Microdrol - Gifted's Adventure into Madness


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I think that lump you think you feel is the erectile tissue of the aerola respomding to touch, even T-shirts can do that. As you age nipple tenderness is common, even without androgen use. At this point you're halfway through a smart dose cycle, and making improvements. I hope you will use oral Resveratrol or SA, or both ED around day 20-21, that will boost your gains and smooth transition into PCT, decreased weight load on workouts, subsequent muscle gain maintenence. Really, thats the whole point of doing a cycle, gains and keeping them, while maintaining good health. Just my thoughts.


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Good post man


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Day 18:

So i linked up with punthra to throw down a DC style workout at our gym. It was a nice change of pace and did some movements i dont have in my current rotation. I dont try to keep up but we push eachother. Punthra doesnt think i am at 8.2% but i think the pump factor in the measurement plays a big role. After a workout the muscle stays hard full with blood and that would give a different measurement since there is less skin to measure. Im guessing my BF is around the same or a touch lower though.
today i weighed 192 at the gyms digital but i will stick to the same scale at home so disregard that lol.

Close grip pulldowns: 50x12, 100x5, 150x5, 200x5, 250x5.. 230x3.. 180x2 15 breaths between the last three working sets.
Bent over t-bar style rows: (barbell in corner) 50x10, 90x10, 135x10, 180x4
One arm cable rows: 115x10, 130x9, 95x10

Barbell preacher curls: 70x12, 90x9?...x3....x1.5
Reverse grip cable curls: 35x14

Hanging dumbell stretchout: 120x :35 seconds

When in doubt i stopped if i couldnt keep my form good and when it was getting too heavy i backed off and focused on form. I am thinking i use too much of my dominant muscle groups and dont stretch enough so that i will change. My chest and front delts are murderously sore i stretch on random door frames and walls all day lol.
Ive been feeling good but i need a good nights sleep. I have noticed my legs are bigger which is awesome. If i can even out my proportions during this cycle ill have lots of time later to worry about pressing bigger numbers that is not my objective at this stage given my observations.

I am really liking this cycle, its early i know but i dont have high BP (from what i can tell) i am calm and happy, I had some acne that has cleared up, my testes are still producing and im filling out nicely. I am not bloated and i am hungry and regularily eliminating. I am very impressed with this compound to date.

I got some vids n pics and i will get them loaded up at my earliest convenience.


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Nice update man. Keep em coming.


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Day 19:

Im pretty certain my microdrol wont last 30 days. Im guessing it will be a few days short just by eye balling what is left in the bottle but we'll see.


Barbell squats: 135x12, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 235x7, 155x20
Seated hamstring curl: 105x10, 165x11, take 15 breaths, x11, breaths, x8 + 2 half reps
One legged quad ext: 60x10, 60x10
Seated calf raise: 90x12, 135x8, 125x10, 135x8
Standing calf raise: 105x12, 165x10 drop set 135x9

I think i may be lighter on the scale but i feel good. My boys are hangin in there nice and may be a touch smaller or softer at times but not all the time. I feel that i am thickening out in my upper quads as well as the outer upper portion and my hammies touch at the top which doesnt usually happen. I felt good today, not the strongest ive been but i am working my way back up and showed an improvement of reps and weight on squats and went up 20 lbs on my widows. My alleged "rest" days will be filled with rugby and football and i am stoked to see how this goes.


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At this point I think a guy could half their dose to make it, a person would still have high levels enough, with continued half dosing. to make it 30 maybe even beyond, but I wouldnt go over 42 days. Technically IMO your still on 7-10 days after last dose. Jumping on the TRS and Nitro, at any point now, and continueing 3-4 wks after last dose will not hurt a cycle. JME


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Day 20:

I played 3 games of rugby today as my team is hosting a tournament in town this weekend. I played really well, marked improvement and i was getting lots of good feedback and compliments. In the last game i had atleast 3-4 30+ yard runs and one was almost the whole way down the field running over and through many opposition guys. One teamate said "are you taking some kind of mean powder or something?" . Lol mean powder? but you know what he was getting at. Im stoked! i did have a beer today but i dont recommend drink on cycle. Rugby and beer go together but cycles and beer do not, normally i would have gotten a solid buzz and chugged a few beers in the boat race since i can chug like no other on my team or that i have come across often.

