Epic Cutting Stack



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So everything went really well yesterday with the added dosing and such. Only thing of not was that I had some serious gas cramps in the evening that had me a bit uncomfortable for a couple hours... Not sure what from as nothing has changed in my diet so I'll be interested to see if it continues or maybe just a passing thing.


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I'm guessing it's from the bump up in forsk. Hopefully that'll clear up soon!


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I'm guessing it's from the bump up in forsk. Hopefully that'll clear up soon!
I figure that paired with the excessive amount of cabbage I've had ha.


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That's enough to cramp most ppl up
Yep for sure. I absolutely love cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli so naturally I'm a bit "cramp prone" ;)


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Morning Weight: 195.1lb, 16.1%bf(scale)

Solid weekend of cardio and a few misc rear delt exercises and pullups. I played hockey sat night for the first time in a few months and man can I feel that extra weight I put on during the holidays. Overall stack is feeling great. I'm not losing weight as fast as I did last time I dieted like this, but I think that's a good thing and that I'll keep more muscle because of the recompadrol as it will better feed my muscles and not just make me lose weight, but fat.

Today will be back/bi's and I think I'm gonna add deadlifts back in to the beginning of my workout (taken a few weeks off and they're not "technically" part of the program I'm using but I love/miss them and just think the program was designed more for beginners even though it worked last time). Probably gonna sub in squats for leg presses too on Fridays from now on.


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Bit late bro but I'm in. Will have to catch up later


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Bit late bro but I'm in. Will have to catch up later
Good to have you along.

All GI issues have seemingly subsided so everything is smooth sailing now. Current layout for diet and supplementation (I eat almost exactly the same thing every weekday so this is a Mon-Fri schedule):

4:36a - x2 AAV2, 50mg F-95, 1.5sc Alphamine - Back to sleep til 4:56a

5:05a - 20min LISS cardio (treadmill @ 3.5-4mph - my treadmill is a pos and will randomly take off and shoot to 8mph for a min at times so that's always a treat)

5:25-5:50a Cook meal 1, x2 Recompadrol - Off to work

6:20a Meal 1: 1c Oats, 2tbsp hot sauce, 5 egg whites, 1.5c spinach, x1 CLA, x1 Fish Oil, 2sc Metabolic Powder (420kcal, 27p/57c/6f)

9a x2 Recompadrol

9:30a Meal 2: 3/4c oats, 2sc No Whey! Pumpkin Pie (1srvg), 1c salad, 1tbsp salsa, x1 CLA, 1sc Metabolic Powder (444kcal, 41p/60c/5f)

12p x2 Recompadrol

12:30p Meal 3: 8oz chicken (or venison), 1c salad, 1tbsp salsa, 2 slices whole wheat toast (or 1 med sweet potato), x1 CLA, 1sc Metabolic Powder (venison and toast: 519kcal, 77p/35c/7f)

2:10p 1sc Alphamine, 25mg F-95

2:50p Training (MWF - 45-65min, 3-4 sets, 10-15reps, 3-4 exercises per body part; TRSSu - 20min LISS cardio + 3x3x20 abs + rear delt work)

4p 1sc whey isolate, 5g creatine monohydrate (166kcal, 30p/2c + creatine cals)

6p 4oz chicken, 4oz venison, 2c broccoli, 1tbsp wasabi, 1tbsp soy sauce, x1 CLA, 1sc Metabolic Powder (350kcal, 56p/13c/5f)

9p 1sc Phase 8 protein, 1sc Metabolic Powder, x1 CLA (150kcal, 26p/7c/2f)

Daily macros: 2049kcal, 257P/174c/25f

My daily goal is ~1800-2000kcal


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My daily goal is ~1800-2000kcal
Hey bro! Wouldn't these many calories be too low for you to preserve muscle? On another note, have you tried a only fat and protein diet (ketogenic diet)?
I will start my cutting program two weeks down the line and your inputs on the various supplements will be very enlightening.. I will peruse through what you're using and come back for reviews/ guidance..


