Prescribed Test Cyp with normal test levels


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I am 33 with total testosterone levels of 543. I told my doctor that my libido and energy have seemed on a lower end for the past year. He prescribed me (1) 200mg injection of testosterone cypionate per month and told me to see him back in 30 days. My question is this: will it be safe to take the single injection and see what happens over the next 30 days or should i take 50mg per week until the 30 days appointment? What changes, if any, should I expect to see with either dosage pattern?


Well-known member
Wtf, the doc just prescribed it to you without bloods? No instruction. Don't inject, his logic seems really off. Go back in and ask for details how much per week. That's really odd


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He did blood work and said everything looked normal. I called back asking for my free-testosterone levels and what I got was a single injection prescription. I must note that I am not interested in taking testosterone for bodybuilding purposes. Is it even worth getting a 200mg prescription?


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200mg per week? I don't understand the regimen. How much did he tell you to take weekly?


200 mg per week would put your test levels above the high norm


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Well above the normal. Out you in the 1k range


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No, as of right now, its (1) -200mg shot per month. Basically, I get the 200mg injection and go back in a month to check blood work and see if I feel any different. My question is if that is all he is going to prescribe, is it worth taking?


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200 one time per month is silly. It's an outdated theory based on the supposed incredibly long life of test c/e. If the half life is 2 weeks (its more like 8 days) than in 4 weeks there will be none left. That's the basis of a monthly inject.

The other problem is that for the first 7-10 days post inject you will feel incredible. After that, you will start to feel sluggish and depressed. Ride that out for another 2 weeks and then its time for another shot.

200 mg /month will most likely cause more harm than good. The only way I see 200/month doing any sort of good is at 50/week. But in that case, that's not a trt dose. I'm 120/week which is a pretty standard dose.

You need another doc opinion. If you're going on trt then go on at the regular dose. If you're not, then stay away. I see long term supplementing with low levels of test causing major problems with your endocrine system.


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Once a month sounds terrible, but it may not be difficult to talk him into a better dosing schedule... Lol


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Your doctor sucks and should not be allowed to practice his ideas on patients. Mid 500 levels of natural test is totally normal and you don't even say when you took the test and what the rest of the test numbers were. At 33 with normal test levels and a doctor that wants to completely ruin this by running a horrible protocol is a recipe for disaster. Go to a better doctor, get full bloods, and revisit this idea. I all but guarantee that any of us in TRT would never elect to go on it if we naturally ran 500-600 levels.


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Will 200mg per month or 50mg per week shut my natural production down?

If I did the 200mg per month shot, will my levels go below the current 543 level?


So many doctors running with this 100 or 200 mg once per month protocol....they either should be shot or banned from practicing for life.


Will 200mg per month or 50mg per week shut my natural production down?

If I did the 200mg per month shot, will my levels go below the current 543 level?
Yes and most likely.....well you'll be on a rollercoaster so you will probably be at 100, 543, 1,000 and everything inbetween depending on time of the month at 200mg once per month.


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I am currently taking Tribex tribulus & Super Royal Maca root. These are supposed to be natural testosterone boosters; if that is true, would it help to continue to take these?


I am currently taking Tribex tribulus & Super Royal Maca root. These are supposed to be natural testosterone boosters; if that is true, would it help to continue to take these?
These are more than likely going to be ineffective in the presence of exogenous test...esp a 200 mg all at once blast :D


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I am currently taking Tribex tribulus & Super Royal Maca root. These are supposed to be natural testosterone boosters; if that is true, would it help to continue to take these?
My experience with "natural" test boosters had no effects on my blood work.


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I agree 200 once/month will do more harm than good.

I would do 50mg a week subQ if thats all he will prescribe for you, however I think there may be better alternatives. 50mg is a little low for most on a TRT dosing but not too terribly far out of range.

Since you T is in the midpint of normal range that is not to say you could not benefit from a boost but there other factors to look at like E, Free T, SHBG, maybe even things like DHEA-S.

I don't think your current doc is doing you any favors with his script.