I am still having acne in spots, some ingrown hairs and a touch oily. I am happy and positive and physically excelling. No bloating, wieght seems to be down a bit or holding steady we'll see after this weekend. Tommorow i have 1 rugby game, finals, and two football games but i wont be able to do both at the same time so i may leave rugby early or miss one football game.

I tweaked my bicep and back today, i played three games of rugby in the cold and trained legs yesterday.... I am going to be hurting tommorow.... rugby and football still left to go.. im goona smash it like a champ anyway.


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Great info, really detailed log my friend, keep it up.


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Great info, really detailed log my friend, keep it up.
Agreed! Keep up the great work bro! That rugby session sounds like a blast, I've always been interested in that sport!



  • Legend!
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Sup SWG?


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Great info, really detailed log my friend, keep it up.
Will do bro.

Agreed! Keep up the great work bro! That rugby session sounds like a blast, I've always been interested in that sport!

Its a hard game to play and the partying is usually equally hard, lol.

Bah, im destroyed worked two jobs today and spent last night with my son and my grandfather who is now in a hospice house since he has pneumonia and will likely die soon.


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Day 21:

Played two games of football today, offically won the league rushing title with 17 sacs in 7 games! Playoffs start next saturday. I am quite dehydrated and will be drinking lots of fluids in the days to come. My lips and face are burnt and i am quite stiff but actually feel quite good all things considered. I got trampled a few times, few aches, scratches and burises but less pain than i am used to for sure.

My rugby team won the tourney in a landslide victory and my football team won one and lost one, had to play ironman since we had just enough guys to field.

Nothing else new to report in terms of new effects or side effects.


  • Legend!
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I'm sorry to hear about the grandad man.


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Damn, SWG maybe I'll have to come out of football retirement again......so i can injure my groin again in my first game played.....lol....but seriously if your that short on players maybe i'll come out and play.


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I have two more vids, one of me squatting 235 for 7 or 8 with punthra spotting and one of me doing t-bar rows but i cant find them (im at work). Ive never been a good squatter but i am re tweaking my form taking a wider stance and turning my toes out so that takes time to get comfortable with. Its tough when i used to be able to squat over 400, not the best form, but still. My knees and ankles arent great but im on the come up, and i dropped alot of workouts and excercises. Microdrol has brought me back some of the way. Ive been eating pretty steady and getting rehydrated the last two days so ill get back at it tommorow. No crazy weights for me, soon though, and i have made good progress on this log. Cheers all!


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  • RockStar
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Great vids bro :thumbsup: Adds alot the log! The stance change sounds good, the only downside is the time getting used to it.. Good luck!



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Nice vids you crazy Canadians!


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Damn, SWG maybe I'll have to come out of football retirement again......so i can injure my groin again in my first game played.....lol....but seriously if your that short on players maybe i'll come out and play.
Yeah dude thad be dope, i think you are legally bound by this statement.


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We'll see......


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Day 23:

So i got to thinking about getting in to the gym, and when i would go in. I ate some meals and packed my gym bag then i though what will i train today? My back is still a bit sore (small injury) my left ankle is sprained (mildly) and my right bicep was strained (gettin better).. So i said ill take another day off, keep going with the sups, and get in for the least abrasive workout given said problems ... chest.

I did however do some core work at home since i am eager to get back in.

Crunches: x20, x20, x20
Leg raises: x20, x20, x20
Planks: 1 min, 1 min, 1 min then 30 seconds on each side

I can definitely say the boys are smaller, the acne is clearing up but i am still a bit oilyer than normal with a few irrtated pores ( i dunno red sore wantnot). I feel like the gains have slowed for me but we'll see what the iron says.