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Hey bro! Wouldn't these many calories be too low for you to preserve muscle? On another note, have you tried a only fat and protein diet (ketogenic diet)?
I will start my cutting program two weeks down the line and your inputs on the various supplements will be very enlightening.. I will peruse through what you're using and come back for reviews/ guidance..
As with any cut, a small amount of muscle loss is going to be inevitable but to answer your question I've calculated my TDEE and then dropped slightly below that to get my 1800-2000 area. The last time I ran this diet and exercise program I saw only minimal muscle loss so I'm confident in it. I'll be tweaking things as I go along as well to better accommodate my current state at that time.

As for the keto diet, I actually ran that this summer for awhile and liked it but felt like there was so much that I couldn't eat. Most protein bars (which are just easy for a quick snack when you're on the go) and stuff like that become an issue. The weight loss was on par with what I'm doing now so I found that I prefer it this way just more for sanity's sake.

Feel free to post up any questions or whatnot. There's some good bros in here already and hopefully more to come!


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Will be bumping my morning alphamine dose to the full 2 scoops (+1 pre workout in the afternoon) starting tomorrow. Everything is going quite well so far since my body finally adjusted to the forskolin. I'm currently at 75mg/day (50am/25pm). Is there anyone who has tried/recommends 100mg/day?

Also as a side note, the joint pain that I had from my tx-3 cycle has gone away finally so I'm having some much more productive lifting sessions.


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Will be bumping my morning alphamine dose to the full 2 scoops (+1 pre workout in the afternoon) starting tomorrow. Everything is going quite well so far since my body finally adjusted to the forskolin. I'm currently at 75mg/day (50am/25pm). Is there anyone who has tried/recommends 100mg/day?

Also as a side note, the joint pain that I had from my tx-3 cycle has gone away finally so I'm having some much more productive lifting sessions.
If you're speaking of Forskolin, then yes, I have been taking 100mg daily before my stash ran out. Never had any negative issues or side effects from it. I heard that 100mg is the sweet spot and that there's no need to go any higher unless you like to waste money...LOL!!!


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If you're speaking of Forskolin, then yes, I have been taking 100mg daily before my stash ran out. Never had any negative issues or side effects from it. I heard that 100mg is the sweet spot and that there's no need to go any higher unless you like to waste money...LOL!!!
Did you run it at 75mg at all? And if so, did you notice a difference?


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Did you run it at 75mg at all? And if so, did you notice a difference?
At first, I started small like 50mg to see if I would get any GI issues and I didn't. Then ramped it up to 75mg then eventually to 100mg. To be honest, I did not noticed any difference so I may have been wasting money at the 100mg mark. Who knows? However, I do notice how my body is and responds to F95 when taking it.


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At first, I started small like 50mg to see if I would get any GI issues and I didn't. Then ramped it up to 75mg then eventually to 100mg. To be honest, I did not noticed any difference so I may have been wasting money at the 100mg mark. Who knows? However, I do notice how my body is and responds to F95 when taking it.
Exactly what I was looking for. I had a feeling very few people have done a full 8-12week run wiht 75 and another with 100 so I guess its a try on your own kind of thing.


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Exactly what I was looking for. I had a feeling very few people have done a full 8-12week run wiht 75 and another with 100 so I guess its a try on your own kind of thing.
Yep, you got it. IMO, forskolin still dosen't get the credit it deserves....


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Yep, you got it. IMO, forskolin still dosen't get the credit it deserves....
That's for sure... I only just heard about it within the last year or so, but after doing some research found that its been around for much longer. I was very surprised.

Bumped up to 2 scoops of alphamine this morning. Was sweating like crazy after just 5min. I didn't account for extra time to shower so now I'm sitting at work all day and can smell my balls. Oops.

I'm gonna try out some Pump X3 by Lecheek Nutrition (1sc pre workout) and see how I like it. Legs/Shoulders today. Bringing the squats back after a short break.

For the EBF boys:
Ive been using the Metabolic powder as such and was wondering if you could comment on if this seems optimal or give any tweaks to the layout-
Meal 1: 2sc
Meal 2: 1sc
Meal 3: 1sc
Pre workout: 1sc
Post workout shake: None
Meal 4: 1sc
Pre bed shake: 1 sc


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That's for sure... I only just heard about it within the last year or so, but after doing some research found that its been around for much longer. I was very surprised.

