Poseidon Review



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Hey people, this is my first review, but I thought poseidon DEFINATELY deserves another review to its greatness ^_^

I have been using poseidon for about a week now, and I am loving it.

I take once scoop when I wake up(Definately gets your blood flowing and you are ready for the day)
Then I take 2 scoops before basketball practice, and then 1 more scoop at night.

I also take Leviathan Reloaded, and I was able to tell the dif in the mornings when I added poseidon into the mix.
When I take it before basketball, it makes a very notable difference, I frikkin love it. Gets my blood going and it gets everything engaged and ready to play. Our entire team is tired after we get done doing our warmups(Bout 20 mins or so) and everyone is getting short on breath, etc... Because it's basically sprinting/running for 20 mins straight. After adding in poseidon, I don't have the shortness of breath that I used to, in fact, I'm usually ready for more once we take our water break.

I can't really comment on the hydration very much, because I drink a lot of water during the day, so I never really have had a prob with dehydration. The same with the immune system boost, I don't get sick much, so I dunno how well it works. Then again, it does everything else they say it will, why not those too? :)

Some people say they don't like the Niacin flush, but I kinda do. I have found if I take 1-2 scoops with a full glass of water, then have another half or full glass, I don't get much of a "rash" from it. But I've been just taking the powder, then washing it down with a little bit of water. I love the flush ^_^
It's not really like a rash that you get either, I would say it is more of a sunburn, because it's red(Duh) and hot, but mine doesn't itch. It does look like a rash, but it feels a lot more like a sunburn, but it goes away in about 30-40 mins(for me). So you can screw with people at work/school and say you have some disease :)

It also does help with skin tone, I had some acne on my face and upper back before I started on poseidon. It was getting very bad on my face(BAD breakup) but now it is almost completely gone on my face and back :)

I also don't really noticed much of a difference when I take it at night before bed. I always sleep OK and get good rest, so I am sure that it does help if you don't get great sleep.

Overall I would rate poseidon as an 8/10, it loses two points because it doesn't make my bed in the morning, and it tastes like CRAP ^_^ But the effects of it are easily worth the taste for a couple of second. Once you drink it, you have that nasty taste while it is in your mouth, but there is no after taste, so once it is down, the taste goes away.

Sorry if this was just walls of text, but like I said, it's my first, and I plan on doing many more in the future, but they will be of better quality I hope :)

And thanks Nimbus Nutrition for an awesome product that I will be buying monthly :woohoo:


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Poseidon is definetly staple worthy. I almost feel like ive lost a dear friend when I run out and realize I dont have any stock left in the stash.


Idiot Savant
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Thanks for the review ShadowFury. Glad to see another satisfied Poseidon customer.:thumbsup:


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Thanks for the awesome review glad you really like this stuff! :p


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thanks for the review, glad to hear it served you well


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Hopefully my next one will be much better in form and content, etc... but hey, ya gotta start somewhere :)

Still loving that niacin flush :D


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good review! its great stuff!


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I am using it for the first time and love it too. It has helped greatly with my skin and is slowly helping with my fatigue issues. It also makes me warmer when I use it.

I believe it will be a staple for me as I have zero naseau on it. Which I normally get from a multi V, so it s my replacement of sorts.

Awesome product!!


Idiot Savant
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Hopefully my next one will be much better in form and content, etc... but hey, ya gotta start somewhere :)

Still loving that niacin flush :D
If that's the case then it's a nice start Shadow.:D


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If that's the case then it's a nice start Shadow.:D
Thanks :)

Ya, the warming is awesome, especially since it's starting to get cold down here and our coach still has us run outside >_<

I wanna try some Swell + Blast, but I'm still lookin into them :)

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