Any point of SARMS for experienced AAS users?


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I had heard of SARM's very sparingly prior to being on this forum and often confused them for SERM's. Apparently they are like an even milder version of PED's than PH's (I believe?). Back when I first started gear 8 years ago I don't think SARM's existed and PH's were scrutinized for being used by teenagers and whimps who were too scared to pin and ignorant enough to damage their liver.

Years later my curiosity killed me and I ended up running some PH's when I started hearing of the ban in 2013. Specifically Superdrol, Halodrol and Epistane. Not going to lie they were kind of cool but would still rather run the standard gear I've been used to and I continued to do so. Now I'm on the board eager to help members with their AAS questions and all I see is questions related to Ostarine and MK this and Equality7-2521 and I feel so behind on this new trend.

Any guys who have used everything in the book found any amusement out of these new drugs? Was about to order a new batch to brew but was reconsidering if I should get a couple of these new SARM's now before they're less accessible, just since they're stirring up some conflict I see.


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My own short answer would be, I dont think they will provide much that you cant already get from AAS oils/powders.

I enjoy LGD, but NPP blows it away in all respects.

Ostar, meh. If I want to lower SHBG with a drug Ill use mast or var. If I want to cut and retain muscle Ill use, well, any AAS over ostar.

RAD I absolutely hated. But trestolone/MENT will crap all over it.


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to be fair i think sarms are decent, nowhere near superdrol and all that stuff ofcourse but things like LGD4033 at 10-20mg a day is pretty good ****. I'd run some lgd together with some test and just give it a shot.

everybodys experiences are different, worst thing that can happen is you waste a few bucks but atleast youll know its not for you


Ostarine is as good as anavar on a mg per mg basis. The ostarine hate I read is ridiculous. Compare ostarine to a gram of test a week and yeah, it's wank. Compare to var and winstrol, different story. Plus, ostarine legit helped heal terribly damaged shoulders, knee,wrist. Pretty amazing for a legal to buy supplement with very few side effects.


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Ostarine is as good as anavar on a mg per mg basis. The ostarine hate I read is ridiculous. Compare ostarine to a gram of test a week and yeah, it's wank. Compare to var and winstrol, different story. Plus, ostarine legit helped heal terribly damaged shoulders, knee,wrist. Pretty amazing for a legal to buy supplement with very few side effects.
I'm going to respectfully disagree with your assertion regarding Ostarine.
It was and is a failure. It screws up your lipids and liver enzymes and dose hardly anything except protect muscle from atrophy. It's not worth it. You may need to research VAR, and the mg/mg there is no comparison. The original designer of Osta is back in the lab and trying to fix it. I think he just gained 15m in research money for his work.

Osta cannot hold a candle to VAR in any regard.
Osta is not a supplement. It's a research chemical, as sold in liquid form in the USA to get around the FDA ruling.
It makes it not fit for human consumption, and has not been tested as such, whereas VAR has an enormous base of study. It's still prescribed for those who need it.

You want to heal your shoulders; knee, and wrist?
Get a peptide. BPC-157 / TB-500 prescribed by a neuropathic doctor.

Please do not spread misinformation.


I'm going to respectfully disagree with your assertion regarding Ostarine.
It was and is a failure. It screws up your lipids and liver enzymes and dose hardly anything except protect muscle from atrophy. It's not worth it. You may need to research VAR, and the mg/mg there is no comparison. The original designer of Osta is back in the lab and trying to fix it. I think he just gained 15m in research money for his work.

Osta cannot hold a candle to VAR in any regard.
Osta is not a supplement. It's a research chemical, as sold in liquid form in the USA to get around the FDA ruling.
It makes it not fit for human consumption, and has not been tested as such, whereas VAR has an enormous base of study. It's still prescribed for those who need it.

You want to heal your shoulders; knee, and wrist?
Get a peptide. BPC-157 / TB-500 prescribed by a doctor.

Please do not spread misinformation.
Nonsense. I've used both compounds for actual physique and strength comp purposes. Ostarine made sense financially and in terms of outcome. I dont base my assertions on being a forum dork, but actual trial and accomplishment.

Please don't pretend to be a scientist.


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Ostarine is as good as anavar on a mg per mg basis. The ostarine hate I read is ridiculous. Compare ostarine to a gram of test a week and yeah, it's wank. Compare to var and winstrol, different story. Plus, ostarine legit helped heal terribly damaged shoulders, knee,wrist. Pretty amazing for a legal to buy supplement with very few side effects.
Lol you're nuts.


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Ostarine.....amazing for a legal to buy supplement with very few side effects.
Supplement you say?

Ostarine has as much approval for human use as a vial of Tren! And a lot less real world use.