Bumped up to 2 scoops of alphamine this morning. Was sweating like crazy after just 5min. I didn't account for extra time to shower so now I'm sitting at work all day and can smell my balls. Oops.

I'm gonna try out some Pump X3 by Lecheek Nutrition (1sc pre workout) and see how I like it. Legs/Shoulders today. Bringing the squats back after a short break.

For the EBF boys:
Ive been using the Metabolic powder as such and was wondering if you could comment on if this seems optimal or give any tweaks to the layout-
Meal 1: 2sc
Meal 2: 1sc
Meal 3: 1sc
Pre workout: 1sc
Post workout shake: None
Meal 4: 1sc
Pre bed shake: 1 sc
LOL...."smell my balls" LOL!

Please keep us updated on your cutting stack.


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That's for sure... I only just heard about it within the last year or so, but after doing some research found that its been around for much longer. I was very surprised.

Bumped up to 2 scoops of alphamine this morning. Was sweating like crazy after just 5min. I didn't account for extra time to shower so now I'm sitting at work all day and can smell my balls. Oops.

I'm gonna try out some Pump X3 by Lecheek Nutrition (1sc pre workout) and see how I like it. Legs/Shoulders today. Bringing the squats back after a short break.

For the EBF boys:
Ive been using the Metabolic powder as such and was wondering if you could comment on if this seems optimal or give any tweaks to the layout-
Meal 1: 2sc
Meal 2: 1sc
Meal 3: 1sc
Pre workout: 1sc
Post workout shake: None
Meal 4: 1sc
Pre bed shake: 1 sc
Dosing is fine man.


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I've decided to begin cutting a bit earlier this year. I'd like some critique on the supplement plan, dose timing, and any other particular tips/ideas. If there is enough interest I may end up logging this so let me hear you. I will be running a 12 week cut (potentially longer if I'm either not where I want to be or am still feeling very motivated). Below is my stack, dosing, diet, and training that I'm planning. The diet and training are pretty untouchable as I have used this exact program in the past and was able to get down from ~12%bf to ~5%bf in 14 weeks. I've added quite a bit of muscle this fall and am excited to see the new look.

Currently I'm sitting at 5'10" a new record high weight at 204.6lb and 18.2% bf (not exactly correct as I'm just using the scale's value but it will give some reference if I decide to log this, I estimate I'm actually closer to 15%) as of this morning. Goal is to get to 7-8%bf and bring my abs back out in full force.

Staples: Multi, Fish oil, CLA, Creatine Mono (1 pill w/ each meal)

EBF - Recompadrol (1 pill 20-30min before first 3 meals for the first few days, then 2pills after); Metabolic Powder (2sc w/ meal 1, 1 sc with meal 2,3,4); Adipose Annihilation V2 (2 pills upon waking)

Analyzed Supplements - Forskolin 95, 50-75mg/day (25mg upon waking + 25mg pre-workout for first few days, then 50mg AM +25mg Pre)

PES - OG Alphamine (1 sc upon waking + 1 sc pre-workout for first few days, then 2 sc AM + 1 sc Pre); Amino IV (2 sc post fasted cardio once meal 1 has been dropped)

USP Labs - Compound 20 (start once I'm under 10%bf to maximize effect, dosing as directed on bottle); AP (whenever I run out of Recompadrol, 1 cap with meals 1-3)

Others in the cabinet: misc pre-workouts (have Jack3d Advanced, Fitmax, Build N.O, FlashOver, Prodigy); iForce Dexaprine XR/TT-33 (if I run out of alphamine); Lecheek Hyper T2/OxyECA Black; Finaflex PX-Black; USP Labs Prime/Versa 1; SNS Glycophase; Genomyx Slin Sane V2

Typical weekday layout:
4:45a (wake up) - 1-2sc Alphamine, 25-50mg F95, 2 AAV2
5a - Fasted LISS cardio (20-30min, increasing throughout cut)
6:15a - Meal 1: 1c oats, 5 egg whites, 1c spinach (Recompadrol, MP) - late in the cut I may eliminate this meal and use PES Amino IV and fast til 9am
9a - Meal 2: 3/4c oats, 1sc protein, 1c salad w/ salsa (Recompadrol, MP)
12p - Meal 3: 1 med sweet potato, 8oz chicken, 1c salad w/ salsa (Recompadrol, MP)
2p - 1sc Alphamine, 25mg F95, Pre-workout as needed
3p - Cardio + Abs (tue/thu) or Lifting (mon/wed/fri)
4p - Post Workout Shake (20-30g protein, 5g creatine mono)
6p - Meal 4: 8oz Chicken, 1c broccoli
8p - Pre-Bed Meal: 1 sc casein
9-10p - Go to bed (fri nights may be 11p-12a or so)