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I could be totally wrong but this protocol the doc is prescribing will not only not boost your natural test production but will actually suppress it. I would use Clomid for this. Start 25mg every other day for a month and get new bloods


I agree 200 once/month will do more harm than good.

I would do 50mg a week subQ if thats all he will prescribe for you, however I think there may be better alternatives. 50mg is a little low for most on a TRT dosing but not too terribly far out of range.

Since you T is in the midpint of normal range that is not to say you could not benefit from a boost but there other factors to look at like E, Free T, SHBG, maybe even things like DHEA-S.

I don't think your current doc is doing you any favors with his script.
I really feel like the transdermal DHEA I have been taking is about doubling my test #'s.....I was at 687, then with adjustments of my trt dosages i should have been ~1,000, but instead I was at 2,000 lol.....I was tested twice to be sure mind you, 7 days apart. The ONLY variable was the DHEA, usually i make sure to cease the DHEA the week prior to the testing.....but I said F it this time, let me see what happens. I was also using topical DHT gel as well, not sure if that also converts to test? I thought it was test-->DHT and not the other way around....but that was variable #2. Upshot is that I think DHEA can be helpful in raising your natural test levels if used topically and with estrogen control, esp for a 300, or 400, or 500 guy.


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I haven't started taking the Test Cyp yet. I met with my doctor about the negativity of a 200mg shot per month. He pretty much indirectly told me that I can dose more often if needed and that I can call in for a refill, even if its before the refill schedule.

My question is this: with test levels of 543 @ 33 yrs. old, what would I see or benefit from taking 200mg per week?


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I would not mess with levels like that. You don't say what the scale range is, but mid 500s and it could be closer to 600 for all you know. This was one test and that is not a bad number. I am most comfortable around 600-700 levels, so pretty close.

To answer your question- not much. That much is going to jack up e2, requiring an AI, and your test levels will average around 900-1000, most likely. You will gain weight and muscle, but is it worth messing with pretty decent levels is the question.


I haven't started taking the Test Cyp yet. I met with my doctor about the negativity of a 200mg shot per month. He pretty much indirectly told me that I can dose more often if needed and that I can call in for a refill, even if its before the refill schedule.

My question is this: with test levels of 543 @ 33 yrs. old, what would I see or benefit from taking 200mg per week?
You should stand pat with the 543 and use OTC endogenous test boosters/free test boosters is what you should do....200mg per week (split 2-3x per week) will bring you well above 1000 sure....but you might be able to get to 8-900's naturally at this point (33 y.o.).


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Well, I don't plan on taking this for life. I was just wondering if I would see any results by running 200-250mg per week until the 2,000mg vial ran out. This would be a first time for me, so I am a little more cautious than the normal user. I took a couple of bottles of prohormones about 7-10 years ago, but other than that it has always been just creatine and eating alot.


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Do NOT do this protocol. You have pretty decent levels as it is, and with a little bit of Clomid they could be much better. 200mg a month is going to do nothing but wreak havoc on your system and leave you worse off than before.


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Well, I don't plan on taking this for life. I was just wondering if I would see any results by running 200-250mg per week until the 2,000mg vial ran out. This would be a first time for me, so I am a little more cautious than the normal user. I took a couple of bottles of prohormones about 7-10 years ago, but other than that it has always been just creatine and eating alot.
You are playing with fire. You are essentially asking if a very low dose cycle with no posted plans for PCT will do much for you. The answer is no. You are risking messing with already decent test levels only to run a small cycle that is within TRT levels. You will shut down for almost no reason because your gains will be minor.


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You are playing with fire. You are essentially asking if a very low dose cycle with no posted plans for PCT will do much for you. The answer is no. You are risking messing with already decent test levels only to run a small cycle that is within TRT levels. You will shut down for almost no reason because your gains will be minor.
250mg weekly is on the lower side, but it's not TRT low. His levels would still be AT LEAST twice the amount of an average person. It all depends on each person's individual goals. If you're wanting to pack on the mass than 250mg is not enough, however one can still attain some nice results from 250mg without the harsh impact on your system. Most people who bash low dose cycles really have no idea what they're tallking about anyway, just internet regurgitation.