I have noticed that dosing 8 hours apart kinda sucks cause i do feel lethargy kicking in after dosing so lets say you get up at 9am dose and get tired.. then you dose at 5pm and get tired... I think it is better to dose at 11am and say 10pm more approprite times to be a touch groggy. If i dose near bedtime and get drowsy who cares. Also for me i workout typically around 7pm-8pm so dosing near this time would be dumb imo.

I am suprisingly calm, maybe more so than normal. I feel at peace, and not aggressive. I am eager to workout but am very conscious of the consequences and take a smarter path. In my workouts i lean towards form and less towards all out abuse of the excercise. I know i can lift more weight.. in the short term but i want to tie in my weak spots and so form is my focus for the time being.

The scale holds steady at 188 and my BF seems constant. The growth period seems well over. Maybe i am jumping to conclusions and a skin stretching workout is in order.


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You can't do as much cardio as you did and expect to go up in weight especially when your naturally lean to begin with.


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The bro' advice crowd is at it again, cheering up a fella who's been lifting for 12 years ("on and off"), has done diverse steroid cycles and comes in at 177 lbs on a 6'2'' frame.

Do any of you guys realize this "gifted" someone should have been told to let his fingers off any juice by anyone even halfway responsible?


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The bro' advice crowd is at it again, cheering up a fella who's been lifting for 12 years ("on and off"), has done diverse steroid cycles and comes in at 177 lbs on a 6'2'' frame.

Do any of you guys realize this "gifted" someone should have been told to let his fingers off any juice by anyone even halfway responsible?

You still lurk around these boards and randomly spout off insults?


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You still lurk around these boards and randomly spout off insults?
Yes, obviously I do. This thread is priceless though, I've already linked it in another forum, and it's the talk of the day.

Seriously, though - if warning someone because he takes potentially VERY harmful substances when there is zero need to take them, and asking the "bro' advice" crowd why it actually encourages this is insulting - then I take pride in being it.


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Your a goof!!!....if you don't have anything positive to say screw off. Especially when your talking crap at under 200lbs at 6'4. Besides who gives a damn what he weighs as long as hè`s happy. No one questions your motives, so who the hell are you to question his!!! Your a joke and go find another forum to spread your hate in.


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Your a goof!!!....if you don't have anything positive to say screw off. Especially when your talking crap at under 200lbs at 6'4. Besides who gives a damn what he weighs as long as hè`s happy. No one questions your motives, so who the hell are you to question his!!! Your a joke and go find another forum to spread your hate in.
:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: 100% priceless, I messed with the "bro advice" crowd, and now I'm paying the price. Btw, I'm benching 155 lbs for 5 reps and now plan my first DS cycle. Can you give me quality advice on the PCT? I want to run Superdrol at 40 mg / day for 8 weeks.

A braindead idea? For sure .... but sadly not so unusual here.


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Yes, obviously I do. This thread is priceless though, I've already linked it in another forum, and it's the talk of the day.

Seriously, though - if warning someone because he takes potentially VERY harmful substances when there is zero need to take them, and asking the "bro' advice" crowd why it actually encourages this is insulting - then I take pride in being it.
At least we all know you take pride in being a tool, I guess someone has to. Glad it isn't me.

SWG isn't misinformed or uneducated. What he wants to cycle or run is his business, and I am pretty sure he understands the dangers of a cycle. And where is this "bro" crowd you speak of? I think the majority of us in here have ran Superdrol before and speak from experience... not to mention I can't recall SWG really asking for advice.

Just because of his weight he shouldn't use this? People gain and lose weight my friend... we aren't all competitive bodybuilders, nor are we all shooting for 280lbs. What he wants to use is his business, and I think he has been rather responsible with his use.