Typical weekend layout:
9a (wake up) - 1-2sc Alphamine, 25-50mg F95, 2 AAV2
9:20a - Fasted LISS cardio (20-30min, increasing throughout cut)
10:15a - Meal 1: 1c oats, 5 egg whites, 1c spinach (Recompadrol, MP)
1p - Meal 2: 1 med sweet potato, 8oz chicken, 1c salad w/ salsa (Recompadrol, MP)
2:45p - 1sc Alphamine, 25mg F95
3:15p - Cardio + Abs
4p - Meal 3: 8oz chicken, 1c salad w/ salsa (Recompadrol, MP)
6p - Meal 4: 8oz Chicken, 1c broccoli
8p - Meal 5: 8oz Chicken, 1c brussels sprouts (sat only)
10p - Pre-Bed Meal: 1 sc casein (sat only, will replace meal 5/8pm on sunday)
Go to bed (Sat nights may be 11p-12a or so)

Training split is Mon/Wed/Fri, Back+Biceps/Chest+Triceps/Legs+Shoulders
Duno how I missed this, but I'm here now


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Good to have you along.

All GI issues have seemingly subsided so everything is smooth sailing now. Current layout for diet and supplementation (I eat almost exactly the same thing every weekday so this is a Mon-Fri schedule):

4:36a - x2 AAV2, 50mg F-95, 1.5sc Alphamine - Back to sleep til 4:56a

5:05a - 20min LISS cardio (treadmill @ 3.5-4mph - my treadmill is a pos and will randomly take off and shoot to 8mph for a min at times so that's always a treat)

5:25-5:50a Cook meal 1, x2 Recompadrol - Off to work

6:20a Meal 1: 1c Oats, 2tbsp hot sauce, 5 egg whites, 1.5c spinach, x1 CLA, x1 Fish Oil, 2sc Metabolic Powder (420kcal, 27p/57c/6f)

9a x2 Recompadrol

9:30a Meal 2: 3/4c oats, 2sc No Whey! Pumpkin Pie (1srvg), 1c salad, 1tbsp salsa, x1 CLA, 1sc Metabolic Powder (444kcal, 41p/60c/5f)

12p x2 Recompadrol

12:30p Meal 3: 8oz chicken (or venison), 1c salad, 1tbsp salsa, 2 slices whole wheat toast (or 1 med sweet potato), x1 CLA, 1sc Metabolic Powder (venison and toast: 519kcal, 77p/35c/7f)

2:10p 1sc Alphamine, 25mg F-95

2:50p Training (MWF - 45-65min, 3-4 sets, 10-15reps, 3-4 exercises per body part; TRSSu - 20min LISS cardio + 3x3x20 abs + rear delt work)

4p 1sc whey isolate, 5g creatine monohydrate (166kcal, 30p/2c + creatine cals)

6p 4oz chicken, 4oz venison, 2c broccoli, 1tbsp wasabi, 1tbsp soy sauce, x1 CLA, 1sc Metabolic Powder (350kcal, 56p/13c/5f)

9p 1sc Phase 8 protein, 1sc Metabolic Powder, x1 CLA (150kcal, 26p/7c/2f)

Daily macros: 2049kcal, 257P/174c/25f

My daily goal is ~1800-2000kcal
Meal one switch out Recomp for mp, no need for Recomp there of using mp IMO


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That's for sure... I only just heard about it within the last year or so, but after doing some research found that its been around for much longer. I was very surprised.

Bumped up to 2 scoops of alphamine this morning. Was sweating like crazy after just 5min. I didn't account for extra time to shower so now I'm sitting at work all day and can smell my balls. Oops.

I'm gonna try out some Pump X3 by Lecheek Nutrition (1sc pre workout) and see how I like it. Legs/Shoulders today. Bringing the squats back after a short break.