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I've run them low and am on TRT- I know exactly what I am talking about. I realize they can provide gains, but to sacrifice good natural levels for the sake of a low run/high level TRT dose is not worth it. Rather than try to stoke an argument about the benefits of a low run cycle or high run, why not help the guy by making sure he understands what he is getting into.


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I've run them low and am on TRT- I know exactly what I am talking about. I realize they can provide gains, but to sacrifice good natural levels for the sake of a low run/high level TRT dose is not worth it. Rather than try to stoke an argument about the benefits of a low run cycle or high run, why not help the guy by making sure he understands what he is getting into.
I think I just did.


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A friend of mine is on TRT (for life) and has been on it for almost 5 years. Granted, he gets a prescription from his doctor, but he is an actual bodybuilder. He told me that he will sometimes cycle 1,000mg per week, but will always stay on a lower dose for maintenance.

He told me that I would see decent results on 200mg a week. (i.e., feel better, sleep better, libido up, some muslce/strength gains, etc.) He said it would take about 4 weeks to start noticing some of those differences He informed me that I'm not going to blow up, but a 10lb. muscle gain is achievable.

As far as PCT, I haven't looked into that yet, but plan to once I get a better understanding of how Test Cyp works. I WILL NOT start test until I have a good PCT lined up. I made that mistake several years ago with M1-T. Didn't know anything about PCT until I came off a cycle and felt awful for several weeks.

Thanks for all of the comments thus far.


  • RockStar
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Why not figure out what you are trying to do first of all. You go to your doctor and he gives you the dime store treatment by telling you to go on TRT because of a single low test reading and no other bloodwork. That is absolutely terrible and any doctor that tells you to go start this with mid 500 levels and no other testing is just plain out of their element. There are many factors that could be causing low energy, lower libido, etc.. and TRT is where you end up, not where you start. So, if you say that you don't plan to do this for life, but seem to want to be fixed (because it bothered you enough to go to the doc), figure out what you are really after. Do you want to find out and fix what is bothering you or do you want to run a quick cycle? You BB friend is doing you no favors by telling you about pros like that and leaving out that most people have e2 issues that need to be addressed at levels that 200-250 will bring and then what? You going to just stop and then run a PCT only to be back where you were?

This site is a wealth of information, but also has some really ignorant people on it that are willing to just tell you what you want to hear and how much to take of something. If you want to go for it, then do it. Just realize that you are only running a tiny cycle and not addressing anything.


New member
Why not figure out what you are trying to do first of all. You go to your doctor and he gives you the dime store treatment by telling you to go on TRT because of a single low test reading and no other bloodwork. That is absolutely terrible and any doctor that tells you to go start this with mid 500 levels and no other testing is just plain out of their element. There are many factors that could be causing low energy, lower libido, etc.. and TRT is where you end up, not where you start. So, if you say that you don't plan to do this for life, but seem to want to be fixed (because it bothered you enough to go to the doc), figure out what you are really after. Do you want to find out and fix what is bothering you or do you want to run a quick cycle? You BB friend is doing you no favors by telling you about pros like that and leaving out that most people have e2 issues that need to be addressed at levels that 200-250 will bring and then what? You going to just stop and then run a PCT only to be back where you were?

This site is a wealth of information, but also has some really ignorant people on it that are willing to just tell you what you want to hear and how much to take of something. If you want to go for it, then do it. Just realize that you are only running a tiny cycle and not addressing anything.

When I went to the doctor, I had a little lower than normal energy levels & slightly lower libido. After he gave the prescription, I started taking some natural test boosters, but will know soon for I had blood work done before and after taking them.

For the last 2 months, I have been taking the following:

Host Defense Cordychi
Super Royal MACA with DIM
USP Labs Test Powder

I have noticed a difference in energy levels & libido. Not much in terms of strength and size. Granted, I have gotten a little stronger and a gained a little bit of size in the last 2 months, but I do not believe that it is relative to these supplements.