You waste your time saying something that is only going to ruffle feathers, 3/4 of the way into a cycle. If you really had something pertinent to say (which you don't) you should have said it before he started the cycle. You waste even more time by supposedly linking this thread to another forum. Nothing is gained from what you have done. Nobody is better off from it, you have just made yourself a complete tool by showing us all that you don't have the self esteem to do anything but randomly insult someone who has absolutely no connection to you whatsoever.

If you don't like steroids, or don't think people should be using them, just stay out of the steroid forum... it will save you time and energy and you can go back to "fighting skinny fatness" and eating sauerkraut or whatever else you do over in Germany.


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I just now discovered this thread, GMG. Obv. anyone can do whatever he wishes with his body, as I can comment on what or whomever I feel is approriate.

This thread is pure gold, I especially love your "responsible use" statement when there is no such thing, just abuse of an extremely dangerous substance that has caused trouble for quite some people.


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Yes, obviously I do. This thread is priceless though, I've already linked it in another forum, and it's the talk of the day.

Seriously, though - if warning someone because he takes potentially VERY harmful substances when there is zero need to take them, and asking the "bro' advice" crowd why it actually encourages this is insulting - then I take pride in being it.
Wow i have become "that guy"....

I am now the "djbombsquad" of the bbing world eh....lol.

Well all i can say is to each their own.. do what makes you happy cause life is too short. I have been 225 pounds and i didnt like it, its hard on my joints and i carry alot of that size if not all of it in my torso since i have fused ankle bones and as a result bad knees and back. I am running at a low dose and taking the neccessary precautions i will not run another cycle likely again as i made up my mind at 225lbs 4 years ago that i wouldnt. I like taking microdrol and i like feeling "on" however i largely agree with what you write.

If you judge me by this thread its clear you are out to express some inward need to be critical on others, a view i myself have chosen in the past. I have told ppl how irresponsible they are and why i think they are dumb and how i think they are hurting themselves. I dont cruise the board looking for ppl to mock anymore, however correct i may be. I focus on myself, my family and my life and when i saw an opportunity to log a free cycle i was torn given the fact i have tried extremely hard to live a "healthy" lifestyle.

Do you know i have cleansed my body off gall stones as a preventative measure?
Cleansed my body, colon, kidneys, liver and digestive tract?
Ive used detoxifying treatments and medicinal grade supplements as well as undergone Ion cleansing.

I am very passionate and proactive about health and taking care of the body, i do not get sick, i do not see a doctor.. why? Cause most of the time i am my own advocate in my meals, life, attitude and proactive about organic food, world politics and human rights.

Your condescention im sure is deeply rooted in a genuine need to put your accoplimshemnts in the spotlight similar in the way i put mine there with a public log of mediocre lifts and posting.

The herbicides, pesticides, pollution, pharmaceutical drugs, psycotropic agents and flouride in the drinking water all will casue a premature death. Lead is now in our system that should not otherwise be there, mercury in the vaccines and cfcs errode our ozone. Our oceans fill with platic the size of continental USA and wars wage while innocents die and depleted uranium saturates the warzone and soldiers in it, forever daming the people of those regions.

I in a way appreciate your efforts to "inform" me of just how stupid and dangerous my behavior is... consider this tho. Its my life and i am an informed adult. I take full responsibility for my actions and choose to put a cheeseburger in my body ever so seldomly. Why? because briefly, it takes good. Alcohol... leisure drugs... sports... t.v.... SUV's... plastic packaging.. casual sex... none of this is neccessary but we engage in it casue we want to.

Before you tell another of their err consider your own, i have made this mistake and when ppl want your help they will come to you and ask for it. You have not yet earned that right to "educate" me and if you did your words would mean more to me.

If you truly care then wait, pick your spots and those willing to change will find you for the times you quietly supported them. My grandfather is on his deathbed right now and i struggle with the morality of ingesting substances but once again something will kill us one day and you cannot stop all of the harmful sources.

Your logic is no better than mine.. If a man is 250 then it is ok to ingest "toxic 17aa substances" but a stupid little skinny guy like me shouldnt??????