Ostarine is as good as anavar on a mg per mg basis. The ostarine hate I read is ridiculous. Compare ostarine to a gram of test a week and yeah, it's wank. Compare to var and winstrol, different story. Plus, ostarine legit helped heal terribly damaged shoulders, knee,wrist. Pretty amazing for a legal to buy supplement with very few side effects.
Did you run a blood panel to see if it did any hormonal/lipid/liver damage?

Most people I see that hate on it have blood-work to back it up.

If you love the stuff then keep using it mate.


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Plenty of responses on his one, but ill go ahead and give my experience.

SARMS have their place for newcomers into the world of PED, to get the feet wet. However iv'e done 3 cycles of Ostarine, and now that I'm on a real cycle with real gear, I've now joined the "just use real gear" club. Iv'e tried about 3 compounds now of real AAS. Actually 4...but to me there is nothing you could get beneficially from SARMS that AAS couldn't just do. And at that, do it much better.

Also, Leave SARMS in the grave is where I stand. At least AAS compounds were invented and have trials and real studied, and were RX'd to patients for years. SARMS have in most cases, ZERO human studies. And the ones we have, BB purposes use anywhere from 3x-8x the dosage the studies were on. They are untested compounds. Leave them alone.


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I had heard of SARM's very sparingly prior to being on this forum and often confused them for SERM's. Apparently they are like an even milder version of PED's than PH's (I believe?). Back when I first started gear 8 years ago I don't think SARM's existed and PH's were scrutinized for being used by teenagers and whimps who were too scared to pin and ignorant enough to damage their liver.

Years later my curiosity killed me and I ended up running some PH's when I started hearing of the ban in 2013. Specifically Superdrol, Halodrol and Epistane. Not going to lie they were kind of cool but would still rather run the standard gear I've been used to and I continued to do so. Now I'm on the board eager to help members with their AAS questions and all I see is questions related to Ostarine and MK this and Equality7-2521 and I feel so behind on this new trend.

Any guys who have used everything in the book found any amusement out of these new drugs? Was about to order a new batch to brew but was reconsidering if I should get a couple of these new SARM's now before they're less accessible, just since they're stirring up some conflict I see.
Sarms existed 8 years ago, but you are/were just another uneducated person doing steroids ( no Better than the teens doing them)
As far as your question goes since I’ve experimented on myself with all kinds of aas, I’d say sarms are good for cruising on for in between a blast cycle. Specifically ostarine at 10-20 mg’s.


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Except for legal reasons I don't see why you would want to use sarms.

Osta vs anavar, that was a joke right? Even if osta was mg-mg with var, you get diminishing returns fom osta when you go above 25mg to the point it makes no sense in taking more than 25mg. And a 25mg var dose is considered a really low dose by most users...


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I'm on 20mg LGD and 20mg S23 for 10 days, up 5 lbs and noticed body recomposition changes already. At this rate this stack may blow TBOL out of the water, will have to wait and see though.
If your significant other doesn't approve of "steroids" or if you are worried about getting busted by the feds and getting pounded in the ass by Leroy, then SARMS make sense. If those are not concerns of yours then old school AAS are the more proven route.


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Sarms existed 8 years ago, but you are/were just another uneducated person doing steroids ( no Better than the teens doing them)
As far as your question goes since I’ve experimented on myself with all kinds of aas, I’d say sarms are good for cruising on for in between a blast cycle. Specifically ostarine at 10-20 mg’s.
The main SARM I see all over this board, Ostarine (MK-2866), was created in 2009 (8yrs prior to my post). What SARMS were so popular prior to 2009? Please inform the whole board since we are considered uneducated for not knowing about these ever so popular SARMS.

I'm being sarcastic by the way. You have no answer, so save yourself the pointless keyboard vomit.


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I had heard of SARM's very sparingly prior to being on this forum and often confused them for SERM's. Apparently they are like an even milder version of PED's than PH's (I believe?). Back when I first started gear 8 years ago I don't think SARM's existed and PH's were scrutinized for being used by teenagers and whimps who were too scared to pin and ignorant enough to damage their liver.

Years later my curiosity killed me and I ended up running some PH's when I started hearing of the ban in 2013. Specifically Superdrol, Halodrol and Epistane. Not going to lie they were kind of cool but would still rather run the standard gear I've been used to and I continued to do so. Now I'm on the board eager to help members with their AAS questions and all I see is questions related to Ostarine and MK this and Equality7-2521 and I feel so behind on this new trend.

Any guys who have used everything in the book found any amusement out of these new drugs? Was about to order a new batch to brew but was reconsidering if I should get a couple of these new SARM's now before they're less accessible, just since they're stirring up some conflict I see.
I wanted to revisit your original post since this is your thread.
SARMS - SERMS. Easy to confuse. One letter, and I know you now know the difference for sure, but let's hit the definition of both for others.

