New to all of this. Where to get started.



New member
I've been lifting since HS Football 20 years ago.
At 23 I put on nearly 100lbs and my lifting and diet didn't change. At the time I didn't have insurance so I didn't go to the doc to see what was going on. I started powerlifting training about 7 years ago and my strength has gotten much better and this year I have gotten down to 275. I'm not looking to compete, I just enjoy the style of training with my friend who does compete. The beginning of this year, I had a bunch of albuterol vials, 3mg, I used for 5 weeks and that really helped launch me into fat loss. I have tried clen working up to 100 mcg/ day, along with K and Taurine supplementation. After 4 weeks, I didn't notice any difference like I had on albuterol.

I've gone to get a blood screen and my test is in the mid-300s and at 36, this seems very unacceptable.

So, to not beat a dead horse, what would be a good starter stack for some fat loss and some elevation in T? I'm not looking to get shredded or compete, I just want this lame ass fat in my gut to diminish.

I welcome any advice, even how noobie of of question and how naive I am about what I'm doing.
You have to get started somewhere at some time, so now is better than not at all.


  • Established
Mid 300s is still considered low normal I believe, so good luck getting a doc to write you a prescription. I would suggest OTC Test booster first and just see if that helps you out some before diving straight into underground gear. There are a bunch of good ones in the market right now. Kings blood, CEL M Test, alpha max xt, are all good options. If you are dead set on using AAS, then a test only cycle is what you are looking for.


Active member
Mid 300s is still considered low normal I believe, so good luck getting a doc to write you a prescription. I would suggest OTC Test booster first and just see if that helps you out some before diving straight into underground gear. There are a bunch of good ones in the market right now. Kings blood, CEL M Test, alpha max xt, are all good options. If you are dead set on using AAS, then a test only cycle is what you are looking for.
I've heard of people crashing their levels with gear to get put on TRT. I'm not sure if something would red flag it on the blood work though. After a PH cycle or something, you could get bloods while your levels are tanked and try to get on TRT lol

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