For the EBF boys:
Ive been using the Metabolic powder as such and was wondering if you could comment on if this seems optimal or give any tweaks to the layout-
Meal 1: 2sc
Meal 2: 1sc
Meal 3: 1sc
Pre workout: 1sc
Post workout shake: None
Meal 4: 1sc
Pre bed shake: 1 sc
Just use it with first carb meal after fasted cardio, post workout if you want and last carb meal

You should also use it for a mixed macro meal.


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Just use it with first carb meal after fasted cardio, post workout if you want and last carb meal You should also use it for a mixed macro meal.
Glad to have you in here. I've been using a 1 scoop dose with all meals except meal 1 where I doubled up due to the extra carbs. Is the recompadrol and mp overkill for those first 3 meals? One or the other instead?


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Absolutely loving 2sc alphamine and 1sc metabolic powder first thing in the morning. Gets me up and sweating in minutes and feeling like a champ.


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Glad to have you in here. I've been using a 1 scoop dose with all meals except meal 1 where I doubled up due to the extra carbs. Is the recompadrol and mp overkill for those first 3 meals? One or the other instead?
I'd use mp on pro/fat meals and post workout.

Recompadrol on others

Just to make it simple


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I'd use mp on pro/fat meals and post workout.

Recompadrol on others

Just to make it simple
Perfect. I'll switch it up to this:

Upon Waking - AAv2

Meal 1, 2, 3 (p/f/c) - x2 Recompadrol

Pre Workout - 2sc MP

Post Workout Shake, Meal 4, 5 (p/f) - 2sc MP ea

This way I get the suggested 6 Recompadrol and 8 MP. Any thoughts on adding another AAv2 dose to the day somewhere (possibly pre-workout)?


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Didn't notice much from the 1sc of Pump X3 I added to friday's workout so I'm skipping it today and may add a 2sc dose on wednesday. Spent half of last night in the bathroom which was really odd and kinda came out of nowhere. Definitely wasn't sick or anything but I was all cramped up. Seems odd since I hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary or changed my supplements at all.


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Thanks to bdcc and the guys at Analyzed Supplements, I've got a stack of Agmatine and GMS coming my way. I plan on throwing this in immediately (maybe a week or so since the AS guys already sent my shipping info over after winning just yesterday!) with my pre-workout alphamine/F95. I've never run more then a 2 day sample of agamatine and never mixed it with GMS so I'm hoping to see some epic pumps.

Just found out I'll have to travel for a day next week and will finally get a chance to "road test" the bands I got for xmas. Pretty excited to see how I can turn my hotel room into a gym ha.


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So I haven't been feeling/seeing the results thus far as much as I would like so I'm going to be making some slight modifications in order to try to speed things up a bit. Here's the new layout, changes are bold:

4:36a - x2 AAV2, 50mg F-95, 2sc Alphamine, 1sc Metabolic Powder - Back to sleep til 4:56a

5:05a - 20min LISS cardio (treadmill @ 3.5-4mph - my treadmill is a pos and will randomly take off and shoot to 8mph for a min at times so that's always a treat)

5:50a x2 Recompadrol - Off to work

6:20a Meal 1: 1/2c Oats, 2tbsp hot sauce, 5 egg whites, 1.5c spinach, x1 CLA, x1 Fish Oil, 1sc Metabolic Powder (27okcal 30c/2f/22p)

9a x2 Recompadrol

9:30a Meal 2: 1/2c oats, 2sc No Whey! Pumpkin Pie (1srvg), 1c salad, 1tbsp lt balsamic vinaigrette, x1 CLA, NO Metabolic Powder (310kcal, 53c/8f/37p )

12p x2 Recompadrol

12:30p Meal 3: 8oz chicken, 1c salad, 1tbsp salsa, 2 slices whole wheat toast (or 1 med sweet potato), x1 CLA, NO Metabolic Powder (chicken and toast: 409kcal, 40c/5f/44p)

2:10p 1sc Alphamine, 25mg F-95

2:50p Training (MWF - 45-65min, 3-4 sets, 10-15reps, 4-5 exercises per body part; TRS - 20min LISS cardio + 3x3x20 abs + rear delt work; Sun - Accessory Workout - probably shoulders/legs)