I know the side effects of Test Cyp, but not sure about these natural supplements. I suppose in defense of Test Cyp, it has been on the market for years and been studied A LOT more than these other things that we know nothing about. I'm not saying that statement gives Test Cyp an upper hand, but it does cause me to slightly lean that way.

At this point, I would like to point on a little more size and strength and wouldn't mind if my libido shot out of the roof for my wife. haha


  • RockStar
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I'm not quite sure where to start with this. You cannot compare prescribed testosterone to OTC supplements. Run a cycle if you want, but you really seem to need a lot of research on the matter.


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I'm not quite sure where to start with this. You cannot compare prescribed testosterone to OTC supplements. Run a cycle if you want, but you really seem to need a lot of research on the matter.
I understand that prescriptions and OTC supplements/medications are night and day. For the most part, prescriptions are stronger and can be more effective, but with that comes potentially more side effects.

Part of my research is using this forum. I have read where people with normal levels got decent gains from 200mg per week. I have read where people with low T had to take up to 300mg per week just to get to a bottom range normal.

It seems that there is a common ground with positive/negative effects of Test Cyp. The differing factor, that I have found, is the dosage taken, current T levels, individual goals, etc.

I like to consider myself to be on the cautious side. My question is that most people that I see that abuse steroids will take much higher doses (i.e., at least 500mg per week), then come off with proper PCT and be fine. Is there not a possibility that I would fall in that group as well? Would not the first 200mg shot spike my levels from 543 to close to 1,000? If so, would not another shot the following week, IN THEORY, keep my levels at that peaked point? Or is the first shot going to cause my levels to go from 543 to, let's say, 267?


New member
I'm not quite sure where to start with this. You cannot compare prescribed testosterone to OTC supplements. Run a cycle if you want, but you really seem to need a lot of research on the matter.
And I want to hear the negative effects as well as the positive. I am not easily persuaded, so it is good for me to have both sides of the fence.


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The thing to remember is that prescribed testosterone is to replace your natural levels, not supplement them. This concept sometimes is not even understood among physicians. Once you take that first shot, your natural endogenous levels will begin to cascade downward. You either need to plan a cycle with a proper post cycle therapy, or remain on TRT. That's your options with exogenous testosterone. Like I said earlier your levels are already decent so some simple clomid therapy for a couple months would probably have you swingin boner bats in no time.


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Damn. I'm 31 and tested at 423 test. My doctor said it's normal and refused to give me anything. What I wouldn't give to have your doctor! Ha!

Also, comments above about 8-900 using natural test boosters or topical DHEA. Please explain!


New member
The thing to remember is that prescribed testosterone is to replace your natural levels, not supplement them. This concept sometimes is not even understood among physicians. Once you take that first shot, your natural endogenous levels will begin to cascade downward. You either need to plan a cycle with a proper post cycle therapy, or remain on TRT. That's your options with exogenous testosterone. Like I said earlier your levels are already decent so some simple clomid therapy for a couple months would probably have you swingin boner bats in no time.
That makes sense. I don't plan to stay on it. When I went to the doctor, I didn't expect him to give me that prescription. But I thought I would use it since I have it.

What is a proper PCT? Are there any OTC supplements that would help boost or would Clomid or HCG be needed?


New member
Damn. I'm 31 and tested at 423 test. My doctor said it's normal and refused to give me anything. What I wouldn't give to have your doctor! Ha!

Also, comments above about 8-900 using natural test boosters or topical DHEA. Please explain!
Here! Here!

The above supplements that I listed are supposed to raise natural test levels. I am supposed to get my blood work back today after over 2 months of use with these products. If my natural levels have not raised by using these, then I think I am done with natural boosters. I am not going to take all kinds of supplements to try and get my levels up. If a few can't do it, then I am out.

