth after.


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I am currently looking for a cleaner clearer (labeled and no dye) sup to try. Preferably capsule so I dont have to brush my teeth after.
I know Steve mentioned SNS will be coming out with a new sleep support supplement. Not sure when that date will be? @sns8778


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I’ve found that products with Melatonin, although incredible at the start, seem to start having the opposite effect around the 2 week mark, and my sleep quality is hindered, mostly waking up several times in the night. Really sucks as pretty much every sleep supplement contains melatonin


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I’ve found that products with Melatonin, although incredible at the start, seem to start having the opposite effect around the 2 week mark, and my sleep quality is hindered, mostly waking up several times in the night. Really sucks as pretty much every sleep supplement contains melatonin
Ya most of the time I prefer without or at least lower dosages.

Also prefer sleep products with actual useful dosages of things not like most of these useless ones that sprinkle in ingredients at useless amounts or labeled without understanding sources and extractions.


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Ya most of the time I prefer without or at least lower dosages.

Also prefer sleep products with actual useful dosages of things not like most of these useless ones that sprinkle in ingredients at useless amounts or labeled without understanding sources and extractions.
I think Steve said his upcoming one doesn't contain melatonin....hope its released soon


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I know Steve mentioned SNS will be coming out with a new sleep support supplement. Not sure when that date will be? @sns8778
I'm not sure the exact date, but it shouldn't be too terribly long.

Labels are done, PO has been placed for awhile - the only real holdup has been that sometimes we have to prioritize keeping existing products in stock so the PO's for those will bump back new products.

If I had to guess, I'd say within 2 months. But it could be sooner - heck, Polygala XT showed up last week and I thought it was still probably another 4 weeks out haha.


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I’ve found that products with Melatonin, although incredible at the start, seem to start having the opposite effect around the 2 week mark, and my sleep quality is hindered, mostly waking up several times in the night. Really sucks as pretty much every sleep supplement contains melatonin
I like Melatonin myself, but different people respond different to different things.

One thing I think that contributes to what you're explaining there with your response is that with Melatonin, I'm always a fan of using the least effective dose.

For example:
  • Lean Edge Nite Burn contains 3 mg. total - 1.5 mg. of regular Melatonin and 1.5 mg. of sustained release melatonin.
  • Sleep Assist XT contains 1.5 mg. per capsule - and most people only use 1 to 2 capsules. I personally use 1 capsule if getting 6 hours of sleep or less; or 2 caps on the rare occasion I can get 8 hours.
^^^ contrast that with the many products that have 10 mg. doses or higher, which is something I would never recommend - and research doesn't recommend it either. The most effective dosage from the studies that I've read continues to be 1 to 3 mg.

There are some good options to help with sleep that are melatonin free though:
  • Api-Plex isn't going to knock you out, but its great for restful sleep.
  • Growth Factor XT is awesome for restful sleep and waking up feeling more refreshed.
  • Stress & Anxiety Support is great for helping get your mind to slow down and let you fall asleep.
We will be releasing Sleep Support XT which will be an excellent melatonin free sleep supplement for those that don't like melatonin. It's a very exciting formula and uses several clinically researched branded ingredients and will be the first product to combine them.


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Ya most of the time I prefer without or at least lower dosages.

Also prefer sleep products with actual useful dosages of things not like most of these useless ones that sprinkle in ingredients at useless amounts or labeled without understanding sources and extractions.
Great post and I definitely agree.

The dosages of melatonin used in many supplements is entirely too high and leads to a lot of the people that don't like melatonin not liking it. It's natural for someone to see 10 mg. on one and just assume 1.5 mg. is too low - when really the 1.5 mg. will work as well or better and not have the tolerance buildup, grogginess, etc.

I'm also the same about not wanting to take anything that has useless ingredients or standardizations in there. I understand why brands do it, for window dressing and to make people think they're getting something they really aren't - to them its just business and marketing; to me, its something I don't fall for as a consumer and something that I am against because I think it takes advantage of general consumers.


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I think Steve said his upcoming one doesn't contain melatonin....hope its released soon
Sleep Assist XT is our existing one that is a great formula and does contain melatonin, and has it at a scalable dose. Each 1 capsule has 1.5 mg. of melatonin and most people only take 1 to 2 capsules.

Sleep Support XT will contain 7 ingredients including 5 branded ingredients and will be melatonin free :)


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  • Growth Factor XT is awesome for restful sleep and waking up feeling more refreshed.
  • Stress & Anxiety Support is great for helping get your mind to slow down and let you fall asleep.
I have stacked these two multiple times for my pre bed routine and it works well for me. I really think the Stress & Anxiety helps clear my mind before I go to bed.


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Unfortunately, the various sleep products I've tried lately haven't helped. However, a few days ago I bought the new Flonase nighttime allergy pill that uses Triprolidine HCI. It works really well (better than benadryl) and the hangover isn't nearly as bad as doxylamine succinate. I am looking forward to trying the melatonin free sleep aid from SNS when it comes out though as first generation antihistamines aren't something I want to take too often.

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