4p 1sc whey isolate, 5g creatine monohydrate (166kcal, 30p/2c + creatine cals): workout days only

6p 4oz chicken, 4oz venison, 2c broccoli, 1tbsp wasabi, 1tbsp soy sauce, x1 CLA, 2sc Metabolic Powder (350kcal, 56p/13c/5f)

9p 1sc Phase 8 protein, 2sc Metabolic Powder, x1 CLA (150kcal, 26p/7c/2f)

Feel free to critique further. I may try switching the carbs out of my first meal or two and adding in some post workout carbs instead in the future.


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So I haven't been feeling/seeing the results thus far as much as I would like so I'm going to be making some slight modifications in order to try to speed things up a bit. Here's the new layout, changes are bold:

4:36a - x2 AAV2, 50mg F-95, 2sc Alphamine, 1sc Metabolic Powder - Back to sleep til 4:56a

5:05a - 20min LISS cardio (treadmill @ 3.5-4mph - my treadmill is a pos and will randomly take off and shoot to 8mph for a min at times so that's always a treat)

5:50a x2 Recompadrol - Off to work

6:20a Meal 1: 1/2c Oats, 2tbsp hot sauce, 5 egg whites, 1.5c spinach, x1 CLA, x1 Fish Oil, 1sc Metabolic Powder (27okcal 30c/2f/22p)

9a x2 Recompadrol

9:30a Meal 2: 1/2c oats, 2sc No Whey! Pumpkin Pie (1srvg), 1c salad, 1tbsp lt balsamic vinaigrette, x1 CLA, NO Metabolic Powder (310kcal, 53c/8f/37p )

12p x2 Recompadrol

12:30p Meal 3: 8oz chicken, 1c salad, 1tbsp salsa, 2 slices whole wheat toast (or 1 med sweet potato), x1 CLA, NO Metabolic Powder (chicken and toast: 409kcal, 40c/5f/44p)

2:10p 1sc Alphamine, 25mg F-95

2:50p Training (MWF - 45-65min, 3-4 sets, 10-15reps, 4-5 exercises per body part; TRS - 20min LISS cardio + 3x3x20 abs + rear delt work; Sun - Accessory Workout - probably shoulders/legs)

4p 1sc whey isolate, 5g creatine monohydrate (166kcal, 30p/2c + creatine cals): workout days only

6p 4oz chicken, 4oz venison, 2c broccoli, 1tbsp wasabi, 1tbsp soy sauce, x1 CLA, 2sc Metabolic Powder (350kcal, 56p/13c/5f)

9p 1sc Phase 8 protein, 2sc Metabolic Powder, x1 CLA (150kcal, 26p/7c/2f)

Feel free to critique further. I may try switching the carbs out of my first meal or two and adding in some post workout carbs instead in the future.
Dang bro, I had to take a break from reading your detailed plan....LOL!!!


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Need to try some recompadrol I see


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Dang bro, I had to take a break from reading your detailed plan....LOL!!!
Haha here's the shorthand: added 1sc MP pre cardio, removed 1/2c Oats from meal 1, 1/4c Oats and MP from meal 2, chicken only and no MP meal 3, added an extra training day on sunday, 2sc MP with each of my pwo meals.


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This morning's fail/entertainment: So I had to go in to work an hr later then normal today so I was adjusting my alarms for the morning stack and rise... Well, I messed up and set my stack alarm (usually 25min before I actually get up) for 4am (instead of 5) and then my regular alarm for 5:30... Well not only did I take my alphamine/F95/AAv2 at 4am, but I actually slept the entire time ha. Woke up in a bit of puddle though as I had started sweating already.

Apparently caffeine doesn't do much for waking me up but man did I get sweaty ha. Good times.


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Starting today I'll be adding a second dose of AAv2 in the afternoons with my second alphamine and f95. Can't wait to weigh in on Monday and see how the changes impact everything


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I like your stack.... I purchased it and im going to run it too...


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I like your stack.... I purchased it and im going to run it too...
Very nice. I'm loving it from all aspects thus far.

MP/Recompadrol with meals is really helping me maintain weight but lose bf. The scale is creeping down slowly but I've already gotten comments that my face looks thinner and my pants are getting looser.