My theory has always been that the OTC/Legal distributors of supplements are always trying to create something that is legal which mirrors the effects of anabolics. I don't know that it will ever happen; that is why I am cautious with every "natural test booster" that comes out. Took Tribex Tribulus for 6 weeks, libido shot out the roof, but there is no research that shows Tribulus actual raises Test levels. Can't even find documented bloodwork.


  • RockStar
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Ok, so now it is clear. You went to the doctor to see what was going on and they did not understand hormone therapy, so they ran a simple test and mistakenly prescribed you a vial. So, now you still don't know what the issue is (or if there is one) and you are sitting on a vial wanting to run a mini cycle to see gains.

I see two ways to approach this.
1) run your cycle with a planned PCT and you will likely see about 7-10lb increase with proper training and diet. Of this, you'll keep with 0-5lb of that with proper PCT once the water weight sheds. You won't see much in gains of strength, but body composition will be most noticeable and recovery will shorten.

2)go see a proper doctor and find out if there is an underlying issue. Get a full test that includes thyroid, CBC, and a female panel. See if everything checks out and if it does, then you have a baseline to work from. If you don't feel right at that level of test, you could discuss a Clomid approach or lifestyle adjustments to get that up and address libido and energy.

Keep in mind that running 200-250mg of test cyp a week is really not going to fix any libido or energy issues, and will probably make it worse. Go look at forums on TRT and you'll find that at least half the people continue to fight libido, mood, and energy issues. That is because they don't have a proper protocol or shouldn't have been on it to begin with.


New member
For anyone that is wondering, 2 months ago I had my total Testosterone check and it was 543. I started the following supplements immediately after:

Host Defense Cordychi
Super Royal MACA with DIM
USP Labs Test Powder

I had blood work taken again last Wednesday and they called me today with the results: total Testosterone is 687 now. I hadn't change eating habits or workout regimen. My Free testosterone was 14. I didn't have it tested previously, so I don't know exactly how to measure that.


Damn. I'm 31 and tested at 423 test. My doctor said it's normal and refused to give me anything. What I wouldn't give to have your doctor! Ha!

Also, comments above about 8-900 using natural test boosters or topical DHEA. Please explain!
So you are saying that with 5-600 or so natural test levels, topical DHEA, test boosters (DAA or whatever) and SHBG supps will not be able to bump you 2-300 and free up tons of bound test? Ok, if you say so.


For anyone that is wondering, 2 months ago I had my total Testosterone check and it was 543. I started the following supplements immediately after:

Host Defense Cordychi
Super Royal MACA with DIM
USP Labs Test Powder

I had blood work taken again last Wednesday and they called me today with the results: total Testosterone is 687 now. I hadn't change eating habits or workout regimen. My Free testosterone was 14. I didn't have it tested previously, so I don't know exactly how to measure that.
that is not bad, and if you added a SHBG supp that would bump your free test up to almost double (well it did so with me personally at least) and add in some topical DHEA and I bet you get to near or above 800's TT....


What are some SHBG supplements?
Division 1 by Athletix, Unleashed by Protein factory, Test factor (original) by Molecular Nutrition to name the ones I have used. Nettle extract is the usual main ingredient, and the formulas get fancier as the price goes up.


New member
I've never heard of such. I've heard of test boosters, AI & estrogen blockers. Do SHGB supplements do similar things?


I've never heard of such. I've heard of test boosters, AI & estrogen blockers. Do SHGB supplements do similar things?
SHBG binds to your total test, rendering it ineffective.....these supps free your total test from the SHBG thus creating more free test. It does not "raise test", but instead it frees test you already have floating it does actually raise test, but only free test.


  • RockStar
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Free test is what you are after and nettle works well for me.


Free test is what you are after and nettle works well for me.
yeah nettle got me up to mid to high 30's (labcorp) free test.....the lady who called with my results was alarmed lol :D


New member
yeah nettle got me up to mid to high 30's (labcorp) free test.....the lady who called with my results was alarmed lol :D
Sounds good. Are there any side effects associated with it and are you supposed to cycle off of it? Would I get "stinging nettle extract"?

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