SARMS = Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators
SERMS = Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (Suicidal / Non-Suicidal)

I could describe each SARM and it's particular attributes, but I think it is beyond the scope of this thread.

Milder version of PED than PH?
This is debatable based on the SARM and cycle of which I'd let others answer, but the toxicity is right up there based on the SARM.

Helping members with AAS.
There will always be the need for help, especially with regard to those on the way to making a mistake.

Ostarine at the moment is the only one causing a stir because of it's relationship with GSK. I think it was mentioned already. When the patent holder wants you to stop, you stop. I mentioned how the designer is now working on a version that has no negatives and more positives. I think if successful, it will revolutionize the realm of muscular debilitative diseases. My impetus for curiosity stems from my cousin's having had Muscular Dystrophy which had a profound impact on my life.

The main SARM I see all over this board, Ostarine (MK-2866), was created in 2009 (8yrs prior to my post). What SARMS were so popular prior to 2009? Please inform the whole board since we are considered uneducated for not knowing about these ever so popular SARMS.

I'm being sarcastic by the way. You have no answer, so save yourself the pointless keyboard vomit.
I see more people talking about LGD by far, then RAD 140, or S23 which is putting S4 just out on the porch. I don't see a lot of people discussing Ostarine though, except maybe for it being in the news, and pulled. I think it was a profound failure, and as a PED, right up there with S4. I don't know about you but, I value my liver, and my vision.

My personal opinion is, there is a new wave of natural supplements coming that are going to render some PEDS as irrelevant to the crowd interested in gaining muscle and losing fat. They won't make you a competitive bodybuilder, but then again, how many in here are? Is it worth the risk? A very personal decision for sure. #notjudging #keepingitreal


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Appreciate the breakdown! Think this thread has fulfilled all my questions.

Really hope this new compound delivers the results you want to see. Best of luck


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The main SARM I see all over this board, Ostarine (MK-2866), was created in 2009 (8yrs prior to my post). What SARMS were so popular prior to 2009? Please inform the whole board since we are considered uneducated for not knowing about these ever so popular SARMS.

I'm being sarcastic by the way. You have no answer, so save yourself the pointless keyboard vomit.
Gao W.; Kim J. and Dalton J.T. Pharmaceutical Research (2006) 23, 1641-1658.
Ockham's Razor and Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs): Are we Overlooking the Role of 5α-Reductase?

Wenqing Gao, James T Dalton
Molecular interventions 7 (1), 10, 2007

and last but not least, the icing on the cake from way back in 2004
Brown T.R. Endocrinology (2004) 145, 5417-5419

:smoker: as a former product developer for a few ph/sarm companies like I said....
Sarms existed 8 years ago, but you are/were just another uneducated person doing steroids ( no Better than the teens doing them)
Sarms being discussed in 08 in a article from the research that had already been done on them years before.

And bro, there’s no need to get mad at being a normal dude.


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I wanted to revisit your original post since this is your thread.
SARMS - SERMS. Easy to confuse. One letter, and I know you now know the difference for sure, but let's hit the definition of both for others.

SARMS = Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators
SERMS = Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (Suicidal / Non-Suicidal)

I could describe each SARM and it's particular attributes, but I think it is beyond the scope of this thread.

Milder version of PED than PH?
This is debatable based on the SARM and cycle of which I'd let others answer, but the toxicity is right up there based on the SARM.

Helping members with AAS.
There will always be the need for help, especially with regard to those on the way to making a mistake.

Ostarine at the moment is the only one causing a stir because of it's relationship with GSK. I think it was mentioned already. When the patent holder wants you to stop, you stop. I mentioned how the designer is now working on a version that has no negatives and more positives. I think if successful, it will revolutionize the realm of muscular debilitative diseases. My impetus for curiosity stems from my cousin's having had Muscular Dystrophy which had a profound impact on my life.

I see more people talking about LGD by far, then RAD 140, or S23 which is putting S4 just out on the porch. I don't see a lot of people discussing Ostarine though, except maybe for it being in the news, and pulled. I think it was a profound failure, and as a PED, right up there with S4. I don't know about you but, I value my liver, and my vision.

My personal opinion is, there is a new wave of natural supplements coming that are going to render some PEDS as irrelevant to the crowd interested in gaining muscle and losing fat. They won't make you a competitive bodybuilder, but then again, how many in here are? Is it worth the risk? A very personal decision for sure. #notjudging #keepingitreal
I personally liked ostarine more than the other sarms I used. I enjoyed what it brought at 4-5 mg’s daily. That’s the dosage I would use when using it. I’m not even sure if I ever tried 10mg or higher of osta. Rad, and lgd are the other two I’ve used.
But yea, injecting 1-2 times a week is much simpler ultimately for me.

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