The alphamine is a perfect amount of stim for the morning wake-up and I've been doing quite well in the afternoons with 1sc+pump product some days. I'm always amped to go to the gym anyways so its just a good little kick.

The F-95 issues have completely gone away and I beleive this is also aiding the "slow" weight cut.

Just bought 2 more bottles of AAv2 so that I can bump my doses up to 2, then 3x/day to see max effect.

Current stats as of this morning: 194.2lb, 15.9%bf(this is total bs and I can tell my scale isn't actually doing any "electical impedance" as it just goes based on weight:height). So that's a total of 24 days, 10lb lost - so I'm looking at about 2.5 lb/wk which is fine at the bf% I was to start. I expect this to slow a bit in about 4 weeks.


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MP for the preworkout? Whats the benefits? I normally hit the alphamine

I'm following your protocol... just wanting to understand MP for preWO


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MP for the preworkout? Whats the benefits? I normally hit the alphamine I'm following your protocol... just wanting to understand MP for preWO
I assume similar benefits to many other fat loss supps. There is usually an increased in usefulness when not in the presence of food. The EBF guys can elaborate on this better as I'm really just speculating.


Booneman please update your original post or make a reply with the updates on current dosages, times, meals as you did before so everyone can roll in your lessons learned on how you tuned this for best results.


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So I haven't been feeling/seeing the results thus far as much as I would like so I'm going to be making some slight modifications in order to try to speed things up a bit. Here's the new layout, changes are bold:

4:36a - x2 AAv2, 50mg F-95, 2sc Alphamine, 1sc Metabolic Powder - Back to sleep til 4:56a

5:05a - 20min LISS cardio (treadmill @ 3.5-4mph - my treadmill is a pos and will randomly take off and shoot to 8mph for a min at times so that's always a treat)

5:50a x2 Recompadrol - Off to work

6:20a Meal 1: 1/2c Oats, 2tbsp hot sauce, 5 egg whites, 1.5c spinach, x1 CLA, x1 Fish Oil, 1sc Metabolic Powder (27okcal 30c/2f/22p)

9a x2 Recompadrol

9:30a Meal 2: 1/2c oats, 2sc No Whey! Pumpkin Pie (1srvg), 1c salad, 1tbsp lt balsamic vinaigrette, x1 CLA, NO Metabolic Powder (310kcal, 53c/8f/37p )

12p x2 Recompadrol

12:30p Meal 3: 8oz chicken, 1c salad, 1tbsp salsa, 2 slices whole wheat toast (or 1 med sweet potato), x1 CLA (chicken and toast: 409kcal, 40c/5f/44p)

2:10p 1sc Alphamine, 25mg F-95, x2 AAv2, 2sc Metabolic Powder

2:50p Training (MWF - 45-65min, 3-4 sets, 10-15reps, 4-5 exercises per body part; TRS - 20min LISS cardio + 3x3x20 abs + rear delt work; Sun - Accessory Workout - full body)

4p 1sc whey isolate, 5g creatine monohydrate (166kcal, 30p/2c + creatine cals): workout days only

6p 4oz chicken, 4oz venison, 2c broccoli, 1tbsp wasabi, 1tbsp soy sauce, x1 CLA, 2sc Metabolic Powder (350kcal, 56p/13c/5f)

9p 1sc Phase 8 protein, 1c brussels sprouts, 1tbsp wasabi, 1tbsp soy sauce 1, 2sc Metabolic Powder, x1 CLA (260kcal, 33p/26c/3f)


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Added 6g of citrulline malate to my pre-workout drink (1sc alphamine, 1sc metabolic powder, 1sc pump X3) yesterday. This was my first time using bulk citmal and DAMN. The vascularity I had in my forearms (it was shoulders/legs day) was incredible. Even after doing just squats the vascularity in my arms was amazing. I've seen suggestions to go 9-10g of citmal so i was wondering what you guys think is a good dose from your experience?

Also, I opened my second tub of alphamine today (fruit punch this time) and damn is that stuff good. I'm torn between the flavors cuz they're so different. Might have to do one am/one pm...