You should be barking up EVERY tree of ANY drug user.
What of drugs that ppl take to mitigate pain? They are toxic and they should just "suck it up" and not ingest harmfull substances right???
I am not comparing myself to them but comparing the logic that one should not ingest "toxic chemicals".

We should not put pesticide on our food, we should not pollute, we should not eat meat, we should not KILL OTHER ppl......

But i am the scapegoat today. I assure you i am a man... someone who thinks for themselves and also accepts accountability and learns from their mistakes and if you knew that you would know you can respectfully approach me and i will definitely hear your concern for me with respect.

You are drug free... well no your not drugs are a part of life and you either knowingly or unknowlingly ingest them and it is through greed and ignorance that this perpetuates.

At 200 lbs you are larger than i but i assure you it takes more strength, more class and more "size" to sit patient, quiet and supportive of others who do harm to themselves for "they know not what they do."
I could go on all day about the times my actions mirrored your own and i have also accomplished much "naturally."
You educate me on bodybuilding and i will educate you on class. Which one is more important? and do you want me shoving anything down your throat?

I will not paste this "on other forums" to mock you. And by that you have proven that this is more about your insecurities than my mistakes.


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Well I'm sure this debate could go on for hours, but I am not gonna waste any more of SWG's log by humoring your skinny-fatness.


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:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: 100% priceless, I messed with the "bro advice" crowd, and now I'm paying the price. Btw, I'm benching 155 lbs for 5 reps and now plan my first DS cycle. Can you give me quality advice on the PCT? I want to run Superdrol at 40 mg / day for 8 weeks.

A braindead idea? For sure .... but sadly not so unusual here.
I am not doing that, i bench more than 155 while my squat #s are crap all my other lifts are great for a guy my size. Puthra is a friend a friend who does not judge me for he is not perfect either.

Why would i go to a bar and spout off about drinking??? If you dont like drinking dont got to bars? You were looking for a reason to pick a fight and ridicule someone and i happen to be it.

But its not really about me, its about you. I hope you find the inner peace that will allow you to accept others and their faults and to accept yourself. It seems you have alot to prove and your not going to accomplish much here in this manner.

I would never advocate for someone to use hormonal supplementation and do not give "bro advice" but some will do it anyway so you have to just look away or support them to do whats safest and smartest even tho it, by nature, is an oxymoron.


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Well i am going to throw in a sarcastic joke....

Maybe one day when i grow up..and weigh 200lbs my shiet wont stink. lol.

Is there anyway that you will post up a video of your 200 pounds of awesome?

Did you see my natty video log, where i was drug free for years??????

I tossed up 285 on incline and shoulder press you for 10 lol.


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I think Zero's quote in your signature says it best.


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why, gifted, why?
I did not want use the open forum for what might come across as slightly offensive - though it certainly is not my intention to sound this way - but where in the world have steroids there place when you are 177 lbs at 6'2''??? Then I read you already have taken numerous hormonal products, and a shiver ran down my spine.

Has it ever occured to you that there's enough room for you to naturally build up a solid body?

Don't resort to the usual "bad genetics" stuff. Of course, you are not blessed with great genes, I certainly am not either, standing almost 6'4'' and at my lowest weighing 156 lbs as an adult. Talk about ectomorph to the extreme.

I now am 200 lbs, 100% drugfree.

Why didn't you try to build yourself up without roids, roids are never a shortcut?

I guarantee you this, you will not get a quality physique with this attitude, and will regret later having taken this 17aa oral trash.


Thanks for the Private message.


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Well said SWG and GMG.....And now back to our regularly scheduled program.


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"Do you know i have cleansed my body off gall stones as a preventative measure?
Cleansed my body, colon, kidneys, liver and digestive tract? Ive used detoxifying treatments and medicinal grade supplements as well as undergone Ion cleansing."

At least you haven't lost your sense of humour.