Going to add in another 25mg of F-95 here soon (bump my pre-workout dose to 50mg for a total of 100mg/day). Thinking maybe next week or so. Also may add a third dose of AAv2 but I'm unsure where exactly it fits into my day... maybe between meal 2 & 3? What about pre-bed? Any thoughts from you guys on pre-bed or middle of the night dosing for something like this?


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Personally I don't feel the need to go over 6-7g cit mal but I am also much smaller and weigh less. I would say, try 8g Cit mal and see if you really need to go higher.


Added 6g of citrulline malate to my pre-workout drink (1sc alphamine, 1sc metabolic powder, 1sc pump X3) yesterday. This was my first time using bulk citmal and DAMN. The vascularity I had in my forearms (it was shoulders/legs day) was incredible. Even after doing just squats the vascularity in my arms was amazing. I've seen suggestions to go 9-10g of citmal so i was wondering what you guys think is a good dose from your experience?
I'd go easy on the CM, 2g is usually enough for me. But heres what examine.com says:

Citrulline appears to be well-tolerated by rats in doses up to 3g/kg bodyweight.[58][46]

In humans, 15g citrulline taken acutely does not appear to cause diarrhea or intestinal upset[23] which is notably different than both Ornithine and Arginine that may cause diarrhea at 10g dosages when taken in boluses[73][74] due to limited absorption of these amino acids which then proceed to the colon to cause osmotic diarrhea.


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I'd go easy on the CM, 2g is usually enough for me. But heres what examine.com says:

Citrulline appears to be well-tolerated by rats in doses up to 3g/kg bodyweight.[58][46]

In humans, 15g citrulline taken acutely does not appear to cause diarrhea or intestinal upset[23] which is notably different than both Ornithine and Arginine that may cause diarrhea at 10g dosages when taken in boluses[73][74] due to limited absorption of these amino acids which then proceed to the colon to cause osmotic diarrhea.

L-Citrulline is not the same as CitMal. Citmal is usually 1:1 or 2:1 citrulline:malic acid whereas l-citrulline is strictly citrulline. Therefore you would have to double the dose of citmal to get the same effective dose of citrulline.


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L-Citrulline is not the same as CitMal. Citmal is usually 1:1 or 2:1 citrulline:malic acid whereas l-citrulline is strictly citrulline. Therefore you would have to double the dose of citmal to get the same effective dose of citrulline.

Cit. Mal doses seem to be individualized to achieve the desired effect. Some seem to need more or less. Not sure if body weight is a contributing factor.


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Exactly. Cit. Mal doses seem to be individualized to achieve the desired effect. Some seem to need more or less. Not sure if body weight is a contributing factor.
What is SNS's ratio? Thinking of picking up some because my batch from hard rhino sucked dong.


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Added 6g of citrulline malate to my pre-workout drink (1sc alphamine, 1sc metabolic powder, 1sc pump X3) yesterday. This was my first time using bulk citmal and DAMN. The vascularity I had in my forearms (it was shoulders/legs day) was incredible. Even after doing just squats the vascularity in my arms was amazing. I've seen suggestions to go 9-10g of citmal so i was wondering what you guys think is a good dose from your experience?

Also, I opened my second tub of alphamine today (fruit punch this time) and damn is that stuff good. I'm torn between the flavors cuz they're so different. Might have to do one am/one pm...

Going to add in another 25mg of F-95 here soon (bump my pre-workout dose to 50mg for a total of 100mg/day). Thinking maybe next week or so. Also may add a third dose of AAv2 but I'm unsure where exactly it fits into my day... maybe between meal 2 & 3? What about pre-bed? Any thoughts from you guys on pre-bed or middle of the night dosing for something like this?
Pre bed!!!


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Today's pre-workout concoction: 1sc FP Alphamine, 7.5g CitMal, 1sc Pump X3, 2sc Metabolic Powder, 1sc Jack3d Advanced. Should be delicious and have me pretty well revved up and burning some serious fat!

Planned additions starting Monday (2/3/14):

Additional 25mg F95 with pre-workout (for a total of 2x50mg = 100mg/day)
Change evening meal times so that there is at least 90min between my pre-bed shake and sleep (prob eat at like 5 & 8 then bed by 10-10:30)
Additional AAv2 dose pre-bed

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