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Remember those kids in elementary school who had no friends, so they just acted out and picked on random people for the sole reason of getting some sort of acknowledgment or attention, be it good or bad attention?...


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Remember those kids in elementary school who had no friends, so they just acted out and picked on random people for the sole reason of getting some sort of acknowledgment or attention, be it good or bad attention?...
Yes, I happened to fall victim to them quite a few times. But at least they didn't give advice on how to consume harmful substances.


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Why don't you go start a thread stating how horrible prohormones are? Basically, what i'm getting at is why don't you go spout your personal beliefs somewhere else because none of us care what you have to say. Big pat on the back for being natural!!! You keep talking about it so i figured you needed to hear it from someone else. Stick to your beliefs but please go do it somewhere else.....


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Since i have gained weight and lost bodyfat i approximate at day 17 i am up ~17lbs mass or non fat weight. That is a sweet average for a low dose cycle of anything.
I just want to say a big "Sorry", I had not read this amazing feat when barking at you. 17 lbs of pure muscle, that's damn impressive. Btw, where do you hide it on the before / after pics? :laughing:


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Those weren't his after pics........I love the internet! It's the only place that stupid people can run their mouth and not get punched in the face for being a nosy idiot!


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I just want to say a big "Sorry", I had not read this amazing feat when barking at you. 17 lbs of pure muscle, that's damn impressive. Btw, where do you hide it on the before / after pics? :laughing:
If you reread the very post you quoted with your head our of your azz it would be self explanitory. I am not finished yet..... i am running a low dose for 30 days.... i posted the pic, and stated so, that i was posting a picture in reference to the amount of potential water retention and bloating.

It was at the time also an assumtion that since i was heavier with a lower caliper measurement that i had a net lean mass gain or a "not fat" gain. It is obvious that food and water in the system may affect this measurement as well as glycogen retention, so by this, it should a well know fact that gaining 17 pounds of "pure muscle" is not attainable with any compound within the limitations of a human body in 17 days. Due to the intererence of food and water weight measurements were taken upon waking and on an empty stomach.

There is a real difficulty in "judging" ones gain by a photo taken with a mediocre camera in a bathroom. It would be impossible to say with 100% accuracy that anything anyone reports about is factual. With this in mind i post videos, be as honest as i am capable of and make assumptions based upon facts. My net gains are based upon a weight gain accompanied with a crude estimation of net fat loss. When someone gains 10 pounds of mass spread thoughout their entire body acompanied with a slight change in composition, due to compounding factors, would be very difficult to the untrained eye to respectfully report.

I take videos so ppl know i am a real person, i have been posting logs for 4-5 years, not all of them cycles. Due to developing personal relationships and consistently posting "respected posters" typically get less scrutiny since we know, very little, but some tangibles.... as opposed to a smart mouth behind an avatar that is not even the real person, for better or worse.

Anything else?


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[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HtN5yf8_DI"]YouTube - 50 Cent - Hate It Or Love It: MTV Version, Closed Captioned[/nomedia]

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdCfcjmxouo"]YouTube - Audioslave - Be Yourself: Album Version, Closed Captioned[/nomedia]


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Damn SWG, you impress me with being so polite to someone who is such a TOOL!!!


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Good luck with the rest of your cycle, you'll need it.


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You know Spargel, this is a log of SWG's. How about some tact, and just leave his log alone. SWG and the rest of us following along are here to read about his experience with his cycle and workouts. We aren't here to hear your opinion about roids, how skinny fat you are, or really anything that has to do with you.

Stop being such a waste of DNA and go do something productive with your time.


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So how are you feeling about this cycle? Are you reaching your goals and getting, in part, some retainable gains?


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So how are you feeling about this cycle? Are you reaching your goals and getting, in part, some retainable gains?
Im heading in to the gym right now and ill update to more detail later. I like to think about things thouroughly. I like it, its quite mild and i was quite out of shape by my standards and it brought me to a better shape quite quickly. I am really fond of the libido raising aspect tho, lol.

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